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La gerencia interpelada: educación en gestión versus formación en valores(2018-07-23)El caso Lava Jato ha desatado el, probablemente, mayor escándalo empresarial que la historia haya conocido. Una trama escalofriante, cuyo esclarecimiento está aún en proceso. Apenas conocemos la punta del iceberg. Sin embargo, los primeros detalles revelan una contundente realidad: la corrupción instalada en el seno de nuestra sociedad y en sus instituciones. ¿Qué nos ello dice del carácter de la gestión?Acceso abierto
The Transformative Role of Technology in Medical Education(Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2024-01-01)Introduction: medical education has undergone a remarkable transformation driven by technological advances in recent decades. The progressive integration of digital tools and innovative technologies has significantly enriched access to educational resources and improved clinical practice. Objective: this analysis aims to evaluate the impact of various emerging technologies in medical education and their influence on clinical practice, highlighting improvements in skills and diagnostic accuracy, as well as the personalization of learning. Methods: a comprehensive analysis of pilot studies and systematic reviews was conducted that evaluated the impact of various technologies on medical education. Data collected from leading institutions were examined and statistical techniques were used to evaluate the effectiveness of these technological interventions. Results: pilot studies demonstrated significant improvements in surgical skills and diagnostic accuracy of medical students who benefited from virtual reality and clinical simulators. The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning has also improved the interpretation of medical data and early diagnosis of diseases. Conclusions: the continued integration of emerging technologies into medical education shows promising potential to personalize learning and improve patient care. However, challenges such as data security and appropriate training must be addressed to ensure successful implementation and lasting impact on clinical practice and medical education.Acceso abierto
Application of mobile reality in the training of health sciences students(Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2024-01-01)Introduction: education in the 21st century has undergone a profound transformation thanks to technological advances. In this context, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as an innovative pedagogical tool that promises to revolutionize the way students acquire knowledge and skills. Objective: establish the impact of augmented reality on the learning of health sciences students at a private university in Lima. Methods: it is a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study, whose sample was 74 health sciences students from a private university in Lima. The survey technique was used and the instrument was the questionnaire. Results: the use of AR was located at an intermediate level with 43,24 % (32), in learning, a medium level was recorded in 40,54 % (30) of the participants; The same trend occurred in the dimensions of both variables. Conclusions: it was determined that AR has a significant impact on the learning process of health sciences students at a private university in Lima, demonstrated through the Chi-square analysis, p-value = 0,023 < 0,05.Acceso abierto
Use of mobile devices in the promotion of health and well-being in young university students(Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2023-01-01)Introduction: in the digital age we live in, mobile devices (DMs) have become a fundamental extension of our lives, and college students are no exception. Young university students are increasingly turning to their MD as multifunctional tools to address aspects related to their physical, emotional and social well-being. Objective: to characterize the use of DM in the promotion of health and well-being in young university students. Methods: the study is cross-sectional with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design, basic type and descriptive level was adopted. The sample was census made up of 89 students from the Faculty of Health Sciences of a public university in Trujillo, Peru. To collect the data, the survey and the questionnaire were used. Results: regarding the use of DM, it was reported that 61,80 % (55) specified a moderate level of use, 21,35 % (19) a high level, and 16,85 % indicated a low level. Therefore, the use of DM motivates them to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, which may be essential to maintain a constant exercise routine. Conclusions: it was possible to specify a moderate level in the use of DM, which suggests that they find a balance between the use of DM for activities such as monitoring physical activity, stress management, access to health information and participation in online communities related to health and wellness.Acceso abierto
Impact of remote work on the occupational health of healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic(Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2023-01-01)Introduction: since the appearance of Covid-19, remote work was implemented in different occupations on a global scale, aiming to continue with the development of activities. In this sense, occupational health was affected in different ways, especially in the case of health workers. Objective: analyze the impact of remote work on the occupational health of healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: the study had a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, and correlational scope. There was a sample of 35 health professionals from a public institution in Lima, Peru. The questionnaire had 28 questions, with a Likert-type scale for the answers. Results: the participants expressed that there is a 45,7 % very good level of remote work and 37,1 % a regular level of occupational health. In addition, the existence of a moderate negative correlation between remote work and occupational health was verified, with r=-0,516 and sig<0,001. Conclusions: a very good level of perception of remote work was obtained, but a regular level in occupational health. In addition, it was verified that remote work has a negative impact on the occupational health of health workers, in the context of the Covid-19 crisis. This serves as a foundation for future emergencies as well as improving the adoption of remote work and its impact on occupational health.Acceso abierto
Analysis of the perception of health professionals regarding the incorporation of emerging technologies in their practice(Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2023-01-01)Introduction: healthcare is currently in the midst of a technology-driven revolution. Emerging technologies (ETs) are disrupting the practice of healthcare professionals in ways that once seemed futuristic, but are now an everyday reality in clinics and hospitals around the world. Objective: to analyze the perception of health professionals regarding the incorporation of emerging technologies in their practice. Methods: it is a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study, whose sample was 107 health professionals who work in different health centers in Lima. The survey technique was used and the instrument was the questionnaire. Results: the participants perceived the incorporation and use of TE in their practice by 63,55 % (68) at a moderate level, 20,56 % (22) reported a high level, while 15,89 % indicated a low level. Conclusions: it was possible to specify a moderate level in the incorporation and use of TE, suggesting an intermediate position in technological adoption in medical care. This provides a solid foundation for future advances and improvements in the implementation of TE in medical practice.Acceso abierto