La conducta asertiva del docente y el estrés académico en estudiantes del sexto y séptimo ciclo de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil en una modalidad híbrida de una universidad privada en Lima, 2023
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DocenteEstrés Académico
Conducta Asertiva
Educación Superior
Academic Stress
Assertive Behavior
Higher Education
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The Assertive Behavior of Educators and Students' Academic Stress Among Sixth and Seventh Academic Semesters of the bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in a Hybrid Modality at a Private University in Lima, 2023.Abstract
La investigación tuvo como finalidad analizar la relación entre la conducta asertiva del docente universitario y el estrés académico en los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil en modalidad híbrida, cursando en quinto y sexto ciclo en una universidad privada en Lima. Se determinó que el estrés académico es un problema multifactorial presente en los estudiantes del siglo XXI, aunque existen pocas investigaciones sobre la relación del docente en este contexto. Para ello, se realizó un tipo de investigación básico con un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo correlacional, utilizando un diseño no experimental de corte transversal y un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. La muestra estuvo conformada por 352 estudiantes universitarios y 42 docentes. Se aplicaron como instrumentos el inventario SISCO SV-21 (2018) y el autoinforme de conducta asertiva ADCA-1 (2003). Los resultados indicaron que no existe una correlación directa entre la conducta asertiva del docente y el estrés académico del estudiante universitario. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el estrés académico resulta de una interacción compleja entre diversos factores personales y situaciones del contexto estudiantil, donde el docente es un elemento relevante. En conclusión, los resultados sugieren que el estrés académico es un fenómeno complejo y multifactorial, destacando la importancia de las habilidades asertivas del docente. Potenciar estas habilidades puede contribuir a generar entornos académicos más saludables y propicios para el aprendizaje y bienestar de los estudiantes.The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between the assertive behavior of the teacher and academic stress in the students of the Civil Engineering program in a hybrid modality studying in the fifth and sixth semesters at a private university in Lima. As a result of extensive studies about academic stress it has been determined that it is a multifactorial problem present in 21st century students. However, there is limited research on the demands of the university student's environment, such as the role of the teacher, and its possible relationship with academic stress. Therefore, this research seeks to find that relationship through the more interpersonal competencies of the teacher, such as assertive behavior. This study was a basic type of research conducted with a quantitative approach, correlational in nature, using a non-experimental cross-sectional design and simple random probabilistic sampling. The sample consisted of 352 university students and 42 teachers. The instruments applied were the SISCO SV-21 inventory (2018) and the ADCA-1 assertive behavior self-report (2003). The results indicated that there is no direct correlation between the assertive behavior of the teacher and the academic stress of the university student. These findings suggest that academic stress results from a complex interaction among various personal factors and situations within the student context, where the teacher is a relevant element. In conclusion, the results suggest that academic stress is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, highlighting the importance of teachers' assertive skills. Enhancing these skills can contribute to creating healthier academic environments conducive to student learning and well-being.