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Convex setCylindrical coordinates
GeoGebra AR
GeoGebra suite calculator
Parametric surface
Surface of Flores
Polar curve
Quadric surface
Bounded surface
Flores surface
Anthurium flower
Eight-petal flower
Leaf house
Augmented reality
Show full item recordPublisher
Springer, ChamJournal
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications TechnologiesDOI
10.1007/978-3-031-13588-0_58Additional Links
This research focuses on the application of the definition of a convex set, which allows us to design and build the graph of bounded surfaces described by cylinders whose directrix curve is a polar curve that intersects with a quadric surface or a function defined in two variables and thus generates bounded surfaces to be constructed using the GeoGebra Suite Calculator. Three cases are presented where the importance of the convex set concept in the parameterization of this type of surface is highlighted. In the first case, we establish the surface that we have called the Flores surface and from this surface, we establish the construction of the Anthurium flower, in the second case we design the flower with 8 petals, and in the third case designed the leaf house modeled by Mareines and Patalano, whose structure is shaped like a flower with 6 petals. The construction of these surfaces is carried out using the GeoGebra Suite Calculator application for mobile devices, which through its GeoGebra AR tool allows these surfaces to be extended to an augmented reality environment and in this way visualize, manipulate, and understand the abstraction of these mathematical objects in a dynamic and interactive.Type
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