Recent Submissions

  • Bicentenario de la república: cultura y reforma constitucional

    Gutiérrez Canales, Raúl (Universidad de Lima, 2023-07-07)
    "A partir del bicentenario de la república del Perú y la discusión sobre la posibilidad de iniciar un proceso constituyente, se analiza si efectivamente existen las condiciones para garantizar un cambio de Constitución que responda a los fines del Estado constitucional de derecho. Para tal efecto, se desarrolla los alcances y relevancia de la cultura constitucional, identificando que en el ámbito nacional aun la misma configura un reto. En tal escenario, se precisan algunos elementos que aportan al impulso de acciones que aseguren su presencia en el Estado y en la sociedad, resaltando su consolidación como una política pública transversal que puede ayudar decididamente al fortalecimiento de la institucionalidad y la lealtad constitucional. "
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  • Andragogy reception in school education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru

    Paipay, Dilan; Gomero, Giancarlo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)
    The article addresses how the application of the principles of andragogy is perceived in basic education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. This study has a naturist view, follows a research methodology with a phenomenological design and a quality approach. The analysis is engaged from an interview application semi structured as an instrument applied to twelve teachers in public and private institutions of basic regular education in Peru. Among the results it was found in the teachers training process changing from formal education to online had many issues in its execution due to lack of strategies and technological resources. Besides, most teachers expressed their unconformity with the loaded work process and training they received although they had improvements within their media capabilities. In this sense, teachers manifested the lack of the horizontal principle from the andragogy principle, opposite to this they developed the participation and synergy between professors to face challenges. Furthermore, its manifested in this study that due to the training and transitioning's process complexities some teachers decided to drop out of their educational facilities. The answers obtained offer information to forecast the teachers training in events of worldwide disaster such as COVID-19. According to the results obtained in this study we can have the teachers training process general view highlighting social inequity, educational and digital that has been installed for a long time in these educational systems, both public and private sectors.
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  • Smart Environments through the Internet of Things and Its Impact on University Education: A Systematic Review

    Chamorro-Atalaya, Omar; Morales-Romero, Guillermo; Quispe-Andía, Adrián; Caycho-Salas, Beatriz; Ramos-Salazar, Primitiva; Cáceres-Cayllahua, Elvira; Arones, Maritza; Auqui-Ramos, Renan (International Association of Online Engineering, 2023-01-01)
    At present, there is diverse scientific evidence of the contributions of smart environments (SE) that have positively impacted various urban problems. However, the concept of SE is very broad, so it is relevant to investigate how these technological trends have been integrated into the university educational environment. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore and describe the state of the art on the impact of intelligent environments implemented through the Internet of Things (IoT) in university education. Therefore, a systematic review of the literature was developed. The research was developed with a mixed approach and descriptive scope. From this study, it was determined that the purpose of implementing SE in university education is focused on contributing to the teaching and learning process and managing and optimizing the use of resources provided by the educational environment. In addition, smart classrooms are the type of environments that have been implemented to a greater extent and whose results show a positive impact on indicators such as motivation, participation, interaction, satisfaction, and student attitude. With which it is concluded that universities should reflect on the implementation of institutional policies that lead to the progressive implementation of SE, seeking to transcend from being just simple learning classrooms to sustainable environments that contribute to student health and environmental conservation.
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  • “Es cosa del dinero, siempre del dinero”. Exclusión social, agencia femenina y vínculos familiares en Las maravillas de Elena Medel

    Loayza, Richard Ángelo Leonardo (Universidad de Valladolid, 2022-11-01)
    The article proposes that Las maravillas (2020), by Elena Medel, shows the double social exclusion to which working women in Spain have been subjected, not only because of their status as women, but because they are poor. Likewise, it is desired to demonstrate that Medel's text puts on stage the ability of this social group to reflect on its precarious situation, organize itself and face said exclusion, all thanks to the emergence of female agency. Finally, the novel also affects the permeability of these women's family ties, which are redefined by the social class to which they belong.
  • Contribution of Augmented Reality in Teaching and Learning, in the Midst of COVID-19: Systematic Review

    Chamorro-Atalaya, Omar; Morales-Romero, Guillermo; Quispe-Andía, Adrián; Quispe-Guía, Shirley; Guía-Altamirano, Teresa; Auqui-Ramos, Elizabeth; Linares-Sánchez, Guillermo; Sandoval-Nizama, Genaro; Arévalo-Tuesta, José Antonio (Society for Research and Knowledge Management, 2023-02-01)
    The state of emergency declared in many countries due to the pandemic led universities to consider the incursion of technological tools to give continuity to the teaching and learning process; therefore it is significant to explore results regarding the application of augmented reality (AR) in education. The objective of the research is to generate knowledge from the systematic review of the literature framed in the context of virtual teaching in the midst of COVID-19. A bibliographic review was carried out under a mixed approach, exploratory and descriptive level. The findings showed that the application of AR in learning is not exclusive to any engineering specialty, but, on the contrary, it is versatile and adapts to various curricular contents; Also, the way in which augmented reality is applied is more focused on the use of mobile augmented reality (mobile AR) technology with markerless activation. In addition, it was identified that the factors that were analysed to demonstrate the contribution of AR were: the effectiveness of learning, the predisposition to use AR and the motivation generated by AR. With which it can be concluded that AR in this context has managed to position itself as a learning resource that goes beyond a tool linked to a virtual classroom, since it allows the student to transcend towards immersion in environments with high contextual fidelity. Future research should address which factors influence the improvement of mobile AR activation sensitivity, in different contexts.
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