Now showing items 1-20 of 196

    • Proposal to Reduce Transfer Time Through a Multimodal Interconnection Model

      Ramos Illaconza, Oscar Gianfranco; Cotos Caldas, Jeanpaul Vladimir; Lazo Benza, Omar Jesus (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      Transferring commuters on Atocongo (Lima, Perú), between Linea Amarilla (buses) and Line 1 of the Lima Metro (subway) shows various challenges. Commuters have to board the buses on the street, after crossing crowded roads, there are also interruptions like street vendors, crowded sidewalks, and lack of traffic signals at crosswalks. The transfer time is not optimized and the actios is not safe for commuters. This research proposes a multimodal interconnection that reduces transfer time and leads users directly between both transportation systems, on both routes: From Santiago de Surco (SS) and San Juan de Miraflores (SJM). The transfer time was obtained (current situation) and a model was developed with the interconnection infrastructure of both transport systems (proposed situation). From the comparison of both situations, it was obtained that the times were reduced, for the route from SS 49.87% and for the route from SJM 28.87%. It is concluded that the proposed model manages to reduce the user's transfering time.
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    • Influence of Recycled Concrete and Ground Glass on the Compressive Strength of Concrete at 7 and 28 days

      Cordova, Jaime; Quispe, Marcell; Serrano, Malena (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      The main objective of the article is to assess the influence of using recycled aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete (f'c = 175 kg/cm2) at the age of 7 and 28 days. Specifically, the study focuses on the partial replacement of natural coarse and fine aggregates with recycled counterparts. To achieve this, recycled concrete from the demolition of columns in Villa el Salvador, Lima—Peru, was utilized as a substitute for the natural coarse aggregate. Additionally, ground glass sourced from glass shops in the Center of Lima was employed as a substitute for the natural fine aggregate. Three mixtures were designed following the ACI method: CC, representing conventional concrete; D1, denoting concrete with a 30% substitution (20% recycled concrete and 10% ground glass); and D2, indicating concrete with a 50% substitution (30% recycled concrete and 20% ground glass). Subsequent to the formulation of these mixtures, quality verification tests were conducted on the fresh concrete, and cylindrical specimens measuring 10 × 20 cm were created for sampling. After 7 days of curing, the specimens underwent compression tests, revealing strengths exceeding 65% of the design strength and after 28 days, strengths greater than 100% of the design strength.
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    • Procedure to Improve Execution Speed Through Optimized Planning with Lob, Lps and Bim Methods in a Multifamily Building in Metropolitan Lima

      Pereda, Nicholas; Ríos, Jairo; Ulloa, Karem (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      As a developing country, Peru has great limitations in the application of new and innovative technologies in the construction sector. Construction projects consist of several stages in their development, one of the most important is the planning stage, which is essential to achieve efficient execution and meet established deadlines. However, this stage is usually tedious and complicated to carry out since there are multiple factors that can affect the estimates obtained from the planning process. However, the deadlines for the execution of construction projects are tight and failure to comply generates large losses of money. That is why this article seeks to implement the Lines of Balance (LOB), Last Planner System (LPS) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodologies to the traditional procedure. First, surveys were conducted on three different construction projects to determine the traditional planning process. Secondly, a procedure is developed to integrate the 3 aforementioned methodologies. Finally, the process was applied in a building project. A comparative analysis was carried out between the current state of the project and the state after using the aforementioned procedure. As a result, execution speeds increased for the items that maintained the same amount of work, the amount of m3 of slab emptying increased by 33.33%. It was observed that in the planning and work execution phase, the procedure improves the speed of execution of the items.
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    • Evaluation of the Permeability of Concrete with the Addition of Glass Powder

      Josias Mikhail, Castillo Prado; José Sandro, Gomero Tello; Nayda Susana, Morales Galiano (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      The article presents the usefulness of implementing the use of recycled glass powder, after having carried out the permeability test, evaluated at the age of 28 days. This with the purpose of seeking a sustainable and low-cost alternative to improve the durability of concrete exposed to humid climates compared to conventional concrete. The influence of pulverized glass shows a positive impact on the mechanical properties of the concrete at the age of 28 days, through the permeability test. In a comparative study it is shown that adding glass powder produces workable samples obtained according to the slump test. On the one hand, being in a humid climate, water infiltration was measured due to the humidity of the concrete. For this purpose, the permeability test was carried out following what is described in the American standard ASTM C107. On the other hand, it was analyzed that powdered glass can improve the properties of concrete, since it has a positive contribution to the properties analyzed and achieving a waterproof concrete with a dosage of VP05. This brings benefits in the construction sector not only in improving the properties of concrete, but also in making more sustainable concretes.
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    • Comparative Analysis of the Seismic Performance of a School with Metallic and Viscous Fluid Dampers in Lima, Peru.

      Loayza, Gabriela Alcantara; Hidalgo, Daniel Cristopher Solis; Huayra, Ruben Anccasi (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      The coastal zone of Peru is exposed to a high seismic risk, and many essential constructions in the country still lack seismic protection systems. This increases the likelihood of these structures experiencing considerable damage in the event of a severe earthquake, potentially leading to collapse. The present research proposes the implementation of Taylor-type viscous fluid dampers and Bozzo-type Shear Link metallic dampers, through two different designs applied to the same case study involving a reinforced concrete structure in the pavilion of a typical school built on soft ground in Lima. For this purpose, a spectral modal dynamic analysis of the building without dampers was conducted, as well as a linear time-history dynamic analysis of the structures with dampers. The results of these analyses provided the displacements and drifts of the structures. It was observed that the conventionally designed structure does not exhibit adequate structural behavior in the face of a severe earthquake, unlike the structures with damper implementation, which showed a significant reduction in their drifts and displacements. However, it was emphasized that the structure with the implementation of metallic dampers exhibited better structural behavior compared to the structure with viscous fluid dampers.
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    • Comparative Study of Seismic Performance of SLB, TADAS and Viscous Fluid Energy Dissipators in Hospitals

      Bocanegra, Fabiana; Cervantes, Romina; Casas, Joan R.; Delgadillo, Rick M. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      Structural damage not only causes material losses but also human losses, especially in the case of essential buildings such as health facilities, as they must ensure the provision of medical services during and after an earthquake. On the other hand, Peru is a highly seismic country due to its location on the western edge of South America, an area where the Nazca and South American tectonic plates converge. For this reason, it is essential to reinforce these infrastructures with devices that help prevent and reduce damage caused by earthquakes and guarantee the safety of the hospital. This paper studies the seismic performance of three energy dissipators: Shear Link Bozzo (SLB), Triangular Plate Added Damping and Stiffness (TADAS) and viscous fluid; incorporated into an existing hospital in Peru. The methodology involves modeling these three devices using ETABS software and evaluating the following study cases: (i) without energy dissipators, (ii) with the three seismic devices evaluated separately. Non-linear time-history analysis is conducted, considering seven seismic records compatible with the response spectrum constructed from the parameters of the Peruvian Standard E.030. Finally, it was concluded that the viscous fluid dissipator is the best option to implement in the hospital since the maximum drifts, accelerations and shear forces on each floor were reduced by 45, 23 and 27%.
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    • Correction to: Exploring effects of supplementary cementitious materials on setting time, strength, and microscale properties of mortar (Discover Applied Sciences, (2024), 6, 11, (583), 10.1007/s42452-024-06180-x)

      Romero, Lenin Miguel Bendezu; Bahrami, Alireza; Awoyera, Paul O.; Fadire, Oluwapamilerin; Velarde, Alan Yordan Valdivieso; Mydin, Md Azree Othuman; Arunachalam, Krishna Prakash (Springer Nature, 2024-12-01)
      In this article some of the authors’ details were incorrectly published, as listed below. The fifth author’s family name, Velarde, was incorrectly written as Valarde, and the author’s affiliation was incorrectly specified as ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru’. It should be ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Peru’. The fourth author’s affiliation was incorrectly specified as ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia’. It should be ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria’. The last author’s email address ([email protected]) was missing. The original article has been corrected.
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    • Bending Response of Doubly Curved Laminated Composite Shells using Hybrid Refined Models

      Monge, J; Mantari, J; Yarasca, J; Arciniega, R (IOP Publishing, 2019-02-26)
      This study presents a static analysis of laminated composite doubly curved shells using a refined kinematic model with polynomial and non-polynomial functions. In particular Maclaurin, trigonometric, exponential and zig-zag functions are employed. Refined models are based on the Equivalent Single Layer theories and obtained by using Carrera Unified formulation. The shell model is subjected to different mechanical loading such as bi-sinusoidal, uniform and point load. The governing equations are derived from the principle of virtual displacement and solved via Navier-Type closed form solutions. The results are compared with Layer-wise and higher-order shear deformation solutions available in the literature. It is shown that refined models with non-polynomial terms are capable of accurately predicting the through-the-thickness displacements and stress distributions with a low computational effort.
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    • Stabilization of Pavement Granular Layer using Foamed and Emulsified Asphalt under Critical Low Temperature Conditions

      Sánchez, J; Shoji, N; Lazo, G (IOP Publishing, 2019-02-26)
      One of the efficient techniques that is currently used in pavement engineering to improve the stress–strain response conditions of the pavement structure includes the stabilization of its structural layer components. There are several laying techniques that include the usage of stabilizing agents such as emulsified and foamed asphalt. In these technologies, the temperature of the environment is observed to play a critical role. This condition is often considered to be the main factor that encourages the usage of foamed asphalt for stabilization. Further, the aforementioned technique specifies that, at temperatures of approximately 10 °C or lower, the asphalt particles are not effectively inserted in the foamed granular material mastic; they are instead merged with other asphalt particles. This causes an agglomeration of coalesced asphalt, prevents adequate foaming, and hinders the pavement layer from compaction. In such a situation, the pavement will exhibit a structural strength deficiency. Therefore, this study experimentally investigates the environmental temperatures at which an efficient layer that is stabilized using foamed asphalt may be obtained both in the laboratory as well as in the field. Further, this study proposes a new limit. Apart from exceeding this temperature limit, the study also offers an alternative with respect to the usage of asphalt emulsions to stabilize the granular layer. This technique comprises the dispersion of asphalt particles in an aqueous medium; however, when this technique is applied at low temperatures, the low temperatures do not allow the system to reach a critical condition of inapplicability, which is observed when the asphalt foam is used for stabilization. Further, the mechanical behaviors of the foamed pavement at temperatures of lower than 10 °C are discussed. Additionally, this study exhibits the results of stabilized layers that use a slow-setting asphalt emulsion (CSS-1h) as a solution to the temperature problem that is associated with the usage of the foaming technique. The investigation is performed based on a project that is conducted in the extremely low temperature areas of the Peruvian Andean highlands, which are located at an altitude of 4,000 to 5,000 meters above the sea level.
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    • Influence of Permeable Rigid Pavement on Vehicular Slip Resistance on Curved Sections of a Highway

      Cordero, K.; Meneses, A.; Silvera, M.; Campos, F.; Palacios-Alonso, D. (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      The presence of moisture on a pavement causes sudden changes in direction, decreased speed and even vehicular accidents, because the slip resistance is reduced. Therefore, it forces the driver to travel in a more conservative way. This article evaluates the slip resistance of a permeable concrete pavement considering curved sections, which are critical points with difficulty in maneuvering. In addition, the comparison of the International Friction Index (IFI) of two prototypes is developed by carrying out the British Pendulum and Sand Circle test. Therefore, the friction coefficient F(s) at different speeds is determined. The results indicate that, in the critical condition, that is, when the tire is new, the friction F(s) of the permeable pavement is 44.5% greater compared to a conventional pavement when the speed is 60 km/h. This is, how the values obtained contribute to meeting the ideal conditions of a road design. Therefore, the stopping visibility distance requirements for the permeable is 13.8% less than the distance required for the conventional pavement when presenting a speed of 60 km/h.
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    • Improvement of the Public Transport Route for Line 7103 in Lima: Reduction of Travel Time

      Fabian Garay Naveros, Marcelo; Daniel Jiménez Ramírez, Renzo; Mauricio Tarquino Torres, Fernando (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      The primary objective of this research wasto propose a modification to the current route of bus 7103, in order to decrease the total travel time for the users. The methodology employed was based on the application of the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) function to calculate travel times for both the original route and the segments proposed by this study. These proposed sections are chosen with criteria based on their proximity to potential commercial areas, minimizing deviation from the original route, avoiding significant impacts on the circulation of other vehicles, among others. The main results revealed that the current total travel time is 245minutes, whereas the proposed route would have an estimated time of 228 minutes, representing a reduction of 17 minutes, equivalent to a 7% decrease.
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    • Experimental Evaluation of Adobe Bricks Reinforced with Rice Husk, Lime and Neem Fibers for the Construction of Sustainable Housing in Andean Areas

      Gutierrez, Luis F.; Casas, Joan R.; Delgadillo, Rick M. (Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2024-01-01)
      Adobe homes are prone to natural phenomena such as floods, landslides, and earthquakes, due to the intense rains that occur from the month of November to March. This study aimed to investigate the mechanical properties of adobes reinforced with rice husk, lime and neem fibers and evaluate their compressive strength and water absorption capacity. The tests were carried out on adobes with dimensions of 10×10×10 cm3 made with earth, 0.75% rice husk, 0.75% lime and 1 to 3% neem fibers of the total weight of the adobe to determine the evaluations of the specimen. Therefore, a visit was made to the study area located in the province of Yauyos-Peru to classify the type of soil that would be used in the samples, then sift the soil to prepare the mud and let it rest for 24 hours. Then, incorporate the reinforcements and mold the adobes to let them dry for 28 days and proceed with the tests. The research recorded an improvement of 39 and 68% respectively on the strength of adobes reinforced only with rice husk and lime; and neem fibers after 28 days of drying with a proportion of 0.75% rice husk, 0.75% lime and 3% neem fibers. The absorption coefficient of adobes reinforced with rice husk, lime and neem fibers are between 16 and 27% better than adobes reinforced separately. Finally, this research will reduce the damage to homes caused by rains through the use of materials found in the localities and reduce pollution, thus creating a sustainable home with low costs for the inhabitants.
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    • Regime Analysis with Numerical Modelling of Wave Dynamics and Determination of Potential Flood Zones in Chancay Bay, Peru

      Soto, Jose; Guzman, Emanuel; Ramos, Carmela (Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 2024-01-01)
      The wave dynamics in Chancay Bay is represented by the Delft3D numerical model, whose application is referred to the propagation and calibration of the waves in the WAVE module through the Copernicus ERA5 database and comparison with field measurements of the hologram of the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation. (DIHIDRONAV) for medium and maximum regime conditions, in order to determine the Run Up of waves in areas of human development with the Van Der Meer and Stem methodology. In this sense, the topography of the ALOS PALSAR sentinel was extracted to determine the flood zones within the coast, whose representation is given by the length and height of the wave reached.
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    • Evaluation of Structural Response in Ultra-High-Strength Concrete and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Frames Exposed to High Temperatures Using Numerical Simulation

      Manco, Danitza L.; Palacios, Anthony L.; Dávila, Víctor I.; Casas, Joan R.; Delgadillo, Rick M. (Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2024-01-01)
      Reinforced concrete exposed to high temperatures, such as in a fire, poses a serious threat to buildings by weakening the concrete and reducing the structure's stiffness. Therefore, the article investigated the structural behavior of reinforced concrete when subjected to elevated temperatures in Peru, where many structures are not designed to withstand high temperatures, leading to irreparable damages such as loss of human lives and changes in material properties. To enhance the heat resistance of reinforced concrete, carbon fibers were added, and a percentage of ultra-high-strength concrete was incorporated. The material was analyzed using the finite element method. Different frames were evaluated, focusing on the use of matrices and nodes. The proposal involved adding new materials; carbon fibers were added at 0.06%, and ultra-high-strength concrete at 20%. These quantities were chosen based on the researched articles. First, the properties of each material were defined and input into the software. Then, a temperature ranges from 100°C to 1000°C was defined. The results were evaluated, and improvement percentages regarding displacements due to applied loads were determined. The findings indicate a 33.05% improvement in distributed load and temperature-induced loads between 100°C to 1000°C, varying between 17% and 6.56% respectively. It was concluded that higher temperatures result in more significant damages such as changes in color, deflections, and loss of stiffness, increasing the probability of collapse in a shorter time frame. In conclusion, the use of the proposed materials enhances resistance and reduces deflections when subjected to various types of loads.
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    • Evaluation Of The Stress History In A Tailings Dam Raising Stages: A Study Based On Finite Element Method (FEM) Methodology

      Ildefonso, Nicole; Suarez, Janpier (Avestia Publishing, 2024-01-01)
      Tailings dams are complex geotechnical structures that require a thorough analysis of their stability. The traditional method for assessing stability, the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM), focuses on calculating the factor of safety (FS), but omits critical aspects such as the stress distribution along the regrowth process. The finite element method (FEM), based on the strength reduction technique (SSR), is an alternative that allows calculating the FS and understanding the real behavior of the slope, by analysing stresses along the different raises stage. In this study, the FEM method was used to simulate the Ancash tailings dam, Peru. The simulation allowed obtaining detailed information on the stress states to which the soil foundation is subjected at each stage of regrowth. The results obtained in terms of displacements and stresses provided a more accurate understanding of the failure mechanism to which the slope may be subjected. It was concluded that the FEM method demonstrated its superiority over the traditional LEM approach, as it provides a more complete and realistic appreciation of the behavior of the slope body at different stages of its development.
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    • Impact of Domestic Water Demand Scenarios on Rainwater Harvesting System in the Andahuaylas City, Peru

      Orosco, Benjamin Atao; Jiménez, Karena Quiroz (Avestia Publishing, 2024-01-01)
      This paper introduces a method for calculating the volume of storage tanks and analyzes demand scenarios within Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) systems. The water mass balance approach in a daily step-time was utilized to evaluate non-potable water demand across various residential rooftop areas in the city of Andahuaylas, Peru. The region is arid and experiences significant rainfall patterns during four months per year. The results demonstrated that for rooftop areas larger than 250 m2 , the demand can be fully met using commercial tanks larger than 1m3 . With system failures below 0.5%, it is possible to supply rooftop areas of 150 m2 with a volume of 5m3 . These findings highlight crucial factors to be considered during the planning and design of RWH systems in the Andean regions of Peru.
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    • Increase in the axial resistance of concrete walls for buildings through the application of Carbon Fiber Polymers

      Bendezú R., Lenin; Cruz D., Luis Santa; Espinoza M., Elena (Avestia Publishing, 2024-01-01)
      This experimental work hopes to provide a potential solution by proposing techniques to improve the axial resistance capacity of reinforced concrete walls, using high-strength carbon filaments, and proposing a practical methodology for reinforcing existing reinforced concrete columns and walls. The methodology used to improve this work consists of the exploration and experimentation of two explicit parts, the first being a progression of material tests carried out in the laboratories of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, with the purpose of determining the direct mechanical properties. and not direct. The second part of the work included the analysis of the reinforced concrete walls through the non-linear concept modeled with the finite element method, verifying the non-linear attributes of the concrete by increasing the high-resistance carbon fiber. The results found have been obtained using the Cypecad software, and show that, in the case of carbon fiber reinforced specimens, a moment of 20.50 (tonf-m) is reached with respect to an axial load of 125.13 (tonf). On the other hand, the specimen without reinforcement reaches a moment of 18.20 (tonf-m) with respect to an axial load of 104.76 (tonf).
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    • Comparing the Future Trend of the Number of Road Accidents in NonMotorized Vehicles Using a Predictive Mathematical Method.

      Chávez, Joaquín; Castro, Luis; Bravo, Aldo (Avestia Publishing, 2024-01-01)
      The article proposes an innovative approach to address the problem of traffic accidents involving non-motorized vehicles through the application of the predictive mathematical method Gray GM (1,1). The study is based on an analysis of historical accident data, considering variables such as location and characteristics of the road. The methodology used to apply the forecast model is described, highlighting the collection and preparation of data, the selection of relevant variables and the construction of the model. Real data was used to predict accident occurrence and underlying trends. The results of the study demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed infrastructure model using the mathematical prediction model in non-motorized vehicle traffic accidents. Finally, it is concluded that the use of this predictive mathematical model contributes to the implementation of prevention strategies that would be effective in the future. Likewise, a new perspective could be provided to address road safety of non-motorized vehicles, highlighting the importance of anticipating and preventing accidents through the application of predictive mathematical models, which offers a significant contribution to improving safety. on public roads.
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    • Effect of Cap Stiffness and Soil Dilatancy in Pile Groups Subjected To Lateral Loads

      Espinoza, Javier Perez; Tamayo, Jorge Palomino; Jiménez, Karena Quiroz (Avestia Publishing, 2024-01-01)
      This paper explores the effect of cap stiffness and soil dilation on the structural response of pile groups subjected to lateral increasing monotonic loads. For such scope, a finite element-based model for studying pile configurations of 3x3 to 3x7 in homogeneous sand deposits is proposed. The model employs solid elements with twenty nodes to represent the soil and pile domains, while zero-thickness interface elements are used to model the contact state at the soil-pile interface. The adequacy of the model is firstly validated with experimental data from literature and then the associated parametric studies involving the two aforementioned aspects are performed. For the studied examples, the obtained results indicate that the reduction of the cap stiffness substantially increases the lateral displacement of the system. This increment under ultimate loads can be as high as three times the lateral displacement of the original system with a rigid cap. Finally, soil dilation did not significantly affect the pile group response as the soil mass seems to be restricted by the surrounding piles.
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    • Spectral Dynamic Analysis of Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB) Configurations in an Irregular Building

      Orellana, Gianjairo M.; Ramos, Brithney C.; Velásquez, Francisco; Casas, Joan R.; Delgadillo, Rick M. (Avestia Publishing, 2024-01-01)
      This research covers a comparison between different configurations for the application of Restricted Buckling Brace (BRB) through the dynamic analysis of an irregular building that does not comply with the maximum drifts in one of its directions and is reinforced with the different distributions. The reinforcement with BRB was achieved with the three distributions analyzed and the guidelines of the Peruvian standard E.030 2018 were met. In that sense, the reduction of the maximum inelastic story drifts with the BRB V configuration was 25.64%. The reduction of maximum inelastic story drifts with the Inverted BRB V configuration was 27.92%. While the reduction of maximum inelastic story drifts with the BRB X configuration was 28.71%. Thus, the configuration with the best results was the BRB in X.
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