Desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas con el uso de la herramienta pictoboard en niños con síndrome de down, trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y discapacidad intelectual en un centro de educación básica especial
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Sotelo Raffo Juan, Luis FernandoIssue Date
Habilidades comunicativasHerramientas tecnológicas
Síndrome de down
Pictoboard. TEA
Discapacidad intelectual
Communication skills
Technological tools
Down syndrome
Pictoboard. TORCH
Intellectual disability
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evelopment of communication skills with the use of technological tools in children with down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (TEA) and intellectual disability in a special basic education centerAbstract
La Victoria, located in the central area of Lima, is a historic and traditional district, with a very rich culture and diversity, but with quite complex social problems that detract from its value. La Victoria Community and Cultural Center was born as a response to these problems and needs of the community, with the main objective of promoting social identity and the sense of belonging. The project is fully justified in all its aspects and levels, showing coherence with the context where it is located, with the people it serves and the needs it seeks to satisfy, providing an architecture rooted in the geographical and cultural context. During the development of this project, I got to know and connect with this place and its inhabitants, proposing a project of and for the community, with an important symbolic value that express the history and culture of the district of La Victoria, as well as coherence with my commitment and vision as an architect, "beauty must be justified to be really beautiful".Technological tools play a crucial role in communication and education development today, particularly for children with special needs. This study aims to implement a technological tool with the primary objective of assessing and promoting progress in the communicative skills of students with down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and intellectual disabilities in a special basic education center located in Lima, Peru. The study sample comprises a group of 19 students, ranging in age from 8 to 11 years. The chosen technological tool for measuring progress in their communication competencies is the application known as "pictoboard," supported by a rubric validated by experts in the field. Upon the conclusion of this research, it is expected to gain a deeper understanding of the significance and potential impact that the use of this tool can have in fostering the development of communicative skills in students with special educational needs.