Ingeniería Industrial
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Avances sobre ergonomia en tareas de paletizacion(2014-12-31)Objetivo: El siguiente estudio de revisión bibliográfica se propone como objetivo general evidenciar con bibliografía actualizada, estudios que nos permitan comprender la magnitud del riesgo que afronta el trabajador frente a las demandas que exige las tareas de paletizado, a nivel biomecánico, fisiológico y riesgos relacionados al trabajo así como el beneficio de la implementación de apoyos mecánicos. Material y Métodos: Se realizo una búsqueda bibliográfica en los diferentes motores de búsqueda: Google académico, HINARI, revista APPLIED ERGONOMICS de editorial Elsevier y revista ERGONOMICS de Taylor & Francis, así mismo también se usaron textos de consultas actuales sobre ergonomía y biomecánica. Resultados: Se evidencian que la carga física biomecánica al paletizar es alta sobretodo en trabajos donde los trabajadores no tienen experiencia, así mismo la forma de la caja, el tamaño, la distancia de paletizado, la frecuencia y el modo operatorio afecta notablemente el riesgo de lesión en columna lumbosacra así como incrementa el nivel de gasto energético. Se adoptan los criterios establecidos por NIOSH (1994) que establecen no sobrepasar el 50% de la capacidad aeróbica en tareas que duren menos o una hora, el 40 % en tareas que duren entre 1 y 2 horas y el 33% en tareas que duren entre 2 a 8 horas. Conclusiones: Las técnicas posturales empleadas por trabajadores experimentados no garantizan una protección elevada contra el riesgo de lesión de columna, sin embargo las técnicas son mejores y mas estables para disminuir el riesgo que en los trabajadores no experimentados. El costo beneficio es un factor importante al momento de buscar soluciones para justificar el gasto, en el estudio presentado sobre grúas en pacientes se observa que se ahorra hasta en 70% en costos directos e indirectos al trabajador.Acceso abierto
Integrated Maintenance Management to Increase the Availability of Drilling Equipment: Case Study in a Peruvian Mine(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2024-01-01)Drilling equipment is the main asset of mining companies; therefore, a decrease in the operability and availability of such equipment can generate negative impacts on organizations, such as the generation of extra expenses due to the hiring of third parties for the performance of activities and contractual projects. According to statistics from previous studies, the availability of equipment in the sector should be 95% to be considered optimal for use in mining operations. Equipment downtime can be avoided by establishing and following a preventive maintenance schedule and having spare parts and hydraulic components readily available for maintenance. The purpose of this work is the implementation and follow-up of a maintenance management plan based on a failure mode analysis and autonomous maintenance and preventive maintenance with the purpose of keeping the equipment in optimal conditions, maintaining an adequate level of availability and extending the useful life of the assets. With the simulation of the Arena program, a possible availability of 95% was evidenced, which corresponds to being adequate for the optimal operation of the equipment and the continuity of the projects.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Lean Maintenance Design to Optimize the Manufacturing Process: A Peruvian Textile Company Case(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2024-01-01)In recent years, the textile industry has increased its exports compared to previous years and produces thousands of jobs per year. However, some manufacturing companies in the textile industry experience low efficiency, such as the current textile company under study associated with unplanned machine downtime and idle time. In this sense, this study aims to promote the capacity, productivity, and efficiency of textile companies that manufacture garments. Therefore, a Lean Maintenance model supported by the integration of Lean Manufacturing instruments and techniques such as TPM, 5S, Kaizen is proposed in order to improve machine availability and quality through management metrics. After the implementation of the proposed tool integration, the activities of the operations were standardized, an increase in efficiency was generated, and a favorable change in maintenance metrics was achieved.Acceso restringido temporalmente
A diverse, unbiased group decision-making framework for assessing drivers of the circular economy and resilience in an agri-food supply chain(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024-01-01)The circular economy (CE) and supply chain resilience have received significant scientific attention in the recent supply chain literature. Incorporating CE practices and resilience practices into a supply chain enables companies to address their sustainability goals. This research explores the joint impact of implementing CE practices and resilience practices in an agri-food supply chain in Peru. The synergetic assessment of CE practices and resilience practices in a supply chain constitutes a multi-criteria decision-making challenge, requiring the involvement of subject-matter experts. Most studies have selected subject-matter experts based on the researchers’ convenience, which may lead to biased evaluations by some experts, resulting in unreliable study results. To mitigate potential bias, this research introduces a new framework named Diverse and Unbiased Group Decision-Making (DUGDM). Subsequently, the study examines the interaction between the drivers of CE and resilience using the Grey-DEMATEL method. The results indicate that drivers, such as the economic growth level, agricultural contamination, and collaborative operation of multiple firms are most influential in the successful integration of circular economy and resilience into a Peruvian agri-food supply chain system.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Increase of the Availability of Machinery in a Food Company Applying the TPM, SMED and RCM Methodologies(Seventh Sense Research Group, 2024-08-01)The food industry stands as a pivotal contributor to economic and efficient production in contemporary societies. In recent years, Peru has witnessed a notable upswing in the industrial food sector, characterized by the automation of production processes and the consequential shift from manual labor to machinery. Despite these advancements, a pervasive challenge persists – the suboptimal availability of critical machinery due to various failures, leading to operational disruptions and additional costs. This challenge is empirically examined through a case study measuring machinery availability via MTBF and MTTR indicators, revealing suboptimal values according to "World Class" benchmarks, as reflected in the efficiency value measured by the OEE indicator. In response to these findings, a practical and economically viable model adapted to the unique needs of the food sector is proposed. Leveraging fundamental indicators such as MTBF, MTTR, and OEE, deviations from "World Class" standards are identified. The proposed model strategically integrates the second pillar of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology, and the third TPM pillar into the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) tool. This study underscores the inefficiencies stemming from suboptimal machinery availability, highlighted by non-ideal MTBF, MTTR, and OEE values. The proposed model, focusing on TPM and SMED methodologies, demonstrates a tangible enhancement in machinery availability, translating into heightened productivity and reduced operational costs. The proposed improvements, once implemented, are anticipated to deliver enduring benefits, aiming for a sustained positive impact on productivity and cost-efficiency within the food industry.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Sustainable and risk-resilient circular supply chain: A Peruvian paint manufacturing supply chain model(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-06-01)The article aims to propose a comprehensive approach to sustainable practices and risk resilience in a circular economy within the supply chain of a manufacturing company, addressing current challenges in sustainability, risk, and resilience. The interconnectedness of these aspects with the circular economy in the supply chain context is emphasized. The study employs fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy AHP tools in its design to address sustainable practices, risk resilience, and the circular economy in the manufacturing company's supply chain. Fuzzy logic facilitates the management of imprecision and uncertainty, allowing for a flexible and precise evaluation. Fuzzy AHP focuses on ambiguous and subjective criteria, while fuzzy DEMATEL aids in understanding causal relationships among criteria, considering their fuzzy nature and interdependencies. Findings indicate that Supplier 1, Manufacturer 2, and Distributor 1 are the optimal choices, while efficiency (CSC1), security (RR3), and other criteria are identified as the most influential factors. The uniqueness of the study lies in its specific application and adaptation to the paint manufacturing supply chain sector, with a focus on sustainability, resilience, and the circular economy. The distinctive contribution involves customizing established methodologies to address sector-specific challenges, providing a practical tool for strategic decision-making. By applying an integrated approach based on fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy AHP techniques to the Peruvian painting company, the study offers a valuable perspective on the criteria for significant improvements in management, promoting sustainability, and the circular economy at the local level.Acceso abierto
Recursos digitales favorecen el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en tiempos de pandemia(Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Ecuador, 2023-01-09)La implementación de la educación remota o virtual en el año 2020 debido a las medidas de aislamiento obligatorio que, tuvieron como origen la enfermedad de COVID-19, este contexto exigió hacer uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) para permitir que los estudiantes pudieran mantener el derecho de acceder a la educación, por tal motivos se formuló como objetivo de estudio, explorar el uso de recursos digitales que favorecieron el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en tiempos de pandemia; se realizó un estudio bajo el enfoque cualitativo de revisión bibliográfica con 13 artículos. La revisión de la literatura académica permitió concluir que, a pesar del abrupto cambio de la educación presencial a la virtual el empleo de recursos digitales permitió la continuidad del servicio educativo.Acceso abierto
Improvement Model to Increase Productivity Based on the Application of SLP and Lean Manufacturing Tools in a Textile Company(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023-01-01)Currently, the textile industry worldwide is one of the most important for the development of emerging countries. However, like many industries, it is not exempt from the presence of various problems, the most frequent being the presence of low levels of productivity. Which influence the ability of organizations to satisfy the demanding current market. Therefore, in order to address this problem, a plant distribution improvement model was proposed based on the application of methodologies such as Lean Manufacturing and Systematic Layout Planning. From these, an increase in productivity rates was generated through the proper management of resources and processes under a continuous improvement approach.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Maintenance plan model to increase truck availability rate by applying 5S, TPM and Kanban in the construction sector(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023-01-01)Companies in different industries have been searching for alternatives that allow them to build a strategy that can lead to positive results. The implementation of the 5S tool aims to maximise efficiency and speed up the work of employees; unnecessary movements were eliminated by placing tools and equipment in the right position, clearly visible, clean and available. The development of the Total Productive Maintenance tool focused on three pillars: autonomous maintenance 'AM', planned maintenance 'PM' and training and coaching. As a last tool, kanban was applied, which consists of stock control of spare parts through coloured cards. In the present research work, the availability rate of the units in the construction sector was increased from 75% to 90% of the mechanical availability by means of the 5S, TPM and KANBAN tools.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Proposal to increase perfect deliveries in a sanitary distribution company applying a warehouse management system and SCOR model(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023-01-01)Warehouse management systems (WMS) have become increasingly important for distribution companies in recent years. WMS can help companies improve their warehouse performance by optimizing the picking and storage processes, reducing errors, and improving communication. A study investigated the use of WMS to improve the performance of a distribution company in Lima, Peru. The company was experiencing problems with picking and document assignment, which led to a low indicator of perfect deliveries. The study found that the root causes of these problems were inadequate product marking, errors in the storage process, errors in the distribution of documents, and inadequate control in the verifications. The study proposed a model for improving the performance of the company's warehouse based on the use of WMS tools and measured by reference to the SCOR model. This model would use SLP tools, IoT, and diagnostic tools to improve the marking of products, the storage process, the distribution of documents, and the verification process. The study concluded that the proposed model has the potential to improve the performance of the company's warehouse and achieve a higher indicator of perfect deliveries. However, further research is needed to validate the model.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Model to Increase Compliance with Deliveries of Metal Structures Using TPM Tools in a Metalworking Company(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023-01-01)Currently, the metalworking companies in the country are able to meet quality standards and at the same time meet the deadlines established for the delivery of materials. In our present investigation, the problems that the company has had and that as a consequence delayed production delivery times and the advantages that were had when implementing a lean manufacturing tool called total productive maintenance (TPM) are evident. Machine failures were improved, losses and defective products were reduced through its application, a preventive maintenance plan is managed in order to avoid 100% of maintenance being corrective. Therefore, the objective is to increase sales by 10% compared to the previous year with the use of the TPM. Finally, compliance with production deliveries is improved.Acceso restringido temporalmente
A validation model to reduce non-contributory time based on Lean tools: Case of a construction company in Perú(Cogent OA, 2023-01-01)The construction industry has long been suffering from high rates of non-contributory time. Construction processes are likely to include time, which is sometimes lost for non-value-adding operations resulting in time waste. Considering the large percentage of lost time in all operations, this study aims to reduce the high rate of non-contributory time (NCT) in construction services. To test the management model, a Peruvian company was selected as a study case. In this respect, a management model based on mostly implemented Lean tools such as Kanban, 5S, and TPM was utilized. It is of utmost importance to emphasize that this proposal aims to reduce the NCT by up to 25%, as well as reduce the number of orders generated with delay, and eventually reduce the loss or damage of materials and equipment stoppages.Acceso abierto
Lean Service-inventory Management Integrated Model to Improve the Service Level in a Metalworking Company(IEEE Computer Society, 2022-01-01)The importance of the metalworking sector in Peru is reflected in the high demand for machinery, equipment and structures in various economic sectors such as industry, construction, mining, transportation, among others. This makes it a generator of large productive links and employment. Today, the struggle to follow a quality standard that guarantees the production of these goods persists, as well as the effort to improve the customer's perception of the service offered. This study proposes an integrated model to increase the service level of a metalworking company through the use of Lean Service and Inventory Management tools. The results show a 10.13% increase in the service level, thanks to the implementation of engineering concepts such as 5s, Kaizen and Inventory Management.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Model based on the Lean Manufacturing methodology to increase the OTIF of a MYPE company in the textile sector(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023-01-01)Textile companies in Peru are currently facing problems of low productivity and exports, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, generating a deficit in the trade balance and forcing producers to be more competitive. Reason why the national industry seeks to raise the standards of delivering products on time and fully delivering orders, increasing the level of service offered. For this reason, an improvement model is proposed for its application in the printing area of a Peruvian MYPE textile company, which will seek to improve production times and reduce reprocessing in order to increase the company's OTIF. Finally, the validation will be carried out through simulation to rein in the viability of the improvement model in the textile company and to validate the effectiveness of the proposed tools to solve the existing problems in the printing area.Acceso abierto
Proposal for optimization of inspections of electric poles using Lean tools and Last Planner System. An empirical research in Peru(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023-01-01)The efficiency of the public lighting system in electrical maintenance services is essential and aims to ensure compliance with quality in established times. Currently, the company only achieves 59% of work in a period of 6 months, being the minimum set by the case study of 97% of the total work. This study proposes using Lean tools such as Standardized Work, Line Balance and Last Planner System. For this purpose, the process and the times required for the development of activities in different areas will be standardized. The next step will be to calculate the resources needed to start activities, culminating with planning and continuous improvement. The results were validated in the Arena software, one of the critical indicators being the planning effectiveness index (PEI), which is to be increased by 27% concerning the initial scenario.Acceso abierto
Analysis of the water-food nexus for food security in a high Andean Community(Institute of Physics, 2022-01-01)Water and food are facing increasing demand worldwide. This increase is significant in mountainous regions where glaciers are melting, and water availability is in danger. Food demand has also increased with the population growth. This study sought to evaluate relationships between water supply and food demand in a community located in the Peruvian Andes mountainous region. The developed methodology reveals a practical way to identify future problems with food availability. Water supply was evaluated using historical precipitation data. On the other hand, water demand was estimated using meteorological data. Irrigated areas were determined using 2019 agricultural data from the local government. Food consumption was evaluated using a 2019 per capita regional consumption. Results show a water deficit for the current agricultural demand for ten out of the twelve months. The potato was the main crop being produced in the community, among sixteen studied crops. A high percentage of the time, many products were found do not satisfy local demand. For example, the potato was found to secure only fifty-five percent of the total local-demand fifty percent of the time. Current results can help the management of food security.Acceso abierto
A framework for design lean supply chain: a case study in a Peruvian concrete company(Inderscience Publishers, 2022-01-01)This paper seeks to demonstrate the positive effects of a lean supply chain at a concrete company. Management of this lean SC illustrates a new lean SC approach in the Peruvian construction industry. This case study provides a lean SC framework. The proposed methodology is introduced step-by-step according to lean management concepts; each step uses lean tools: visual management, 5S methodology, and standardised work. The findings demonstrate the viability of the methodology. We summarise the results and conclusions obtained in the research. These specific tools improved metrics in each SC process studied: source, make, and deliver. Delivery times were improved by 20%, and SC costs were reduced by 8%. This case study shows the benefits of costs and time. It demonstrates that the lean SC framework and tools applied to an integrated SC achieved exceptional operational results.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Incremento del nivel de servicio en un clúster ferretero a través de la aplicación de metodologías mixtas(Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2022-01-01)The problem identified in hardware SMEs engaged in the marketing and distribution of various products is the poor management of their warehouses because they use long times to carry out the processes of receiving products, storage and picking. In addition, they are unaware of the inventory accuracy, which causes stock ruptures and does not allow in many cases the complete delivery of orders. All this causes the company’s service level to be below standard. The proposal designed consists of the application of the 5S, ABC, System Layout Planning and Work Standardization tools to improve warehouse management. Among the main results of the research, the service level was increased to 95%, the picking process time was reduced by 55%, the storage time by 57% and the product reception time by 63%.Acceso abierto
Conceptual model to reduce non-contributory time based on Lean tools in the construction industry in Peru(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)The construction sector in Peru is growing and is one of the most important, representing 19% of GDP. However, currently, in the construction industry, there is a high rate of non-contributory time, that is, the activities carried out during the construction process have a large percentage of time dedicated to activities that do not add value and lead to losses. This research attempts to reduce the high rate of non-contributory time (NCT) in building maintenance services in a Peruvian company in the construction sector. To achieve this, a conceptual model at the managerial level based on Lean tools such as Kanban, 5S, TPM was proposed.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Model based on TPM and Standardization for the maximization of efficiency in an SME in the plastics sector(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022-01-01)The plastics industry is important in the world due to its recurrent use in daily life and the supply it provides to other sectors such as medicine, transportation, health. Previous studies show that the average difference in global efficiency between the manufacturing industry and the World Class ranges between 15 to 25 percentage points, also affecting the plastics sector. The case study presents a gap of 17% regarding this metric in the thermoforming line. This efficiency gap has had an impact on cancelled orders, which generate 18.8% of annual sales losses. During the analysis it was determined that availability losses are generated by constant machinery breakdowns and quality losses are caused by the high rate of nonconforming products. Thus, in view of the scarcity of efforts in the sector, an efficiency maximization model is proposed that combines the management of time and machinery with the quality associated with the process. To this end, the integration of tools such as 5S, autonomous and planned maintenance to reduce unscheduled stops and standardization under a continuous improvement framework to reduce the sources of quality loss is proposed. In this way, an improvement of 12.15% in the efficiency of the line is achieved, increasing by 3.36% and 10.96% in the Availability and Quality indicators respectively for the M4 thermoforming machine.Acceso abierto