Procrastinación y Autoeficacia Académica en estudiantes universitarios limeños
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Burgos Torre, Kattya SofiaAdvisors
Salas Blas, Edwin SalustioIssue Date
Estudiantes universitariosProcrastinación académica
Autoeficacia académica
Autorregulación académica
Academic procrastination
Academic self-efficacy
Academic self-regulation
University students
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Procrastination and Academic Self-efficacy in University Students from LimaAbstract
El presente estudio es transversal con diseño correlacional (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018), su objetivo es relacionar procrastinación y autoeficacia en el contexto académico; Participaron 178 universitarios a los que se les administró la Escala de Procrastinación Académica (EPA, Dominguez, Villegas & Centeno, 2014) y la escala de Autoeficacia Percibida para Situaciones Académicas (EAPESA, Dominguez, Villegas, Yauri, Mattos & Ramírez, 2012). Se encontró que las variables presentan correlación, la dimensión Autorregulación académica correlaciona positivamente con Autoeficacia académica (.39); asimismo, la dimensión Postergación de actividades correlaciona negativamente con Autoeficacia (-.23). Se halló también, que existen diferencias en las dos variables al comparar los tres grupos de alumnos por ciclos, los alumnos de ciclos intermedios presentan mayores niveles de postergación de actividades que los que inician estudios y que los que culminan los estudios, asimismo se encuentran diferencias por género; las mujeres presentan mayores niveles de autorregulación académica.This research is cross-sectional study with correlational design (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018). The objective is to relate procrastination and self-efficacy in the academic context; 178 university students participated and were administered the Academic Procrastination Scale (EPA, Dominguez, Villegas & Centeno, 2014) and the Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale for Academic Situations (EAPESA, Dominguez, Villegas, Yauri, Mattos & Ramírez, 2012). It was found that the variables are correlated, the academic self-regulation correlates positively with academic self-efficacy (.39); specifically, the postponement of activities dimension negatively correlates with self-efficacy (-.23) It was also found that there are differences in the two variables when comparing the three groups of students by semesters, the students of intermediate semesters present higher levels of postponement of activities than those who star studies and those how finish studies, also it was found there are differences between gender; women have higher levels of academic self-regulation.
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