Esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y adicción a redes sociales en universitarios de Lima Metropolitana
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Portocarrero Ramos, Carlos AlbertoIssue Date
Esquemas maladaptativos tempranosAdicción a redes sociales
Estudiantes universitarios
Early maladaptive schemas
Social media addiction
College students
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Early maladaptive schemas and addiction to social networks in university students from Metropolitan LimaAdditional Links
Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos (EMT) y la adicción a las redes sociales (ARS) en universitarios de Lima Metropolitana. Método. Se utilizó un diseño correlacional simple y comparativo. El muestreo fue de tipo no probabilístico por conveniencia, con una muestra de 409 universitarios. Se aplicó el Young Schema Questionnaire Long Form-Second Edition (YSQ-L2) y el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes Sociales (ARS). Resultados. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas y moderadas entre 8 EMT y ARS ( insuficiente autocontrol/disciplina y todas las dimensiones de ARS (r = .44, r2 = .19, p = <.001; r = .34, r2 = .12, p = <.001; r = .33, r2 = .11, p = <.001), abandono y todas las dimensiones de ARS (r = .41, r2 = .17, p = <.001; r = .38, r2 = .14, p = <.001; r = .36, r2 = .13, p = <.001), entrampamiento y la dimensión obsesión por las redes sociales (r = .33, r2 = .11, p = <.001), vulnerabilidad al daño y a la enfermedad y la dimensión falta de control personal en el uso de las redes sociales (r = .31, r2 = .10, p = <.001)). Conclusiones. Existe relación positiva y moderada entre algunos esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y la adicción a redes sociales en los estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana, siendo insuficiente autocontrol/disciplina y todas las dimensiones de ARS, abandono y todas las dimensiones de ARS, entrampamiento y obsesión por las redes sociales, vulnerabilidad al daño y a la enfermedad y falta de control personal en el uso de las redes sociales.Objective. To determine the relationship between early maladaptive schemas (EMT) and addiction to social networks (ARS) in university students in Metropolitan Lima. Method. A simple and comparative correlational design was used. The sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience, with a sample of 409 university students. The Young Schema Questionnaire Long Form-Second Edition (YSQ-L2) and the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (ARS) were administered. Results. Positive and moderate correlations were found between 8 EMT and ARS (insufficient self-control/discipline and all ARS dimensions (r = .44, r2 = .19, p = <.001; r = .34, r2 = .12, p = <.001; r = .33, r2 = .11, p = <.001), neglect and all ARS dimensions (r = .41, r2 = .17, p = <.001; r = .38, r2 = .14, p = <.001; r = .36, r2 = .13, p = <.001), entrapment and the social media obsession dimension (r = .33, r2 = .11, p = <.001), vulnerability to harm and illness and the lack of personal control dimension in the use of social networks (r = .31, r2 = .10, p = <.001)). Conclusions. There is a positive and moderate relationship between some early maladaptive schemes and addiction to social networks in university students in Metropolitan Lima, being insufficient self-control/discipline and all dimensions of ARS, abandonment and all dimensions of ARS, entrapment and obsession with social networks, vulnerability to harm and disease and lack of personal control in the use of social networks.
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