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Hishikawa Migita, Gladys YreneIssue Date
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http://doi.org/10.19083/tesis/673421Additional Links
La Fábrica Textil Chilca tiene como objetivo mostrar el potencial que tiene la arquitectura industrial, sector poco atendido en nuestro país. Se parte de un análisis para identificar los mayores problemas y se plantean soluciones con criterios constructivos que aporten flexibilidad, adaptabilidad bajo el concepto del “módulo”. La materialidad se vuelve parte integral del diseño tomando a la estructura como elemento principal desde la concepción del proyecto en donde las formas responden al entorno en el que se encuentran.The Chilca´s Textile Factory main purpose is to show the potential that industrial architecture has in our country. The project begins with an analysis with the objective to identify the different problems in the local industrial sector and propose solutions with constructive criteria that contribute and generate concepts as flexibility, adaptability by proposing a modular architecture in the different scales of the project. The materiality turns into an essential criteria of design defining the structure as the principal element from the conception of the forms which respond not only to the function of the factory but also to the environment in which they set in.
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