Relationship Maintenance Scale in Young Couples: Validity Evidence and Reliability of a Short Scale in Peru
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Routledge CODEN JSMTBJournal
Journal of Sex and Marital TherapyDOI
Relationship maintenance has shifted from understudied to extensively researched in the past two decades due to its close association with satisfaction. This study aimed to validate the Relationship Maintenance Scale (EMP) in a sample of young adults in Lima. The sample included 899 participants aged 18–25 (Mean = 20.67, SD = 2.54); 690 females (76.80%) and 209 males (23.20%), all in relationships of at least three months (Mean = 22.05, SD = 19.95). Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to determine the EMP’s structure, with Omega coefficient (ω) estimating reliability. Results indicated a four-factor structure for EMP, removing items 8, 9, 12, and 14, demonstrating good fit (SRMR =.043; CFI =.977; TLI =.971; RMSEA =.058). EMP showed acceptable reliability across factors: Companionship (ω =.78), Affectivity (ω =.83), Complementarity (ω =.77), and Shared interaction (ω =.70), with the latter being less stable. EMP correlated as expected with relationship satisfaction (r ≥.50). In conclusion, EMP is a valid and reliable instrument for future Spanish studies, with further research on psychometric properties recommended.Type
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