Ciencias de la Computación
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Analysis of binge-watching on streaming services by Peruvian young adults(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)This research analyzes the consumption of series by binge-watching on streaming platforms through the Theory of Uses and Gratifications to understand the motives, needs and gratifications obtained from users when performing such practice, as well as the active cognitive processes that occur with the decision of what content to watch and at what time. Analyzing the gratifications sought, sensations and use of streaming platforms will help to understand the binge-watching behavior of young adults. In order to carry out the study, a qualitative approach with phenomenological design was used to obtain the description of experiences of the individuals and causes that influence the phenomenon of compulsive consumption of series and movies.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Use of ICTs for Teaching-learning Oral Communication During the Pandemic(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)In this study, the main objective is to systematize a teaching experience in the development of oral communication competence with the use of ICTs. This study applied a qualitative approach, documentary in scope, and is structured based on the method of systematization of educational experience. Two techniques were used: documentary review and reconstruction of experience from memory. The results on the course improvements were promising: 89.48% of students were satisfied with the applied proposal and 92.95% with teaching performance. We conclude that including ICT in the teaching-learning process facilitates the development of oral competence in university students and requires the active participation of the instructor.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Contributions to the Technological Adoption Model for the Peruvian Agro-Export Sector(IGI Global, 2021-01-01)This paper proposes a technology adoption model called TAM 4, based on the TAM model considering the trust and perceived risk factors to the adoption of technology in response to governments’ concern to achieve competitiveness in the most important economic activities. The methodology used considers the predictive method. The sample was selected from 67 companies related to foreign trade that carry out agro export tasks, with a confidence level of 90% and an error percentage of ± 10% and the 0.787 of Cronbach’s Alpha obtained for the instrument’s validation. In conclusion, 97% of the companies informally adopt technology. This shows that 68% of the companies surveyed in the sector would be willing to adopt the model.Acceso abierto
Critical variables for success in the technology adoption process in the framework of digital transformation(Association for Computing Machinery, 2018-08-25)The objective of the research is to identify the most representative variables considered critical for success in adoption processes in technology applicable to projects based on information technology and communications (ICT) in the framework of the digital transformation of organizations. For its identification, a cause-and-effect analysis is applied where the relationships that exist between ICT projects emerge and a categorization of technology projects for digital transformation framed in a classic evolution of projects, it is believed that before undertaking projects of this type it is important to consult this article in order to know in advance the variables that will guarantee successful projects.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Literature Review of TAM Model Applicable to e-government in Peru’s Agricultural Export Sector(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-01-01)Acceso restringido temporalmente
DeepHistory: A convolutional neural network for automatic animation of museum paintings(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2022-01-01)Deep learning models have shown that it is possible to train neural networks to dispense, to a lesser or greater extent, with the need for human intervention for the task of image animation, which helps to reduce not only the production time of these audiovisual pieces, but also presents benefits with respect to the economic investment they require to be made. However, these models suffer from two common problems: the animations they generate are of very low resolution and they require large amounts of training data to generate good results. To deal with these issues, this article introduces the architectural modification of a state-of-the-art image animation model integrated with a video super-resolution model to make the generated videos more visually pleasing to viewers. Although it is possible to train the animation models with higher resolution images, the time it would take to train them would be much longer, which does not necessarily benefit the quality of the animation, so it is more efficient to complement it with another model focused on improving the animation resolution of the generated video as we demonstrate in our results. We present the design and implementation of a convolutional neural network based on an state-of-art model focused on the image animation task, which is trained with a set of facial data from videos extracted from the YouTube platform. To determine which of all the modifications to the selected state-of-the-art model architecture is better, the results are compared with different metrics that evaluate the performance in image animation and video quality enhancement tasks. The results show that modifying the architecture of the model focused on the detection of characteristic points significantly helps to generate more anatomically and visually attractive videos. In addition, perceptual testing with users shows that using a super-resolution video model as a plugin helps generate more visually appealing videos.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Recurrent neural networks for deception detection in videos(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)Deception detection has always been of subject of interest. After all, determining if a person is telling the truth or not could be detrimental in many real-world cases. Current methods to discern deceptions require expensive equipment that need specialists to read and interpret them. In this article, we carry out an exhaustive comparison between 9 different facial landmark recognition based recurrent deep learning models trained on a recent man-made database used to determine lies, comparing them by accuracy and AUC. We also propose two new metrics that represent the validity of each prediction. The results of a 5-fold cross validation show that out of all the tested models, the Stacked GRU neural model has the highest AUC of.9853 and the highest accuracy of 93.69% between the trained models. Then, a comparison is done between other machine and deep learning methods and our proposed Stacked GRU architecture where the latter surpasses them in the AUC metric. These results indicate that we are not that far away from a future where deception detection could be accessible throughout computers or smart devices.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Data collection of 3D spatial features of gestures from static peruvian sign language alphabet for sign language recognition(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-10-21)Peruvian Sign Language Recognition (PSL) is approached as a classification problem. Previous work has employed 2D features from the position of hands to tackle this problem. In this paper, we propose a method to construct a dataset consisting of 3D spatial positions of static gestures from the PSL alphabet, using the HTC Vive device and a well-known technique to extract 21 keypoints from the hand to obtain a feature vector. A dataset of 35, 400 instances of gestures for PSL was constructed and a novel way to extract data was stated. To validate the appropriateness of this dataset, a comparison of four baselines classifiers in the Peruvian Sign Language Recognition (PSLR) task was stated, achieving 99.32% in the average in terms of F1 measure in the best case.Acceso restringido temporalmente
A Novel Dataset for the Transport Sector in a Province of Peru(2021-01-01)Problems related to public transport and private transport in Peru are persistent. New proposals to solve them arise, currently the world of data analysis is starting in Peru, there are not many open datasets useful that allow proposing solutions in each environment. In this paper, we will collect relevant data of the transport located in a province of Peru with more than 1000 users involved, restricted by a delimited geographic area and with 2 years of operations and more than 3000 transport services tracked. In this way, we highlight the importance of the data, the possible potential uses within the transport, and a case of use of the collected dataset.