Invarianza factorial del Reactive/Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) en adolescentes limeños institucionalizados y no institucionalizados
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Factorial Invariance of the Reactive/Proactive Aggression Questionnaire in Institutionalized and Non-institutionalized Lima AdolescentsJournal
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10.35670/1667-4545.v21.n3.36297Additional Links
La agresión es una problemática de importancia para los adolescentes, por ello, la comprensión de este fenómeno es crucial. El propósito de este estudio es analizar la validez estructural y la invarianza del Reactive/Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) en adolescentes limeños institucionalizados y no institucionalizados. Se seleccionaron 344 adolescentes hombres, entre 15 y 17 años (Medad = 16.055, DEedad = .674), el 51.16% se encontraban institucionalizados en un centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación social debido a conflictos con la ley penal. Los resultados muestran que el modelo bidimensional del RPQ presenta índices de ajuste relativamente aceptables (SB-χ2 = 461.463(229), CFI = .914, RMSEA = .054 [.047-.062]). Además, en ambos grupos, se estableció la invarianza configuracional, métrica, escalar y estricta. Se reportan coeficientes omega adecuados para la agresión reactiva (ω = .797) y agresión proactiva (ω = .837). Se concluye que el RPQ es una medida bidimensional, parsimoniosa e interpretable que mide la agresión reactiva y proactiva en los adolescentes ya mencionados.Aggression is an important problem of adolescents, the understanding of this phenomenon is crucial. The pur-pose of this study is to analyze the structural validity and invariance of the Reactive/Proactive Aggression Question-naire (RPQ) in institutionalized and non-institutionalized adolescents from Lima. 344 male adolescents were se-lected, among 15 and 17 years old (Mage = 16.055, SDage= .674), 51.16% were institutionalized in a youth center for diagnosis and social rehabilitation due to conflicts with criminal law. The results show that the two-dimensional model of the RPQ presents relatively acceptable fit indices (SB-χ2 = 461.463(229), CFI = .914, RMSEA = .054 [.047-.062]). Additionally, the configurational, metric, scalar and strict invariance was established in both groups. Adequate omega coefficients are reported for reactive aggression (ω = .797) and proactive aggression (ω = .837). It is concluded that the RPQ is a two-dimensional, parsimonious, and in-terpretable measure that determines reactive and proactive aggression in the aforementioned adolescents.
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