Área de Humanidades
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Business incubators, performance and effectiveness: A systematic review(Universidad Icesi, 2023-01-01)From their emergence in the 1950s to their popularization in the late 1990s, business incubators have promoted entrepreneurship and innovation worldwide. This article proposes a systematic review of the literature on the evaluation of their performance at the global level. We analyzed 75 articles from Scopus and Web of Science from 2015 to 2021. We identified seven types of evaluations: 1) process management, 2) end results, 3) benchmarking, 4) impact of external networks, 5) learning, and 6) incubate behavior. This study contributes with the identification of a significant change in methodology with a predominance of quantitative (44 occurrences) over qualitative (11 occurrences), and mixed (12 occurrences). In terms of theory, a great dispersion was found. Finally, a research agenda is proposed.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Appropriation of Digital Technology in Popular Education(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)The purpose of this research is to give an account of the appropriation of digital technology by a group of economically vulnerable families, within the framework of a popular education experience, in a district of metropolitan Lima. The methodology used follows the qualitative approach, with case study design, and with exploratory scope. It is concluded that, with adequate planning and strategies, digital appropriation is possible and its results are encouraging; however, the technological limitations of the social segment require constantly updating the process and even resorting to a combination of physical and digital components.Acceso restringido temporalmente
On-site and Online Academic Performance During the Pandemic(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)This article analyzes the on-site and online academic performance obtained in a written communication course at a Peruvian university in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology applied corresponds to Grounded Theory in data collected and codified through two procedures: the reconstruction of pedagogical strategies and the interpretation of quantitative data corresponding to learning outcomes. Despite the adverse context, it is concluded that the effective use of pedagogical approaches overcomes situational constraints. Moreover, it achieves similar learning outcomes in both face-to-face and online modalities.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Dystopia, Capitalism and Posthumanism in Tóquio(2021) by Daniel Galera(Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2022-01-01)The article proposes a reading of the novel Tóquio by Daniel Galera, which narrates, in a post-apocalyptic context, the story of a man who has received his mother's mind in a digital storage device; the dilemma of said man is to elucidate if what is stored there is really his mother or just a simulation. On this basis, it seeks to develop two objectives: the first, to analyze the peculiarities of this dystopia and its relationship with capitalism; the second, to establish the nature of the relationships that humans and posthumans (in this case, cybernetic entities) develop in this context of crisis.Acceso abierto
Postales de la violencia. La representación de la favela en "El sol en la cabeza", de Geovani Martins(University of Warsaw, 2022-01-01)This article aims at analyzing the way Geovani Martins' storybook El sol en la cabeza represents the world of favelas, as well as to reflect on the relationship between such geocultural space and violence. Our main hypothesis is that Martins' representation goes beyond what has traditionally been reported on favelas, namely a dangerous place, marked by criminality, and a generator of violence. It is not that the book denies these attributes, but rather that it reinterprets them, thus demonstrating that reality is more complex than what is propagated in the media. To carry out the analysis, we will focus on three stories from El sol en la cabeza: "La historia de Periquito y Cara de Mono", "La firma" and "El Ciego".Acceso abierto
Masculinity, paternity and power in «Las botellas y los hombres» by Julio Ramón Ribeyro(Universitat Jaume I, 2022-05-20)Although the figure of the father is present in much of the Latin American narrative, the truth is that it has only been approached from a truly theoretical perspective in recent decades, thanks to gender studies and, especially, to masculinities. In this context, the study of paternity emerges as an attempt to understand the father and the various roles that he fulfills in the family and social spectrum, which have varied notably in recent times. Based on this paradigm, this article analyzes «Las botellas y los hombres» by the Peruvian writer Julio Ramón Ribeyro. In the diegesis of this story, the link that occurs between male subjectivity and fatherhood is represented. It has been found that, from Ribeyro's point of view, this link is problematic, because the relationships established between the father and the male child, protagonists of the text, are marked by the contradictory social discourses that exist on masculinity and paternity, those who instrumentalize perverse mandates that in their attempt to discipline men, make them subjects of frustration and pain.Acceso abierto
SATISFACCIÓN CON LA VIDA EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: UN ESTUDIO EN UNIVER-SITARIOS DE LA CIUDAD DE LIMA(2022-09-01)Life satisfaction is a cognitive component of well-being that arises from the subject’s evaluation of his life quality based on multiple criteria. Dealing with new problems involve making decisions that draw upon the development of skills and competencies that help students res-pond to the demands of the university stage. The objective of this study was to determine life satisfaction in times of pandemic in university students in Lima. The population consisted of 6,400 students, from which a sample of 764 subjects was drawn from five (5) universities in the city of Metropolitan Lima. The instrument applied was the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). The psychometric analysis of the scale has an acceptable reliability, as well as excellent construct validity. Regarding the descriptive analysis of the variable, the results show that there is a medium level of life satisfaction, and this is a rather worrying result when considering that the respondents are young people who should have a higher or high level of satisfaction. It is suggested to prioritize greater attention to this problem, as well as to develop research on this variable with other groups equally vulnerable as the university sector.Acceso abierto
Collaborative Professional Learning: Towards the Sustainability of Continuing Teacher Education for Quality Education(GTE-Educational Technology Group, University of the Balearic Islands, 2022-12-01)The social and health crisis is a great challenge for education, as it requires a teacher prepared to "learn to learn" within a context of uncertainty. For this reason, the present study aims to carry out a descriptive and purposeful analysis of Collaborative Professional Learning (CPL), as a sustainable strategy and a driving force for continuous teacher training within the framework of quality education. For this, qualitative research was carried out by means of a semi-structured interview with eight international experts in education, which was conducted through the Atlas TI software version 7.5 in Spanish and subjected to thematic content analysis. The results revealed three emerging categories such as educational research supported by intergenerational collaboration, intra- and inter-institutional community resilience, and socio-emotional development needs for effective collaboration. The importance of Collaborative Professional Learning as a sustainable means for a higher qualification of the teacher in service is concluded, since it fosters their capacity for self-training, reflection and research, as well as learning to live together and learn to transform themselves and society.Acceso abierto
Myth and Identity: A Compilation of Oral Traditions in a University Context from Peru(Routledge, 2023-01-01)Peru is a multicultural country, with a wide wealth of languages and traditions. However, most of the contributions from the Andean and Amazon areas have suffered segregation by members of the majority culture, represented by the Spanish language and centralised in the coastal cities. For this reason, migration to these territories has included the concealment of the mother tongue, cultural mimicry and the loss of identity values. For this reason, this study seeks to achieve the opposite effect: to revalue the Quechua language through the presentation and compilation of oral myths from different Andean localities, thanks to the conception, performance and style of a group of students of the Beca 18 program at a private university from Lima. This means revaluing the cultural elements that are part of the identity of these students, specifying the activity as a form of cultural strengthening, and recovering the myth as a manifestation of oral literature in the Peruvian environment, as well as in the official spaces of culture majority.Acceso restringido temporalmente
TRANSLATE AND CREATE: THE EXPERIENCE OF TRANSCREATION IN A POEM BY E. E. CUMMINGS(Asociacion Peruana de Retorica, 2023-03-11)The theory of poetic transcreation, proposed by the concrete poets Haroldo and Augusto de Campos, leaders of the Noigandres group, proposes understanding translation as a form of creation and knowledge of the poem. Aligned by the ideas of concretism in which the poem is conceived as a combination of formal graphic-phonetic and spatial elements that make an experience possible, the poets-translators understood that their work favored a metalinguistic practice that apprehends the interior of the poem and makes the translation in a search that is not limited to meaning but to sign and matter. In this sense, for those from Campos, translating is studying, but, at the same time, creating. Based on these ideas, this research aims to problematize the concept of transcreation from the translation of a famous poem by the American author Edward Estlin Cummings “a leaf falls” (1958), previously worked by Octavio Paz and Augusto de Campos. We propose that the transcreation of Cummings' piece, the comprehension and analysis exercise, allows the appearance of a poem that recovers the formal and visual intention of the sign.Acceso abierto
Towards a Peruvian Critical Deontology: The Reflection of Antonio Cornejo Polar and Raul Bueno Chavez on the Work of Literary Criticism in Peru(National University of San Marcos. Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, 2022-01-01)This paper aims to explore and argue that in Peruvian literary criticism there is a tradition of reflection on its function. To this end, the critical work of Antonio Cornejo Polar and Raul Bueno Chavez will be analyzed on the basis of "critical deontology", a category that tracks the duties and principles that literary critics maintain are necessary when performing their function. Therefore, this paper reviews Peruvian literary criticism, and in particular the works of Antonio Cornejo Polar and Raul Bueno Chavez, from a deontological valuation. There are three commonalities between the authors propo-sals: First, to consider the social situation as an essential element in the critical activity, since Peru presents a multicultural and multilingual reality; second, to dominate disciplines close to literature, such as sociology, history, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, etc., in order to broaden the interpretative dimension of literary criticism. Finally, the authors recognize that critical activity is also a political and ideological action that takes shape through dimensions that go beyond their personal experience, since it includes training and professional relationships that delimit the spaces for future research.Acceso abierto
Collaborative learning through virtual tools: Analysis of the perception of student satisfaction of teaching performance(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022-05-01)The objective of this article is to identify the results of the evaluation of collaborative learning through technological tools as part of the pedagogical strategies in the virtual teaching process. For the evaluation, the SERVQUAL model was used, through which it was identified that 97.73% satisfactorily evaluate the reliability and security of pedagogical strategies through technological tools used in collaborative learning in the teaching process in virtual environments. The optimal evaluation regarding the reliability of collaborative learning is 100% related to compliance with the syllable, to the teacher's disposition to help them in the use of technological tools and to the conformity of the technological tools used in the subject. Regarding the security of collaborative learning, 100% of the satisfactory evaluation is related to the trust and kindness that the teacher transmitted with the use of technological tools in teaching in virtual environments.Acceso abierto
Soft skills in cardiology telemedicine consultations(Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2021-01-01)Soft skillsAcceso restringido temporalmente
Linguistic activism in the translation from Spanish to Quechua: An analysis of the Letras TV Willakun(Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2021-01-12)As of the publication of the Law on Indigenous Languages (Law 29735), the use of native languages in any public and private space has become more relevant in Peru. The proof of this are television projects that include languages other than Spanish; even the creators of this content demonstrate a position in favor of the diffusion of the native languages and their culture. The objective of this article is to analyze the translation work performed by the interpreters of the micronoticist Letras TV Willakun to evaluate it as a case of language activism in favor of theQuechua language and culture. The work concludes that, after interviewing the interpreters and part of the program’s audience, this is a case of important developing activism in the university environment, despite its difficulties in the translation process.Acceso abierto
Martín Vizcarra Cornejo en el poder: los presuntos actos de corrupción en su contra y su lucha contra la corrupción(Universidad Peruana Union, 2020-08-25)El presente trabajo de investigación presenta un análisis acerca de Martín Vizcarra como actor político en el marco de las consecuencias políticas y judiciales en relación con el tema de corrupción que se le acusa, primero, como gobernador regional de Moquegua (2011-2014), luego, como Ministro de Transportes y Comunicaciones del Perú (2016-2017), y, posteriormente, como máxima autoridad del país (2018-2021). Metodológicamente, se emplea la información obtenida de la documentación periodística y la estadística. En el trabajo se señala que Vizcarra construye estratégicamente una identidad política con la que se opone a la corrupción y con la que contrarresta las acusaciones o denuncias de delitos durante sus distintas gestiones contra la administración pública peruana para favorecer su imagen como político.Acceso abierto
El turismo colaborativo y sus estrategias discursivas: El caso de los anfitriones de Airbnb en Lima-Perú(Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), 2020-07-09)Airbnb es un fenómeno turístico que amenaza la industria hotelera limeña, al mismo tiempo que potencia el turismo de la ciudad. Este sector de alojamiento turístico atrae a millones de personas bajo un discurso de familiaridad, accesibilidad y sentido de pertenencia. Para ello, los anfitriones en Airbnb se encargan de generar discursos altamente persuasivos a través de una serie de estrategias discursivas. Esta investigación analiza las estrategias léxicas y retóricas que emplean los anfitriones limeños para convencer a sus huéspedes potenciales. La data está conformada por 108 muestras discursivas de los anfitriones limeños de cada uno de los 8 distritos más turísticos de la ciudad, los cuales han sido recogidos de la plataforma Airbnb. En este estudio, se concluye que los hospedadores recurren a mecanismos que apelan a la cercanía de los lugares de interés, a los elementos históricos y culturales que poseen, y a la experiencia en el rubro o camaradería, así como también a su propia procedencia, aficiones, trayectoria académica o profesional y vida familiar.Acceso abierto
"La literacidad para legislar”: Una ideología hegemónica reproducida por el diario peruano Correo(Universidad Catolica Silva Henriquez, 2020-05-25)Este estudio analiza la relación entre la ortografía de la excongresista Supa y las valoraciones expresadas por el diario Correo en torno a lo que se considera “la escritura” para legislar. Metodológicamente, se realizó un análisis ideológico del discurso periodístico. En el trabajo se identificaron dos representaciones acerca de la ortografía y la escritura en general. Considerando el modelo autónomo de la literacidad, se explica que Correo asume que la escritura crea y desarrolla habilidades cognitivas de nivel superior, y que conduce al progreso económico, por lo que cualquier persona no puede ser parlamentaria. Por otro lado, desde los nuevos estudios de la literacidad, se concluye que estas asunciones resultan ser creencias insostenibles, e incluso generadoras de racismo, porque la literacidad trasciende los aspectos técnicos y raciales.Acceso abierto
Las palabras compuestas en el aimara de Conima(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-07)Dentro de los procesos de formación de palabras, el mecanismo morfológico de la composición ha sido poco estudiado en el aimara y en otras lenguas andinas. Esta investigación muestra una descripción de las maneras de cómo se conforman las palabras compuestas en la gramática del aimara de Conima. Por tanto, en este trabajo se analizan la estructura y la combinatoria sintáctica de las palabras compuestas en esta variedad lingüística. La data ha sido recogida de los hablantes y de la información procedente de los principales diccionarios en aimara. En este estudio, se concluye que el aimara de Conima forma compuestos a partir de seis patrones sintácticos que siguen la estructura complemento-núcleo. Finalmente, en relación con su tipología, en la indagación se indica que esta variedad emplea la composición para formar palabras compuestas básicamente de orden nominal.Acceso abierto
Síndrome de Burnout y variables sociodemográficas en docentes de una universidad privada de Lima(Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion en Pedagogia, 2018-06)The main objective of this research was to determine the differences among the components of burnout in professors from a private university in Lima according to socio-demographic variables. With this aim in mind, a comparative descriptive research design was used. Also, a specific sample quota was not applied. We collected a total population composed of 260 professors of humanities at said educational institution who teach the following courses: Language, Research, Ethics and Citizenship and Creativity Workshop. In addition, we used the Maslach Burnout Inventory Adaptation and a socio-demographic record handout for university professors as measuring instruments. Finally, from the processing and statistical analysis of the data obtained, we found the following: there are significant differences in the levels of emotional exhaustion by sex and class schedule; also, personal fulfillment according to age, marital status, specialty, highest level of educational attainment and years of teaching experience, among other results. Some results of previous research were corroborated or refuted, especially in relation to the variables sex, age, marital status, level of education and class schedule. Also, from this research, it was identified that the place of undergraduate studies, specialty and years of teaching experience, aspects not studied in depth in the previous studies, could be variables associated with some components of burnout. Finally, in addition to the significant differences mentioned, it was concluded that there are average levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, distortion of the work environment, personal and professional fulfillment in the teachers who formed the study sample. © 2018 Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion en Pedagogia.
Gráficos estadísticos en libros de texto de matemática de educación primaria en Perú(BOLEMA Departamento de Matematica, 2018-08)El presente artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de los gráficos estadísticos según las directrices curriculares y su implementación en dieciocho libros de texto de matemática de Educación Primaria en Perú, los que corresponden a tres series completas y de diferentes editoriales. En ellos se analizan, mediante análisis de contenido, las secciones en las que aparecen estas representaciones, identificado el tipo de actividad que se plantea, los gráficos involucrados, el nivel de lectura y el nivel de complejidad semiótica involucrado. Los libros de texto se adecúan parcialmente a las directrices curriculares en cuanto a la presentación de los gráficos por nivel educativo, el número de actividades propuestas por las tres editoriales es similar. La principal actividad que se solicita en los libros es de calcular y construir. Se observa un predominio del gráfico de barras, un nivel de lectura básico y la representación de una distribución de datos en el gráfico.Acceso abierto