Recent Submissions

  • Storage management model based on Lean Warehouse Management and Systematic Layout Planning

    Marcelo-Alfaro, Emma; Rodríguez-Escobedo, Santiago; Moore-Torres, Rosa; Torres, Carlos (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
    The logistics and storage sector in Peru has experienced significant growth due to increased imports and the trend among companies to outsource their storage processes. This article addresses the challenge of enhancing warehouse efficiency, particularly in the picking and location processes, through a warehouse management model. The methodology employed includes a company diagnosis, Value Stream Mapping, the 5S methodology (a Lean Warehouse Management tool), and Systematic Layout Planning. These approaches aim to improve inventory management and human resource utilization to reduce late order rates. This research demonstrates the application of Lean tools in warehouse management, an innovative concept in Peru, with positive outcomes: reducing the late order rate from 14.69% to 3.71%. Moreover, it proves economically viable with a positive net present value (NPV) of S/. 12,659 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 45.03%. This study contributes to promoting research for enhancing warehouse processes in Peru, addressing a gap in scientific literature on this topic.
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  • Improvement of the storage and inventory management system for grocery stores to increase profits through the implementation of ABC classification and FIFO methodology

    Cerquera Pérez, Luzmaría; De la Cruz Jaureguí, Geraldine; Lopez Cabrera, Magali; Cespedes Blanco, Carlos; Raymundo Ibañez, Carlos (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
    In Peru, convenience stores or grocery stores, considered as micro and small businesses, play a significant role in the country's economy as they contribute substantially to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Moreover, they provide employment for a considerable number of people. In Lima, there are many stores without a digital system to manage their inventories, leading to inefficient organization. They rely on manual recording methods using notebooks, resulting in losses and high costs, negatively impacting their profits. This situation highlights a stagnation in the management of these small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in this subsector due to declining profits, leading store owners to consider closing their businesses due to unprofitability. In response to this situation, a storage management model is needed to reduce losses in the stores. Therefore, the methodology proposed in this work is based on ABC classification, FIFO inventory policies, and product proximity, aiming to increase store profits by reducing losses and enhancing the overall shopping experience.
  • Business management and competitiveness of exporting smes in the peruvian textile industry

    Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Urbina Suasnabar, Cristian; Salas Schwarz, Jorge (Universidad del Zulia, 2024-07-17)
    The objective of this research was to design an operational management model for garment exporting SMEs to increase the level of competitiveness in the international market through a structural analysis in garment exporting SMEs. The methodology used in this research was the deductive method, the scope of the study was descriptive because it is oriented to determine the factors that affect the increase of competitiveness in the international market, by means of a structural equation model of the SMEs exporting garments. The factors that affect the international competitiveness of SMEs are: Operational management, production management, supply and distribution management, human and financial resources management. The results obtained in the research support the importance of implementing an effective operational management model to improve the competitiveness of these companies in the international arena.
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  • Enhancement of the distribution process on light logistics SMEs in times post-pandemic Covid-19 with Ukraine-Russia conflict by lean logistics and big data

    Rojas-García, José Antonio; Elias-Giordano, Cynthia; Nallusamy, S.; Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos (Elsevier Ltd, 2024-01-01)
    The objective of the work was to enhance the competitiveness of e-commerce and to mitigate the disadvantages associated with it, such as the untimely delivery of purchased products. This was to be achieved through the implementation of a proposed methodology in the processes related to the ‘Last Mile’, leveraging Big Data and Lean Logistics to boost the productivity of light logistics SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). To identify the conditions impacting the distribution processes, a study was conducted on a population of 750 S MEs, utilizing a sample of 255 companies through stratified probabilistic sampling. The research spanned the years 2022 and 2023. The methodology advocated in this study combines Lean Logistics and Big Data to enhance the supply chain's efficiency and profitability for SMEs engaged in light logistics, amidst the post-pandemic landscape and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. This methodology was structured into three stages: firstly, the organization of the customer shipment database; secondly, the cleaning of this database to pinpoint records scheduled for distribution; and thirdly, the assignment of delivery rates and probabilities using historical delivery outcomes. The findings suggested that the integration of Lean Logistics and Big Data offers a viable solution for improving the supply chain efficiency and profitability for light logistics SMEs during the post-pandemic period and amidst the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This research's originality is underscored by its novel approach of merging Lean Logistics and Big Data to fortify the supply chain efficiency and profitability for SMEs in light logistics, a synergy not previously identified in existing literature.
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  • Profitability enhancement by digital transformation and canvas digital model on strategic processes in post-Covid-19 in logistics SMEs

    Rojas-García, José Antonio; Elias-Giordano, Cynthia; Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Nallusamy, S. (Elsevier Ltd, 2024-01-01)
    The main objective of every Small and Medium Enterprise is to develop the ability to generate profits permanently over time; However, the Covid-19 pandemic significantly affected the global economy, generating an average reduction of 27% in global production and consumption, as well as a reduction in the use of labor, either due to reduced wages or reduction in working hours, which has had an impact on the increase in poverty. It is in this context that SMEs, with the aim of continuing to operate, implemented a strategy to reinvent themselves, which has been based on the greater use of the Internet and digital platforms with the aim of energizing their market or changing their line of business., will thus develop activities in other areas or new services that did not exist before the moment of this reinvention. In this context, electronic commerce increased in a first stage, promoting the need to develop the so-called ‘last mile’ processes, which is provided most of the time by light logistics companies; However, the lack of agile and rapid implementation methodologies that facilitate the identification and selection of digital technologies appropriate to the processes of SMEs has caused the growth rate of e-commerce sales to decrease, which affects consumption and poverty reduction. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to provide a methodology that allows improving the strategic planning of the organization, adapting the strategy to changes in the environment in an agile and rapid manner, and identifying the resources and actions required that contribute to increasing the productivity through the Digital Canvas Model and Digital Transformation in logistics SMEs in the short term.
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  • Method of marketing products through sales promotion to increase sales in a retail Mype

    Antúnez-Hernández, Diego; Quispe-Cervantes, Lizbeth; Cespedes, Carlos; Torres-Sifuentes, Carlos; Raymundo, Carlos; Dominguez, Francisco (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023-01-01)
    In Peru, micro and small enterprises (Mypes) are of significant importance to the country's economy. However, over 50% of Mypes could potentially disappear due to a lack of customers, which hinders their long-term sales growth. The problem addressed in this research article is the low growth of Mypes in the retail trade sector. Therefore, this research aims to employ a method to increase sales not only for a specific retailer but also for a Mype store within a bazaar. After analyzing the situation of Mypes, a diagnosis of the current situation is conducted, and the main causes of the problem are identified in order to find a product marketing model to increase sales in a Mype. Finally, the model is applied through a case study in a retail Mype located in a popular market in Peru, resulting in a sales growth of 5.95%. In conclusion, the model successfully increased sales and consequently boosted annual sales growth.
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  • Methodology to improve profitability in a company textile industry through the improvement of the recruitment and selection process of human resources using Lean Six Sigma and digital transformation

    Mas, Daniela Cueva; Sandra, Infante Reamirez; Arambarri, Jon; Ibañez, Carlos Raymundo; García, José Antonio Rojas (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023-01-01)
    Abstract– Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) represent 90% of the companies incorporated in the world, their importance is such that they generate between 60% and 70% of employment and 50% of GDP; the Peruvian case is not different from this context since MSMEs generate 85% of employment and contribute 84% of GDP. These companies develop their productive and commercial activity in different economic sectors, including textiles and clothing; This sector, which represents 7.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP), concentrates approximately 700,000 workers and has been growing at average rates of 40% in recent years. However, despite the dynamism and importance of this sector, productivity is extremely low; This is due to different factors, one of these being human capital management; this factor is related to the deficient processes of selection, hiring and training of personnel, which makes it difficult for these companies to have at all times workers who have the skills required to perform in the production processes and thus boost the competitiveness of this sector. To overcome these deficiencies, it has been established as the main objective in the following research to implement an agile and efficient model in the selection, hiring and training processes, which allows reducing staff turnover and contributing to the improvement of productivity based on Digital Transformation and the Lean Six Sigma methodology.
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  • Incremento del nivel de servicio en PYMES de consultoría ambiental mediante un modelo colaborativo entre Data Analytics y PDCA

    Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Chavez-Osorio, Guianella; Guillen-Valdivia, Sebastian (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022-01-01)
    The value contributed by SMEs in the world is between 70% and 90% of global GDP [1]. However, environmental SMEs have shown delay in collecting reports due to lack of knowledge of digital transformation. This problem prevents them from meeting the projected demands. In this sense, to solve the identified problem, the collaborative model with the combination of Data Analytics, PDCA and 5S tools is proposed. The Data Analytics generates a positive link in organizations responds with agility [2] and understanding to the changes that occur and to be able to make decisions in time in an intelligent way and fast execution [3], since a point of benefit is to have the information available to people. The model was validated in an environmental consultancy, where the management of the company's activity is involved from the collection process and the development of key activities in information management and document processing. The generation of potential business drivers [4] allows the company to focus on an impact on core activities and operations [5]. The results were positive, the company was able to increase its indicators of number of completed reports by 95% and level of attention by 15%.
  • Methodology to increase productivity in a production process in a textile company by means of 5S and Standard Work

    Advincula, Elizabeth Aguilar; Ortiz Vigo, Juan Manuel; Ibañez, Carlos Raymundo; Rojas García, José Antonio; Sifuentes, Carlos Torres (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022-01-01)
    At present, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a fundamental component of business development in Latin America, due to the large share of these companies in the national GDP. Despite the fact that SMEs in the textile sector have grown exponentially by taking advantage of opportunities, most of them currently have low productivity. This problem arises due to the lack of knowledge and mastery of tools that help, to a greater extent, to optimize processes, reduce time, and achieve competitive objectives. To overcome these deficiencies, the main objective of the following research is to include the standardization of processes to satisfy the continuous flow in the sector based on an improvement model using 5S and Standard Work in a textile company. The proposed model aims to structure the current processes and create an optimal process, facilitating an increase in productivity.
  • Methodology to improve marketing in an olive company through the use of Scrum and Digital Marketing

    Cuchani-Graham, Priscila; Diaz-Diestra, Valeria; Torres-Sifuentes, Carlos; Céspedes-Blanco, Carlos; Raymundo-Ibañez, Carlos (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022-01-01)
    Companies in the agricultural sector in Peru represent 6% of the national GDP with a significant amount of around 13 billion dollars. This makes the sector very important to understand and promote. Companies that commercialize olive products put all their efforts into increasing consumption of these products, due to their great health benefits. However, most of them have remained stagnant due to the lack of implementation of information and communication technologies, since they do not use means of dissemination of the various properties offered by these products. Also, many of these companies do not seek new markets and remain with the established customers they already have. For this reason, this research will develop a proposal to increase the sales of this product in the Peruvian market. To this end, it seeks to establish a model for the improvement of sales by these companies, using SCRUM and digital inbound marketing tools. The purpose of the combination of these tools will allow the increase of sales and the improvement of the sales process. The case study was developed in a company of the olive sector, located in the department of TACNA, PERU. This company is dedicated to the production of olives and olive oils in different presentations and sizes. This article will show the results of the application of these methodologies that were used with the main objective of increasing sales in the company in question.
  • Commercial Management Model based on the DFSS and BPM Methodology to Increase Liquidity in SMEs in the Retail Commercial Sector

    Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Sanchez-Jimenez, Yasmin; Meza-La Rosa, Catherine (Association for Computing Machinery, 2022-09-27)
    Peru is mostly made up of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). Despite this, these companies often have financing problems, risking their liquidity and, in the long term, their solvency. A company with liquidity problems has a high probability of bankruptcy. Faced with this problem, it was decided to make a model based on the combination of two methodologies, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Business Process Management (BPM). The proposed model was implemented in a Peruvian SME company in the retail commercial sector. In the analysis of the company, it was possible to identify the problems of the company, of which it was decided to solve two of them. As a proposed solution to the chosen problems, a restructuring of the collection policy was carried out. In addition, the opportunity was found to carry out a cumulative points strategy through the marketing strategy used by the company. The result was successful, the company improved the result of its Acid-Test Ratio to 1.3% and increased its liquidity indicator to 1.58%.
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  • Inventory control model based on Big Data, EOQ, ABC and forecast to increase productivity in a hardware SME

    Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Caceres-Paitan, Darien; Avila-Nolasco, Rocio (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023-02-01)
    Within the commercial sector, SMEs represent more than 90% of all companies; they are responsible for 50% of GDP and generate between 60% and 70% of employment worldwide, which is why they are critical in the Peruvian economy. However, through an exhaustive review of the literature and sectoral analysis, we concluded they have a high risk of failure in the short term due to various problems, such as poor inventory management. In Peru, the provisions for carrying out inventories usually have a ratio of between 1% and 1.4% of the total inventory stock; thus, SMEs belonging to the hardware sector more frequently present this problem that affects the profitability of their companies. For this reason, the need arises to design an inventory control model that increases the productivity of hardware SMEs. After the pilot implementation of the first component, an increase in distribution efficiency of 11% is achieved, and its effectiveness is supported by simulating the entire model, obtaining the same results.
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  • Management Model under the BPM Approach and DT Tools to Increase the Level of Sales in a Peruvian Nanostore

    Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Valverde-Huaman, Carla Brenda; Romero-Vega, Martin Alvaro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)
    Retail trade is one of the main economic activities most develop d in the MYPES of Peru; this sector faces the rapid growth of its competitors, which are convenience stores and discount stores, due to the model of modern business that they handle, affect the nanostores. According to the above, nanostores must acquire new ways to grow and outperform their competitors. Therefore, they must adapt to recent technological advances and apply more appropriate strategies for their growth. This study aims to redesign the commercial process of these businesses through the BPM methodology and DT tools to generate higher sales since they are currently at 40. 36% caused by poor management in their business process. After applying the model through the implementation method, sales increased by 69.55%, thus generating a more significant profit.
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  • Digitization model for costs and operating times reduction in Peruvian Banks

    Castro-Nagatomy, Eder; Castillo-Carmelino, Julio; Raymundo-Ibañez, Carlos; Perez-Paredes, Maribel; Dominguez, Francisco (Elsevier Ltd, 2022-11-01)
    Deforestation is one of the problems that is producing a significant impact on the environment in countries that have large extensions of forests such as Peru, caused by different factors such as paper consumption, whose increase in recent years has also generated an increase in the costs and times related to the management and transportation of physical documents. These physical processes were further affected due to the COVID-19 restrictions, having a significant negative impact on customer satisfaction due to some processes that required their presence at bank branches. According to recent research, 90% of financial institutions continue to maintain a traditional document management system that consists of printing, storing and consulting physical documents, due to the lack of culture and activities aimed at digitizing processes; however, this change is possible with a model oriented to the transformation of said processes and the organizational culture; our main motivation to carry out this research was the change that the digitization of processes offers to companies and the environment. Our management model consists of 4 stages: collection of necessary requirements, identification of the main problem and improvement objectives, execution of the 3 management tools selected from our model and validation of the results obtained. The result obtained thanks to the application of the model in our validation case, shows a reduction of 65% of the costs related to document management in the first 3 months, in the following 3 months the reduction suffers an increase to 95.37%. In addition to this, the time to search and obtain documents will be reduced by approximately 99%. In conclusion, we determined that Change Management and Organizational and Infrastructure Management are necessary to be able to transform physical processes into digital ones since these three complement each other.
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  • Efficient selection and evaluation of suppliers: a model for a microenterprise in the textile sector in Lima, Peru

    Cornejo-Cabanillas, Katya; Muñoz-Corales, Ninuzka Alondra; Elias-Giordano, Cinthia; Torres-Sifuentes, Carlos; Raymundo, Carlos (IEEE Computer Society, 2022-02)
    n Peru, the textile sector has experienced a decline in recent years and generates a significant number of direct and indirect jobs. One of the main causes of this is a destabilized supply chain, and supplier management is one of the main obstacles. To improve the fulfillment of the orders of the companies with their final customers, be competitive and to establish a balance and good agreements with their suppliers in a situation of uncertainty, with this study a supplier management model has been developed. It is based on Supply Chain Reference Model and Supplier Potential Matrix which give the framework to evaluate those suppliers who can help to streamline the supply chain. The success of the study is reflected on savings and time reduction for the procurement process.
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  • System of Human Management Processes to Improve the Predictors of Staff Turnover in SMEs Dedicated to the Service Sector

    Morales-Rojas, Grecia; Uchida-Ore, Kaduo; Sotelo, Fernando; Rojas, José (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
    Staff turnover is a consistent threat for companies, as the cost overrun generated by each rotated employee may be between 80% and 130% of an average salary. In Peru, small and medium-sized companies in the service sector have the highest turnover rate (19%). Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of human talent within such types of enterprises and establish relevant mechanisms to curb or reduce the significant predictors of staff turnover. Thus, this paper proposes a system composed of three processes: Workload Distribution, Professional Growth and Development, Compensation and Rewards. For the conceptual validation, experts agree that the probability of success of the expected results of the system is greater than 75%. It can be concluded from this that the proposed system would reduce the probability of employees of SMEs in the service industry leaving the workplace.
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  • Lean Manufacturing Model for Production Management Under Design Thinking Approach to Increase Productivity of Musical Instrument SMEs

    Jimenez-Montejo, Jorge; Llachua-Cereceda, Diego; Elias-Giordano, Cynthia; Raymundo, Carlos (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
    Currently, small- and medium-sized musical product businesses in Peru are in standstill due to low market demand. Under these conditions, venturing into a foreign market can be an option, where according to the reports of the Integrated Foreign Trade Information System (SIICEX), they received great acceptance in 36 countries amounting 497,391 US dollars, but the problem of higher productivity arises for a continuous export. Therefore, a lean manufacturing production management model needs to be developed under the design thinking approach to solve this issue. The proposed validation obtained a significant representation not only by promoting the product line but also in complying with high production standards of the different foreign countries. This study forms a research base to establish a production management model that benefits most SMEs in the 21st century.
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  • BPM Model of Design Management Under a Design Thinking Approach to Implement New Products in Textile SMEs

    Diaz-Cavero, Sebastian; Cano-Salazar, Jean; Raymundo, Carlos (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
    Textile SMEs differ from others by their ability to generate garment designs according to current trends, this is the main competitive advantage of an SME in the field, however, design management refers to management problems from within every company. It seeks to establish a model that can improve the times, costs and satisfaction of workers who collaborate within the design management of textile SMEs, using a BPM management model under the Design Thinking approach, changing the focus of the Design Thinking tool to seek solutions within business problems through the BPM structure and its life cycle A case study was carried out for the validation of the model in a textile SME in Peru, the main results obtained were the improvement of times and costs in management design by 9% and 7%, respectively.
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  • Production Management Method Based on Agile Approach and Lean Manufacturing Tools to Increase Production Levels in Peruvian Metalworking MSMEs

    Portugal-Picon, David; Villavicencio-Arriola, Manuel; Cano-Lazarte, Mercedes; Raymundo, Carlos (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
    In Perú, 90% of companies that employ 50 workers or less have an average life span of only 10 months in the market. This statistic is closely linked to informality and low productivity issues in such companies. Moreover, in March 2020, manufacturing production plummeted to 32.2% owing to low productivity levels exhibited by some companies. Therefore, to improve this situation, a production management method is required to enhance production management at metalworking MSMEs. This research work is based on the design and application of a production method based on lean manufacturing tools and agile methodologies to improve production process performance and meet market demands. Results revealed that manufacturing times reduced to 14.5 min, productivity increased by 30%, and the level of unfulfilled orders reduced by 30%.
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  • Lean Green Production Management Model Under a Circular Economy Approach for Reducing Variable Costs at a Small Plastics Business

    Diaz, Roberth; Gambetta, Marcelo; Rojas, Jose; Raymundo, Carlos (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
    This paper proposes a Lean Green model for increasing profitability in small and medium-sized businesses operating within the plastics sector. This model will use the 5S methodology, KanBan for inventory control and TPM to standardize new corrective and preventive maintenance processes. As an added contribution, a Circular Economy process will be included to reuse products, thus reducing consumption and generating less solid waste. In this way, companies will not only prevent damaging the environment but will also guarantee their compliance with regulatory standards. As a result, an 11% reduction was observed in the acquisition of supplies and spare parts for machine maintenance along with a 4% reduction in the number of machine breakdowns.
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