Facultad de Educación: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
Actitudes de estudiantes de escuelas religiosas limeñas respecto a la igualdad de género(2021-11-16)Este estudio presenta el análisis del grado de actitud y predisposición hacia la igualdad de género de 449 estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria pertenecientes a colegios privados y religiosos de Lima (Perú). Para el procesamiento y análisis de los datos se empleó el programa IMB SPSS Statistics V23. Los resultados arrojaron actitudes medianamente favorables del alumnado y con un perfil mayoritariamente adaptativo; es decir, manteniendo una postura políticamente correcta, pero mostrando indicios de desigualdad en el discurso social. Adicionalmente, se evidenció una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las medias de la escala entre hombres y mujeres; donde éstas últimas presentaron puntuaciones más bajas que las acercan más a una actitud sexista. Finalmente, los datos indicaron que ambos sexos presentan déficits significativos en el plano sociocultural.Acceso abierto
¿Terapeutas ocupacionales en la educación? Caminos y posibilidades para/en América Latina y Caribe desde una Comunidad de Práctica(FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2022-01-01)Este trabajo es el resultado de discusiones realizadas en una Comunidad de Práctica para Terapeutas Ocupacionales Latinoamericanos y del Caribe que trabajan con la Educación (TOE Latinoamérica). TOE Latinoamérica surge con el fin de fortalecer el trabajo colectivo de los terapeutas ocupacionales en el campo de la educación dentro de las especificidades de las organizaciones sociales latinoamericanas. Por tanto, aquí venimos a compartir un poco de este camino, presentando tres tópicos en este ensayo: primero, ponemos las razones concretas de nuestra existencia, como trabajamos y cuáles son en realidad las propuestas del grupo; luego, traemos un debate central sobre el derecho a la educación y los problemas históricos que involucran a América Latina y sus poblaciones, así como identificar el rol y significancia del Terapeuta Ocupacional en el acceso a condiciones de igualdad en educación; finalmente, nos parece pertinente señalar el surgimiento del debate actual que involucra a la pandemia COVID-19 y sus impactos en la vida de individuos y poblaciones, que interfiere directamente en la educación, para decir una vez más sobre nuestra tarea terapéutica-ocupacional ante esto.Acceso abierto
Baja representación de docentes varones en la educación primaria peruana(Revista Espacios, 2020-08-16)A partir de un enfoque cualitativo e inductivo, se exploraron las causas de la baja representación masculina en la educación primaria peruana. Se entrevistaron a 15 docentes de espacios rurales y urbanos. Los principales hallazgos apuntan a la presencia de roles y estereotipos de género con matices según el contexto analizado. Además, se advierte la influencia de la cosmovisión andina en los sectores rurales y la fuerte percepción de riesgo social en torno al contacto físico con los niños.Acceso abierto
LA UNIVERSIDAD EN LA ERA VIRTUAL Y EL DESARROLLO DE DISPOSITIVOS DE FORMACIÓN(UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, 2012-11-19)La globalización y la introducción de las TICs son dos fenómenos que vienen transformando a la clásica institución universitaria. En respuesta al nuevo escenario social, económico y del mundo deltrabajo, la Universidad adopta conceptos más flexibles para formar a profesionales que se desenvuelven en un entorno altamente cambiante. En este sentido, las crecientes necesidades de formación continua han requerido la implementación de estrategias educativas diferentes a las tradicionales. Entre estas propuestas, la educación a distancia, bajo modelos más flexibles y con mayor soporte tecnológico, se ha convertido en una alternativa altamente demandada, especialmente por un sector de profesionales que requiere de una actualización y especialización de su formación. Concebir, desarrollar e implementar propuestas educativas híbridas (e-learning, b-learning, móvil-learning, etc.) y “bajo medida” se ha convertido en una especialidad emergente en el campo educativo y en mundo de la empresa. En los últimos años este movimiento ha originado una profesionalización de actores dedicados a la concepción y diseño de formaciones. En este sentido, las propuestas de formación se delinean bajo la forma de un dispositivo resultante de la integración de todos los componentes administrativos, académicos, materiales y humanos requeridos para el funcionamiento de la actividad de enseñanza-aprendizaje a distancia. Se desarrolla la ingeniería de formación como especialidad abocada a las tareas de diseño integral de una formacion en todas sus dimensiones (política, económica, social, metodológica y técnica), y a su vez la ingeniería pedagógica como campo de especialización centrado en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esperamos con este trabajo aportar a los docentes de diversas especialidades herramientas para concebir y diseñar, desde una visión sistémica, dispositivos de formación dentro del marco de un sistema formal de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Acceso abierto
AI in higher education: a systematic literature review(Frontiers Media SA, 2024-01-01)Introduction: The increasing reliance on technology within higher education necessitates a thorough examination of artificial intelligence’s (AI) application in academic research. This analysis aims to elucidate both the advantages and challenges associated with AI utilization, thereby paving the way for future inquiries. Such studies will be instrumental in delineating strategies for the effective integration of AI tools in scholarly research, ensuring their optimal use in advancing the field. Objective: The purpose of this research is to identify the benefits and challenges of the use of AI in the field of scientific research by analyzing experiences that have implemented AI in scientific research carried out at the university level through a systematic literature review. Method: The research questions that guided the systematic literature review were as follows: (1) What are the benefits of using AI in research? (2) What are the challenges of using AI in research? (3) What are the use and benefits of AI in scientific writing including limitations? (4) What are the main lines of research identified in studies that address scientific practice with artificial intelligence in the university context? The articles analyzed were published in 2023. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 85 articles were analyzed. Results: The analysis allowed findings such as the usefulness of ChatGPT in different disciplinary areas, challenges such as being able to identify artificial intelligence resources limitations and benefits such as being able to make processes of different kinds more efficient. Discussion: It was possible to establish that although the studies analyzed identified advantages in the application of AI in scientific research, it was also detected that it is necessary to have a critical and creative look to make use of AI resources, such as ChatGPT, in order to use them only as support tools and thus be able to take care of the rigor and quality in the elaboration of scientific texts. CopyrightAcceso abierto
Evolving attitudes toward online education in Peruvian university students: A quantitative approach(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-05-15)Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated universities' adaptation process toward online education, and it is necessary to know the students' attitudes toward this online education. Objective: To describe the evolution of the attitude toward online education among social science students at a public university in Peru in the academic year 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study uses a quantitative approach, a descriptive level, a non-experimental design, and a longitudinal trend. The sample consisted of 1063 students at the beginning of the class period, 908 during the classes, and 1026 at the end of the class period. The questionnaire for data collection was the Attitude scale toward online education for university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was collected using Google Forms. Results: As a result, the attitude towards online education was predominantly weak negative at the beginning (51.1 %) and during the classes (49.1 %), and weak positive (48.1 %) at the end of the class period. The changes were not significant when comparing the three moments, the levels of attitude toward, intention to adopt, ease of use, technical and pedagogical support, stressors, and need for online education (p-value <0.05). Conclusion: The evolution of the attitude towards online education in the sample had a non-significant positive trend. In the initial and process stages, a weak negative attitude prevailed due to the institution's inexperience and poor digital infrastructure; in the end, the attitude became weak and positive due to the adaptation and need for online educationAcceso restringido temporalmente
Evaluating the intention to purchase genetically modified food by consumers in Panama(Elsevier B.V., 2024-06-01)Genetically modified (GM) foods are important because of their ability to increase crop yields, resist disease and adverse weather conditions, and improve nutritional quality. However, their use generates controversy because of concerns about food safety, benefits and risks due to their consumption. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the importance of these variables. The current study evaluated the variables that explain consumers' intention to purchase GM food in Panama. It was carried out by prospective, quantitative, non-experimental, and correlational research of 385 consumers. A multivariate technique evaluated the model proposed in the current study. Attitude toward food safety showed a negative effect on perceived risks from GM food and a positive effect on perceived benefits from GM food. Also, Perceived risks from GM food presented a negative and significant effect on Attitudes towards GM food and Perceived benefits from GM food showed a positive and significant effect on Attitudes towards GM food. Finally, Attitudes towards GM food positively affected GM food purchase intention. Firms can use these outcomes to prepare new strategies for communication about their products with GM components. Also, governments can use the information to create education programs for the population about GM foods, benefits and risks. Future studies in other regions are needed.Acceso restringido temporalmente
How do university libraries contribute to the research process?(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-09-01)This study uncovers how university libraries contribute to research processes conducted at universities. To do so, a bibliometric and systematic analysis of the literature is presented. The review shows that the line of research on university libraries and their contribution to research is a fragmented field in constant development, with a marked tendency toward the use of qualitative methods and case studies. The original value of this work lies in the creation of a thematic map and a thematic-temporal evolutionary scheme that allows us to understand the main perspectives from which the role of libraries in supporting research activities has been approached. Three time periods that reflect different terms in the conceptualisation of the library are characterised. The study concludes with recommendations, including indications for future research that should consider larger and more diverse samples, involve researchers as the object of study and consider applying quantitative or mixed methods.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Acceptance factors of telemedicine in times of COVID-19: Case Argentina(Pensoft Publishers, 2024-01-01)We performed an analytical, cross-sectional study of 285 consumers to assess the influence of social influence, resistance to use, facilitators to use, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of telemedicine on the intention to use telemedicine of citizens of Argentina in times of the pandemic by COVID-19. The proposed research model was analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Perceived ease of use had a positive effect (0.624) on perceived usefulness; facilitating conditions had a positive effect (0.476) on usage intention; perceived risk (-0.062) and social influence (0.072) did not have an effect on usage intention. Bootstrapping showed that the beta coefficients were statistically significant. The outcomes may provide ideas to healthcare managers to know what an expectation about telemedicine is and develop new services directed to patients. Copyright Schlottke JA et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Acceso abierto
Training courses by metaverse: intention of consumers in Colombia(Routledge, 2024-01-01)The pandemic has led to a surge in virtual training, prompting the need to assess whether people are open to using more advanced technologies, like the metaverse, for academic training. This research aims to identify the factors influencing people’s intention to receive academic training through the metaverse. The study collected responses from 251 individuals in Colombia through an online survey, and the data was analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling technique. The results showed that digital literacy significantly positively affects self-efficacy to participate in the metaverse (0.568; p < 0.001). Furthermore, self-efficacy to participate in the metaverse was found to have a positive impact on people’s intention to participate in the metaverse for academic training courses (0.447; p < 0.001) as well as for daily activities (0.407; p < 0.001). The findings suggest universities can use the metaverse to create globally competitive short and long courses. However, a larger sample size is required to ensure the reliability of the results. Additionally, improving digital literacy is crucial for engaging more users of the metaverse, which can help reduce training costs, ensure consistent learning, and foster collaboration among teams.Acceso abierto
Green entrepreneurial intentions among university students in Chile: use of PLS-SEM(Routledge, 2024-01-01)The current study evaluated factors that explain green entrepreneurship intention (GEI) among 407 university students in Chile, who were presented with an online questionnaire. Thirty-nine questions evaluated their GEI, and the data was analysed using multivariate techniques. Results showed thatconcept development support (CDS), business development support (BDS) and academic training support (ATS) had a positive effect on institutional support (IS). Country support (CS) had a positive effect on self-efficacy (SE). IS did not have a positive effect on SE. Finally, SE had a positive effect on GEI. The model explained 25.3% of GEI. Bootstrapping led support to these results. The effects of CDS, BDS, ATS, CS and SE were positive and significant. Recognizing which factors have a significant effect can be useful to devise university programs aiming to enhance GEI among university students. The results of this paper may provide useful indications about future entrepreneurship and possibly suggest ways in which students’ participation in private companies may create successful green products and services.Acceso abierto
Innovation by integration of Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) method with Scrum-Kanban and use of Monte Carlo simulation for maximizing throughput in agile project management(Elsevier B.V., 2024-03-01)Highly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments (VUCA) complicate and condition project management. With the emergence of agile project management, it is proposed to co-construct it with the client's active participation. Two used agile methodologies are Scrum and Kanban. Scrum is based on executing fast, interactive cycles (Sprints) for the incremental construction of products. Kanban promotes the balance of the continuous workflow through synchronizing tasks and seeking perfection. The combined use of Scrum-Kanban facilitates the integration of the best of both approaches. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) proposes a method for managing constraints in a system (Constraint Management). The Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) method and Buffer Management are practical applications of this theory. This study seeks to maximize the continuous flow of value (Throughput) in agile project management by synergistically integrating the DBR method with Scrum-Kanban. The five-step process is implemented for the planning, executing, and controlling the Kanban board in a Scrum Sprint cycle. Four scenarios are evaluated: (1) Balanced Line; (2) Unbalanced Line; (3) Unbalanced Line Modification 1 - Stable, Robust and Fast; and (4) Unbalanced Line Modification 2 - Focusing and Elevation. Measurement of completed work (Kanban cards in the “Done” column) and final inventory for the Sprint cycle reveals that Simulation 4 is the optimal scenario, achieving the highest average “output” (“Done” cards) with reduced inventory (“Doing” cards). The integration of DBR with Scrum-Kanban maximizes the completed work (Throughput) and minimizes the final inventory of the Sprint cycle, which is corroborated by the principle of Little's Law.Acceso abierto
Biochemical and hemostatic description of a thrombin-like enzyme TLBro from Bothrops roedingeri snake venom(Frontiers Media SA, 2023-01-01)Objective: The current study’s objective is to characterize a new throm-bin-like enzyme called TLBro that was obtained from Bothrops roedingeris snake from a biochemical and hemostatic perspective. Methodology: One chromatographic step was used to purify it, producing the serine protease TLBro. Molecular mass was estimated by SDS-PAGE to be between reduced and unreduced by 35 kDa. Tryptic peptide sequencing using Swiss Prot provided the complete amino acid sequence. Expasy.org by conducting a search that is limited to Crotalinae snake serine proteases and displaying a high degree of amino acid sequence. Results: Ser (182) is inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and TLBro demonstrated the presence of Asp (88) residues. It also deduced the positions of His (43) and Ser (182) in the set of three coordinated amino acids in serine proteases. It was discovered that this substrate had high specificity for BANA, Michaelis-Menten behavior with KM 0 point85 mM and Vmax 1 point89 nmoles -NA/L/min, and high stability between temperatures (15 to 70°C) and pHs (2 point0 to 10 point0). According to doses and incubation times, TLBro degraded fibrin preferentially on the B-chain; additionally, its activities were significantly diminished after preincubation with divalent ions (Zn2 and Cd2). When incubated with PMSF, a particular serine protease inhibitor, enzymatic activities and platelet aggregation were inhibited. Conclusion: The findings revealed distinct structural and functional differences between the serine proteases, adding to the information and assisting in the improvement of the structure-function relationship.Acceso abierto
Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder risk post-COVID-19 in 12 countries in Latin America: a cross-sectional survey(Frontiers Media SA, 2023-01-01)Introduction: Latin America was the region most affected by COVID-19 in the second quarter of 2020, and consequently, the impact on mental health requires evaluation. The aim of this study was to assess the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by bereavement due to COVID-19 in 12 countries in Latin America. Methods: The current study was an analytical cross-sectional study. Validated tests were applied for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and stress (DASS-21), questions about the respondent’s condition or their environment, and demographic questions, as well as the length of the mourning period of suffering. Results: The outcomes demonstrated that the PTSD risk increased for women (p < 0.001), when a friend or acquaintance had COVID-19 (p = 0.002), when a close relative died from COVID-19 (p = 0.010), having severe depression (p <0.001), severe anxiety (p <0.001), severe stress (p <0.001), residing in Chile (p <0.001), Paraguay (p <0.001), Bolivia (p <0.001), Costa Rica (p <0.001) or El Salvador (p = 0.005). On the other hand, there was less risk of PTSD at an older age (p <0.001) or if respondents had a sentimental partner (p = 0.025). In the case of severe PTSD, there was a greater gender risk for women (p <0.001), a close relative dying from COVID-19 (p = 0.017), having severe depression (p <0.001), severe anxiety (p <0.001), severe stress (p <0.001), residing in Chile (p <0.001), Paraguay (p <0.001), Bolivia (p <0.001) and Costa Rica (p = 0.002). It was also observed that there was less risk of severe PTSD at an older age demographic (p <0.001). Discussion: It can be concluded that the percentages of PTSD are high in its clinical presentation as severe, especially among Latin American women.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Higher education student's attitude towards using gamification and its relation with achievement(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023-01-01)The aim of this study was to determine the possible relation between higher education students' attitude towards the use of gamification with their academic performance. 'Gamification is using game-based mechanics, aesthetics and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, promote learning, and solve problems' [1, p. 10]. 280 first year university students taking a basic mathematics course participated in the study. Gamification activities were part of the course. Students were asked to answer a survey that measured their attitude towards the gamification activities and a survey that assessed their motivation. Students were also assessed on mathematical achievement. Correlations between the measures were carried out to find out if there is a relationship between their attitude toward these activities, their motivation and their performance. Results show that there was a significant relation between attitude towards gamification activities and student's motivation (r=.92, p<.01), but two correlations between attitude and motivation with their mathematical achievement were found non-significant (r=.04,p=.65;r=.02, p=.76). These results highlight the importance of using new activities like gamification to keep students motivated, but this has no relation with their performance. A future experimental study is needed to assess the impact of these activities on students learning.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Oral Expression in Higher Level Students from the Virtual Modality(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the virtual modality from a remote teaching context with oral expression in students of a private institution of higher education in Lima, a relationship supported based on the theory of connectivity. For this purpose, basic research was carried out, with a quantitative approach, correlational level and non-experimental design. The population consisted of 240 students and a sample of 118 students from Administration and Business careers. For the collection of data related to oral expression, a rubric was developed; while, for the virtual modality variable from a remote teaching context, an adapted survey was applied, whose reliability, through Cronbach's Alpha, was 0.949. On the other hand, these instruments were validated through expert judgment, who gave their agreement. Thus, from the analysis of the data collected and the application of the hypothesis test, it was shown that there is a positive relationship between the virtual modality from a remote teaching context and oral expression.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Girls Wellbeing: Anxiety And Mathematical Achievement At The End Of Primary School(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)The aim was to determine whether there is a relationship between anxiety and mathematical performance in sixth grade primary school students, and if gender differences exist. Mathematics anxiety is a type of anxiety that affects this specific academic area or it is triggered by it. Studies have shown that students from the beginning of adolescence show mathematics anxiety and it increases as they progress through an academic environment. There is evidence to suggest that two important factors play a role in mathematics anxiety: the educational level and gender. There is consistent evidence that girls tend to be more affected by it than boys, but this has not been studied in primary school. 149 sixth grade students (mean age 140.5 months) from four schools in two Peruvian cities participated in two assessments, one that aimed to assess their level of mathematical anxiety and one that aimed to assessed their mathematical achievement. Results revealed that although there is no relation between mathematical anxiety and mathematical performance in sixth grade students, there are gender differences. Females (n=72) have an almost significant relationship (r=-.227, p=0.56). Presenting a lower mean in mathematics achievement compared to their male counterpart (x=14.05 and 15.71 respectively) and higher anxiety (x=49.92 and 42.64 respectively). This evidence has theoretical and practical implications in education, supporting girls' anxiety, as this could have a negative impact on their academic performance and wellbeing.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Perceptions of higher education teachers about academic dishonesty in students within a virtual environment(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)This study had two aims. The first aim was to identify the perceptions that higher education teachers of an education faculty, in a virtual environment, have about the factors that influence the decisions of the students to carry out dishonest academic behaviors. The second aim was to identify what measures teachers implement to prevent dishonest behaviors. Academic dishonesty is understood as the set of attitudes and actions that have the purpose of deceiving another person, and are carried out when one wants to present an academic work as one's own when in reality it is not in this way, violating the norms of the institution [1]. The present work is a qualitative research of an exploratory nature and a phenomenological approach. Semi-structured interviews were used with eight teachers. Data was analyzed: first, the concept of academic dishonesty, then the mechanism used by teachers and the institution to deal with these behaviors; finally, individual and contextual factors that may influence the student's decision to perform a dishonest behavior.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Strategies to reduce academic stress in postgraduate students in the distance education modality in times of COVID-19(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)The current context of a pandemic associated with a new remote educational modality has generated various effects on the world population. University students, and specifically postgraduate students, face various challenges to adapt to this new reality, which could generate certain levels of academic stress. This research of mixed nature sought, first, to determine the main frequencies of the dimensions of academic stress in 67 students of the master's degree in Education of a private university of Lima for which the Inventory of Academic Stress SISCO SV adapted to this context was applied. Secondly, it aimed to propose and evaluate strategies aimed at improving the psychological well-being of these students based on a focus group made to the students. In the initial findings, certain stressors perceived by the students were identified, such as the overload of tasks and works, the manner of evaluation of the teachers, and the perception about the limited time to do the works. In addition, among the most recurrent symptoms, are chronic fatigue, drowsiness or increased need for sleep, restlessness, and anxiety. From the application of strategies of an emotional and academic nature, there was an improvement in the perception declared by the students, which favored their psychological well-being.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Structural Characterization of Factors for the Digital Training of Public Primary School Teachers: The Peruvian Case(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023-01-01)The aim of this study was to determine the key factors of the digital teacher training system in public primary schools, which aims to improve teachers' digital competence. Digital competence is defined as the creative, critical, and safe use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) [1]. Worldwide, several countries use within their digital training programs institutional frameworks such as the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and/or UNESCO [2] [3]. In Peru, the Framework for Good Teaching Performance, a guiding document for public teachers, only encourages its use according to the purpose of the learning session. In 2020, the Closing Digital Divide strategy revealed that 81% of public teachers required training to integrate technologies into their pedagogical practice. This study used structural analysis to analyse key factors in teachers' training to improve their digital competence. Results showed that among the key factors of the training system were the differentiated support in the use of ICT, the courses based on the participants' profile, the blended learning model, the technological infrastructure within the institutions and the creation of digital competence within the Framework of Teaching Performance. The results provide support to provide guidance to create the required digital training for teachers. Future research should evaluate digital teacher training policies, as well as the role of the school leaders in the implementation of ICT.Acceso abierto