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  • Beyond the classroom: Integrating cutting-edge pedagogies in 6G curriculum development

    Ochoa-Tataje, Freddy; Alanya-Beltran, Joel; Ruiz-Salazar, Jenny; Velarde-Vela, Luis; Perez-Peralta, Eladia; La-Chira-Loli, Monica (IGI Global, 2024-08-09)
    Technology has advanced so quickly that it has had a significant impact on all facets of our lives, including education. Technology has changed how we learn, teach, and engage with educational materials over the years. Innovations in computing, communication, and information technologies have caused a dramatic shift in the educational landscape, moving away from traditional chalkboards and toward digital classrooms. The democratization of education in the last few decades has been brought about by the widespread use of mobile devices, the internet, and digital platforms. This has eliminated regional barriers and increased access to education for people all over the world. With their flexibility, scalability, and ability to provide individualized learning experiences, digital libraries and interactive educational apps have established themselves as essential elements of contemporary education.
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  • Pedagogical paradigms: Enhancing 6G learning experiences for future security professionals

    Ochoa-Tataje, Freddy; Alanya-Beltran, Joel; Ruiz-Salazar, Jenny; Velarde-Vela, Luis; Perez-Peralta, Eladia; La-Chira-Loli, Monica (IGI Global, 2024-08-09)
    The guiding concepts, procedures, and strategies that teachers employ to promote learning are known as pedagogical paradigms. They support the entire educational process and have an impact on how knowledge is organized, disseminated, and assimilated by students. Comprehending the importance of pedagogical paradigms is crucial, as they influence students' learning experiences and their capacity to acquire and utilize knowledge efficiently. The primary goal of education is to equip people with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the opportunities and challenges of both their personal and professional lives.
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  • Evidence-Based Malaria Control and Elimination in the Amazon: Input from the International Center of Excellence in Malaria Research Network in Peru and Brazil

    Ferreira, Marcelo U.; Gamboa, Dionicia; Torres, Katherine; Rodriguez-Ferrucci, Hugo; Soto-Calle, Veronica E.; Pardo, Karim; Fontoura, Pablo S.; Tomko, Sheena S.; Gazzinelli, Ricardo T.; Conn, Jan E.; Castro, Marcia C.; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro; Vinetz, Joseph M. (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2022-10-01)
    Malaria remains endemic in 17 countries in the Americas, where 723,000 cases were reported in 2019. The majority (>90%) of the regional malaria burden is found within the Amazon Basin, which includes nine countries and territories in South America. Locally generated evidence is critical to provide information to public health decision makers upon which the design of efficient and regionally directed malaria control and elimination programs can be built. Plasmodium vivax is the predominant malaria parasite in the Amazon Basin. This parasite species appears to be more resilient to malaria control strategies worldwide. Asymptomatic Plasmodiuminfections constitute a potentially infectious reservoir that is typically missed by routine microscopy-based surveillance and often remains untreated. The primary Amazonian malaria vector, Nyssorhynchus (formerly Anopheles) darlingi, has changed its behavior to feed and rest predominantly outdoors, reducing the efficiency of core vector control measures such as indoor residual spraying and distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets. We review public health implications of recent field-based research carried out by the Amazonia International Center of Excellence in Malaria Research in Peru and Brazil. We discuss the relative role of traditional and novel tools and strategies for better malaria control and elimination across the Amazon, including improved diagnostic methods, new anti-relapse medicines, and biological larvicides, and emphasize the need to integrate research and public health policymaking.
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  • Química a microescala en la enseñanza experimental usando una microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo

    Gonzales-Balladares, Julio David; Toque-Huaman, Evelyn (Facultad de Quimica, UNAM, 2022-10-01)
    This study proposes a laboratory practice at the university level that allows active participation and helps understand the concepts of physical-chemical properties and molecular structures with experimentation as a teaching-learning strategy for microscale chemistry. For it, a quartz crystal microbalance is used to detect variations of small amounts of mass. The microbalance is built with low-cost electronic components, an Arduino UNO board, and an OLED screen to determine the evaporation time at room temperature of pure substances and mixtures with different degrees of volatility: Propan-2-ol, ethanol, and water. And with its use, reduce the cost of the chemical reagents used, the amount of waste generated, and reduce the time in the experiments to allow greater participation in the debate and discussion between students and teachers during practice.
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  • Impact of Digital Marketing on Budamaki Company

    Guadalupe Mori, Victor Hugo; Ogosi Auqui, José Antonio; Obando Pacheco, David Hugo; Cano Chuqui, Jorge (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-01-01)
    Currently, companies have the obligation to acquire new technologies to automate their processes, activities and functions, so that they can guarantee an efficient service. In this article, we present a proposal to implement a web system to improve the digital marketing of the Budamaki Company, thus fulfilling one of its objectives such as developing high quality products and acceptance for its customers. So we opted for the development of a web page for greater interaction with your customers.
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  • Modeling Bounded Surfaces Using Cylindrical Coordinates Using GeoGebra AR

    Espejo-Peña, Dennis Alberto; Flores-Osorio, Alejandro Isaías (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-01-01)
    This research focuses on the modeling of bounded surfaces using parameterizations based on cylindrical coordinates, which is one of the topics of the multivariable calculus course, where it seeks to develop modeling and problem-solving skills in real context, being essential for this to develop geometric skills that allow sketching graphs in space. Therefore, the main objective of the research was to present a modeling case of a sludge decanting tank, through cylindrical coordinates, using the GeoGebra software in its Suite version for mobile devices, in addition to interacting with augmented reality (GeoGebra AR). With this, a didactic, dynamic, and iterative form is proposed where the inter-action between mathematics, engineering and technology is evidenced, and seeks to improve the teaching-learning experience.
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  • Design of Surfaces in Cylindrical Coordinates Using GeoGebra AR

    Flores-Osorio, Alejandro Isaías; Espejo-Peña, Dennis Alberto (Springer, Cham, 2023-01-01)
    This research focuses on the application of the definition of a convex set, which allows us to design and build the graph of bounded surfaces described by cylinders whose directrix curve is a polar curve that intersects with a quadric surface or a function defined in two variables and thus generates bounded surfaces to be constructed using the GeoGebra Suite Calculator. Three cases are presented where the importance of the convex set concept in the parameterization of this type of surface is highlighted. In the first case, we establish the surface that we have called the Flores surface and from this surface, we establish the construction of the Anthurium flower, in the second case we design the flower with 8 petals, and in the third case designed the leaf house modeled by Mareines and Patalano, whose structure is shaped like a flower with 6 petals. The construction of these surfaces is carried out using the GeoGebra Suite Calculator application for mobile devices, which through its GeoGebra AR tool allows these surfaces to be extended to an augmented reality environment and in this way visualize, manipulate, and understand the abstraction of these mathematical objects in a dynamic and interactive.
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  • Asynchronous learning: evaluation of virtual classroom metrics according to the perception of university students

    Morales-Romero, Guillermo; Quispe-Andía, Adrián; León-Velarde, César; Aybar-Bellido, Irma; Auqui-Ramos, Elizabeth; Quispe-Guía, Shirley; Palacios-Huaraca, Carlos (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022-11-01)
    The process and means that the university offers its students must be efficient and of quality, even more so considering the influence of the quality of educational services on student satisfaction. The objective of this article is to analyze the perception of asynchronous learning according to the evaluation of the virtual classroom metrics, carried out by business administration students, the results will allow to continue improving the teaching-learning process in the virtual context of education higher. The methodology of this study is qualitative at the descriptive level, the validation of the data by Cronbach's Alpha, gave a reliability value of 0.985. The results show us that 73.8% of the students perceive that the virtual classroom improved communication and helped the exchange of information between students and 71.4% indicated that the use of the virtual classroom made them more efficient and secure asynchronous learning activities. According to these results, there is a higher percentage of students who consider that the use of the virtual classroom positively influences their asynchronous learning, therefore, it is proposed to continue improving the skills in the use and appropriation of technologies of information and communication technology (ICT) in virtual students.
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  • Virtual tools in distance education: university satisfaction regarding its application as part of teaching strategies

    Morales-Romero, Guillermo; Arévalo-Tuesta, José Antonio; Rodas-Camacho, Lilia; Auqui-Ramos, Elizabeth; Palacios-Huaraca, Carlos; Trujillo-Hinojosa, César; Caceres-Cayllahua, Elvira (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022-11-01)
    When virtual education was implemented in Peru, the limitations of teachers in technological management were evident. For this reason, the research seeks to analyze the perception of university satisfaction regarding the use of virtual teacher tools as part of teaching strategies, in order to improve virtual teaching-learning, achieving student motivation and facilitating this meaningful learning through the use of virtual tools. The method used according to the investigative approach is qualitative, according to its scope it is descriptive and correlational. During the development of the research, it was identified that the satisfaction regarding the use of virtual tools by the teacher is focused on the critical, constructive and positive attitude towards virtual tools and in the acquittal of students' questions regarding the use of virtual tools. On the other hand, the indicator that is related to low student satisfaction focuses on the low diversity of methodological strategies used for the development of virtual learning sessions. Likewise, the Chi-square test shows the significant relationship between the perception of the teacher's competences regarding the use of virtual tools and the perception of the quality of the teaching offered to students during distance education.
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  • Evaluation of the learning management system and its relationship in the perception of engineering students

    Flores-Cáceres, Richard; Dávila-Ignacio, Carlos; Ortega-Galicio, Orlando; Morales-Romero, Guillermo; Trinidad-Loli, Nicéforo; Caycho-Salas, Beatriz; Auqui-Ramos, Elizabeth; León-Velarde, César; Auqui-Ramos, Renan (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022-12-01)
    The objective of this study was to identify the results of the learning management system (LMS) functionality, and its relationship in the perception of electronic engineering students. The results serve as a basis for continuous improvement for the higher institution, because these systems are tools that have the purpose of improving the performance and retention of the student in the virtual teaching-learning process. Initially, the reliability of the data collected was determined using Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a consistency coefficient of 0.868. After processing the data in the SPSS software, using the 5-level Likert scale, it was determined that the indicators that present a better perception are related to the design and ease of navigation. However, 21.4% do not fully agree with the functionality, due to the technical problems presented when downloading the study material. The effect generated by the optimal functionality of the LMS is 70.87% satisfaction in students. The Chi square test validated the cause-effect relationship, with a significance of 0.000, between the functionality of the LMS, on the perception of the students. It determined that the indicators with a greater relationship refer to design, availability (connectivity) and ease of communication and interaction with the teacher and their peers.
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  • Sentiment analysis through twitter as a mechanism for assessing university satisfaction

    Chamorro-Atalaya, Omar; Arce-Santillan, Dora; Morales-Romero, Guillermo; Ramos-Salazar, Primitiva; León-Velarde, César; Auqui-Ramos, Elizabeth; Levano-Stella, Miguel (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022-10-01)
    Currently, the data generated in the university environment related to the perception of satisfaction is generated through surveys with categorical response questions defined on a Likert scale, with factors already defined to be evaluated, applied once per academic semester, which generates very biased information. This leads us to wonder why this survey is applied only once and why it only asks about some factors. The objective of the article is to demonstrate the feasibility of a proposal to determine the degree of perception of student satisfaction through the use of data science and natural language processing (NLP), supported by the social network twitter, as an element of data collection. As a result of the application of this proposal based on data science, it was possible to determine the level of student satisfaction, being 57.27%, through sentiment analysis using the Python library "NLTK"; Thus, it was also possible to extract texts linked to the relevant factors of teaching performance to achieve student satisfaction, through the term frequency and inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach, these being those linked to the use of tools of simulation in the virtual learning process.
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  • Covariational reasoning of university students in an approach to the concept of definite integral through Riemann sums

    Martínez-Miraval, Mihály A.; García-Rodríguez, Martha L. (Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2022-08-01)
    This study aims to analyze changes in mental actions associated with the covariational reasoning of one pair of students when working on tasks to approach the concept of definite integral through Riemann sums. Mental actions are gathered from student interactions in GeoGebra, from their written reports, and from a semi-structured interview applied to one pair of students from an engineering school in Mexico. Data are analyzed with the theoretical construct of covariational reasoning. The results show an evolution in the way students coordinate simultaneous changes between the variables involved in tasks, from the no coordination level to the chunky continuous covariation level. It is concluded that questions to propose conjectures on the use of rectangles in approximation processes to the area of a region, including their justification, and the process of inferring behaviors from hypothetical situations, reveal behaviors associated with higher levels of covariational reasoning.
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  • Thermodynamic and optoelectronic properties of GaAs(1−x) Mx(M = Fe,Cu) ternary compounds via first principles

    Gonzales-Ormeño, Pablo G.; Mendoza, Miguel A.; Schön, Cláudio G. (Elsevier Ltd, 2022-06-01)
    The electronic structure, band structure and optical properties of compounds GaAs(1−x)Mx (M = Fe,Cu), for x=0.25, 0.75, and 1 are discussed via Full-potential linearized augmented plane wave calculations. An increase in absorption in the visible spectrum is observed for all compounds, which, however, is associated with an increasingly metallic character as the metal concentration increases, to the point that compound GaFe is an indirect degenerate semiconductor. The addition of Fe and Cu to the compound decreases its stability, as demonstrated by the formation enthalpies, which become progressively more positive as the content in As is decreased. The calculations were performed using both the PBE and PBEsol exchange correlation potentials and the TB-mBJ method was used to verify the band structure obtained.
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  • Convexity in the Design of Bounded Surfaces and Unconventional Solids Using GeoGebra AR

    Flores-Osorio, Alejandro Isaías; Lobo-da-Costa, Nielce Meneguelo; Espejo-Peña, Dennis Alberto; Cabracancha-Montesinos, Lenin Rolando (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
    The present investigation focuses on the mathematical concept of convexity, as the main tool for the graphic construction of bounded surfaces explicitly and implicitly described, as well as the construction of unconventional solids using GeoGebra. Two cases are presented in which the importance of the concept of convexity is highlighted, in the first situation the convexity is used in the argument of the surface command together with the curves that delimit it to graph a bounded surface, while in the second situation the convexity is evidenced by expressing the coordinates of the surface in parametric form. On the other hand, the 3D graphic view combined with the GeoGebra AR tool allows one to visualize, manipulate, understand and improve the abstraction of mathematical objects that are built in three-dimensional space in a dynamic and friendly environment. These constructions in three-dimensional space that are complex when sketching them with pencil and paper are easier when linking the mathematical definitions with free software such as GeoGebra.
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  • Heavy metals in soils and edible tissues of Lepidium meyenii (maca) and health risk assessment in areas influenced by mining activity in the Central region of Peru

    Orellana Mendoza, Edith; Cuadrado, Walter; Yallico, Luz; Zárate, Rosa; Quispe-Melgar, Harold Rusbelth; Limaymanta, Cesar H.; Sarapura, Vicky; Bao-Cóndor, Diana (Elsevier Inc., 2021-01-01)
    Heavy metal contamination of soil and agricultural products is an environmental problem, has an adverse effect on the quality of food crops, and is a danger to food security and public health. The concentration of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in surface soils and edible hypocotyls tissues of two ecotypes of Lepidium meyenii Walpers (maca) was evaluated in three districts of the Junín province, Peru. In addition, the risk to human health due to exposure to heavy metals from maca consumption was evaluated. Soil samples and maca hypocotyls were collected in areas influenced by mining and metallurgical activity. The mean concentration of Cd (0.32 ± 0.23 mg/kg) and Pb (0.20 ± 0.12 mg/kg) in maca samples exceeded the values established by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization. The bioconcentration factor was less than 1. The estimated daily intake of each metal was below the oral reference dose. The hazard quotient and hazard index were less than 1, it is unlikely to cause non-cancer adverse health outcome. The cancer risk for As and Cd was higher than the tolerable limit (1 × 10−6) in children and adults. In the district of Ondores, the cancer risk for As in children was higher than the acceptable limit (1 × 10−4). Residents of the Ondores district would be more exposed to As and Cd from consumption of maca hypocotyls. It is very important to carry out continuous monitoring of other toxic metals in different ecotypes of maca (red, black, yellow, purple, creamy white, pink) in order to evaluate the variation in the accumulation of heavy metals and the level of toxicity of each metal between ecotypes.
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  • Gamificación en educación desde Web of Science. Un análisis con indicadores bibliométricos y mapas de visualización

    Autor desconocido (Universidad de Cienfuegos “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez”, 2020-12-15)
    El uso de la gamificación ha ingresado con fuerza en todos los niveles del ámbito educativo. Este artículo analiza el comportamiento de la producción científica sobre gamificación aplicada a la educación mediante indicadores bibliométricos y mapas de visualización. Los datos fueron extraídos del Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) y Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) de Web of Science (2012-2018) en dos etapas. En la primera, se analizó la dinámica de la producción científica sobre gamificación recuperando 807 registros. En la segunda etapa, la búsqueda se restringió a las categorías vinculadas con temas de educación, quedando 153 documentos. En los resultados se demuestra que la producción científica se incrementa cada año, asimismo se identificaron las revistas más productivas en la temática. Mediante el análisis de cocitación de autores se identificó la influencia intelectual de la producción sobre gamificación detectando a los autores y comunidades invisibles más representativas. Por último, mediante el mapa de superposición de palabras clave, se evidenció que la gamificación aplicada a la educación toma un enfoque cada vez más tecnológico e innovador.
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  • Flipped Classroom in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis and Proposal of a Framework for its Implementation

    Limaymanta, Cesar H.; Apaza-Tapia, Ludgarda; Vidal, Elizabeth; Gregorio-Chaviano, Orlando (International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE), 2021-05-04)
    The flipped classroom as an educational model is perfectly aligned with the current demands of higher education. Therefore, the objectives of this article were to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of the flipped classroom in higher education (2012-2020) and to propose a framework for its implementation in face-to-face, blended or online learning modalities. The records were recovered from the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus, from which, after a five-phase methodological process, a consolidated dataset of 782 documents was obtained. The results showed the importance of the subject matter as scientific production reflected a continuous growth during the period of study. For their part, the most productive authors come from various institutions worldwide with an H index of over 50. The collaboration indicators show the growth trend of these indexes over the years, which reflects the capacity to generate national and international impact in the documents published in collaboration. The keywords co-occurrence analysis showed that the flipped classroom as a technological and innovative approach is complemented by active learning, blended learning, e-learning, ICT, teaching method, among others. Finally, a framework with five components was proposed as a basic guide for the implementation of the flipped classroom in higher education.
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  • Producción científica sobre ansiedad bibliotecaria: un análisis bibliométrico y cienciométrico desde Scopus

    Suclupe-Navarro, Pier; Limaymanta, Cesar H.; Holmes Ramírez, Néstor; Guillén, Héctor (Editorial CSIC, 2021-04-30)
    La ansiedad bibliotecaria (AB) es el estado de incertidumbre que experimentan algunos usuarios cuando acuden a la biblioteca, cuyo estudio comenzó en los años 80, pero que carece de un análisis métrico actualizado. El objetivo de este estudio fue hacer un análisis bibliométrico y cienciométrico de los artículos sobre AB indizados en la base de datos Scopus entre 1989 y 2018. Se analizaron 118 publicaciones según indicadores de producción, colaboración, impacto y mapas bibliométricos. Se encontró que las publicaciones sobre AB han aumentado progresivamente, que la colaboración de autores fue baja, que una revista influyente en el área fue Library Review, y que los autores con más impacto fueron Onwuegbuzie y Jiao. Asimismo, destacaron palabras clave sobre la formación del usuario y cuatro frentes de investigación: instrumentos de medición, resultados, marcos teóricos y tipos de unidades de análisis. Dichos resultados sugieren que la AB es un tema fructífero de investigación.
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  • Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine.

    Polack, Fernando P; Thomas, Stephen J; Kitchin, Nicholas; Absalon, Judith; Gurtman, Alejandra; Lockhart, Stephen; Perez, John L; Pérez Marc, Gonzalo; Moreira, Edson D; Zerbini, Cristiano; Bailey, Ruth; Swanson, Kena A; Roychoudhury, Satrajit; Koury, Kenneth; Li, Ping; Kalina, Warren V; Cooper, David; Frenck, Robert W; Hammitt, Laura L; Türeci, Özlem; Nell, Haylene; Schaefer, Axel; Ünal, Serhat; Tresnan, Dina B; Mather, Susan; Dormitzer, Philip R; Şahin, Uğur; Jansen, Kathrin U; Gruber, William C (2020-12-10)
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  • Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica latinoamericana sobre COVID-19

    Gregorio-Chaviano, Orlando; Limaymanta, Cesar H.; López-Mesa, Evony K. (Instituto Nacional de Salud (Colombia), 2020-05-28)
    Introducción. La propagación de la COVID-19, una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, se ha convertido en una pandemia que, a la par de su rápida diseminación a nivel mundial, ha traído consigo un aumento exponencial de la cantidad de estudios relacionados con el tema, fenómeno en el que los investigadores de Latinoamérica han participado activamente. Objetivo. Llevar a cabo un estudio bibliométrico descriptivo para identificar las tendencias de la investigación sobre COVID-19 producida en Latinoamérica. Materiales y métodos. Se recurrió a las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y Pubmed para recuperar la producción científica latinoamericana sobre COVID-19. Se analizaron los indicadores bibliométricos de producción, visibilidad, impacto y colaboración para evaluar la participación regional en la investigación sobre el tema. Resultados. El análisis de 142 documentos evidenció un crecimiento exponencial de la producción científica en el corto periodo analizado, una significativa colaboración internacional (51,4 %), y el liderazgo de las instituciones regionales (71 %) en la investigación con aportes en revistas de alta visibilidad, especialmente de Colombia, Brasil y México. Conclusiones. El estudio evidenció resultados relevantes sobre la participación regional en la investigación sobre COVID-19, no solo en cuanto a la cantidad y el crecimiento exponencial, sino también a su calidad y excelencia, con una elevada tasa de colaboración internacional y de publicación en revistas de reconocido prestigio, lo que, además de ser clave para la visibilidad de los países, es un considerable aporte a las investigaciones que se realizan en otros contextos geográficos.
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