Now showing items 1-20 of 684

    • Proposal to Reduce Transfer Time Through a Multimodal Interconnection Model

      Ramos Illaconza, Oscar Gianfranco; Cotos Caldas, Jeanpaul Vladimir; Lazo Benza, Omar Jesus (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      Transferring commuters on Atocongo (Lima, Perú), between Linea Amarilla (buses) and Line 1 of the Lima Metro (subway) shows various challenges. Commuters have to board the buses on the street, after crossing crowded roads, there are also interruptions like street vendors, crowded sidewalks, and lack of traffic signals at crosswalks. The transfer time is not optimized and the actios is not safe for commuters. This research proposes a multimodal interconnection that reduces transfer time and leads users directly between both transportation systems, on both routes: From Santiago de Surco (SS) and San Juan de Miraflores (SJM). The transfer time was obtained (current situation) and a model was developed with the interconnection infrastructure of both transport systems (proposed situation). From the comparison of both situations, it was obtained that the times were reduced, for the route from SS 49.87% and for the route from SJM 28.87%. It is concluded that the proposed model manages to reduce the user's transfering time.
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    • Influence of Recycled Concrete and Ground Glass on the Compressive Strength of Concrete at 7 and 28 days

      Cordova, Jaime; Quispe, Marcell; Serrano, Malena (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      The main objective of the article is to assess the influence of using recycled aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete (f'c = 175 kg/cm2) at the age of 7 and 28 days. Specifically, the study focuses on the partial replacement of natural coarse and fine aggregates with recycled counterparts. To achieve this, recycled concrete from the demolition of columns in Villa el Salvador, Lima—Peru, was utilized as a substitute for the natural coarse aggregate. Additionally, ground glass sourced from glass shops in the Center of Lima was employed as a substitute for the natural fine aggregate. Three mixtures were designed following the ACI method: CC, representing conventional concrete; D1, denoting concrete with a 30% substitution (20% recycled concrete and 10% ground glass); and D2, indicating concrete with a 50% substitution (30% recycled concrete and 20% ground glass). Subsequent to the formulation of these mixtures, quality verification tests were conducted on the fresh concrete, and cylindrical specimens measuring 10 × 20 cm were created for sampling. After 7 days of curing, the specimens underwent compression tests, revealing strengths exceeding 65% of the design strength and after 28 days, strengths greater than 100% of the design strength.
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    • Procedure to Improve Execution Speed Through Optimized Planning with Lob, Lps and Bim Methods in a Multifamily Building in Metropolitan Lima

      Pereda, Nicholas; Ríos, Jairo; Ulloa, Karem (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      As a developing country, Peru has great limitations in the application of new and innovative technologies in the construction sector. Construction projects consist of several stages in their development, one of the most important is the planning stage, which is essential to achieve efficient execution and meet established deadlines. However, this stage is usually tedious and complicated to carry out since there are multiple factors that can affect the estimates obtained from the planning process. However, the deadlines for the execution of construction projects are tight and failure to comply generates large losses of money. That is why this article seeks to implement the Lines of Balance (LOB), Last Planner System (LPS) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodologies to the traditional procedure. First, surveys were conducted on three different construction projects to determine the traditional planning process. Secondly, a procedure is developed to integrate the 3 aforementioned methodologies. Finally, the process was applied in a building project. A comparative analysis was carried out between the current state of the project and the state after using the aforementioned procedure. As a result, execution speeds increased for the items that maintained the same amount of work, the amount of m3 of slab emptying increased by 33.33%. It was observed that in the planning and work execution phase, the procedure improves the speed of execution of the items.
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    • Evaluation of the Permeability of Concrete with the Addition of Glass Powder

      Josias Mikhail, Castillo Prado; José Sandro, Gomero Tello; Nayda Susana, Morales Galiano (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      The article presents the usefulness of implementing the use of recycled glass powder, after having carried out the permeability test, evaluated at the age of 28 days. This with the purpose of seeking a sustainable and low-cost alternative to improve the durability of concrete exposed to humid climates compared to conventional concrete. The influence of pulverized glass shows a positive impact on the mechanical properties of the concrete at the age of 28 days, through the permeability test. In a comparative study it is shown that adding glass powder produces workable samples obtained according to the slump test. On the one hand, being in a humid climate, water infiltration was measured due to the humidity of the concrete. For this purpose, the permeability test was carried out following what is described in the American standard ASTM C107. On the other hand, it was analyzed that powdered glass can improve the properties of concrete, since it has a positive contribution to the properties analyzed and achieving a waterproof concrete with a dosage of VP05. This brings benefits in the construction sector not only in improving the properties of concrete, but also in making more sustainable concretes.
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    • Comparative Analysis of the Seismic Performance of a School with Metallic and Viscous Fluid Dampers in Lima, Peru.

      Loayza, Gabriela Alcantara; Hidalgo, Daniel Cristopher Solis; Huayra, Ruben Anccasi (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      The coastal zone of Peru is exposed to a high seismic risk, and many essential constructions in the country still lack seismic protection systems. This increases the likelihood of these structures experiencing considerable damage in the event of a severe earthquake, potentially leading to collapse. The present research proposes the implementation of Taylor-type viscous fluid dampers and Bozzo-type Shear Link metallic dampers, through two different designs applied to the same case study involving a reinforced concrete structure in the pavilion of a typical school built on soft ground in Lima. For this purpose, a spectral modal dynamic analysis of the building without dampers was conducted, as well as a linear time-history dynamic analysis of the structures with dampers. The results of these analyses provided the displacements and drifts of the structures. It was observed that the conventionally designed structure does not exhibit adequate structural behavior in the face of a severe earthquake, unlike the structures with damper implementation, which showed a significant reduction in their drifts and displacements. However, it was emphasized that the structure with the implementation of metallic dampers exhibited better structural behavior compared to the structure with viscous fluid dampers.
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    • Comparative Study of Seismic Performance of SLB, TADAS and Viscous Fluid Energy Dissipators in Hospitals

      Bocanegra, Fabiana; Cervantes, Romina; Casas, Joan R.; Delgadillo, Rick M. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025-01-01)
      Structural damage not only causes material losses but also human losses, especially in the case of essential buildings such as health facilities, as they must ensure the provision of medical services during and after an earthquake. On the other hand, Peru is a highly seismic country due to its location on the western edge of South America, an area where the Nazca and South American tectonic plates converge. For this reason, it is essential to reinforce these infrastructures with devices that help prevent and reduce damage caused by earthquakes and guarantee the safety of the hospital. This paper studies the seismic performance of three energy dissipators: Shear Link Bozzo (SLB), Triangular Plate Added Damping and Stiffness (TADAS) and viscous fluid; incorporated into an existing hospital in Peru. The methodology involves modeling these three devices using ETABS software and evaluating the following study cases: (i) without energy dissipators, (ii) with the three seismic devices evaluated separately. Non-linear time-history analysis is conducted, considering seven seismic records compatible with the response spectrum constructed from the parameters of the Peruvian Standard E.030. Finally, it was concluded that the viscous fluid dissipator is the best option to implement in the hospital since the maximum drifts, accelerations and shear forces on each floor were reduced by 45, 23 and 27%.
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    • Study of Internal Flow in a Liquid Nitrogen Flow Decelerator Through Swirl Effect Consisting of a Jet-Type Cryogenic Injection System for Food Freezing

      Arriaga, Ian; Sayán, Jasuo; Ronceros, Julio; Klusmann, Mirko; ALBATRINO, RENZO; Raymundo, Carlos; Zapata, Gianpierre; Ronceros, Gustavo (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-12-01)
      This article addresses the study of internal flow dynamics within a cryogenic chamber designed for freezing food using liquid nitrogen injection. The chamber features a circular section with strategically placed jet-type atomizers for this purpose. The primary objective is to extend the residence time of the cryogenic fluid within the chamber to ensure uniform and effective freezing of the passing food items. This is achieved by inducing a swirl effect through strategic deceleration of the flow using the atomizers. The meticulous placement of these atomizers at periodic intervals along the internal walls of the cylindrical chamber ensures prolonged recirculation of the internal flow. Internal temperature analysis is crucial to ensure the freezing process. The study is supported by numerical analysis in CFD ANSYS to assess the dynamics of the swirl effect and parameters associated with the nitrogen–air interface, from which we obtain a sophisticated analysis thanks to the design of a hexahedral mesh made in greater detail in ICEM CFD. This approach aims to understand internal flow behavior and its correlation with the complexity of cryogenic system design, utilizing variable nitrogen-injection pressures and strategic atomizer placement as fundamental parameters to optimize system design.
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    • Correction to: Exploring effects of supplementary cementitious materials on setting time, strength, and microscale properties of mortar (Discover Applied Sciences, (2024), 6, 11, (583), 10.1007/s42452-024-06180-x)

      Romero, Lenin Miguel Bendezu; Bahrami, Alireza; Awoyera, Paul O.; Fadire, Oluwapamilerin; Velarde, Alan Yordan Valdivieso; Mydin, Md Azree Othuman; Arunachalam, Krishna Prakash (Springer Nature, 2024-12-01)
      In this article some of the authors’ details were incorrectly published, as listed below. The fifth author’s family name, Velarde, was incorrectly written as Valarde, and the author’s affiliation was incorrectly specified as ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru’. It should be ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Peru’. The fourth author’s affiliation was incorrectly specified as ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia’. It should be ‘Department of Civil Engineering, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria’. The last author’s email address ([email protected]) was missing. The original article has been corrected.
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    • Avances sobre ergonomia en tareas de paletizacion

      Escobar Galindo, Carlos Manuel; Mendoza Correa, María del Milagro (2014-12-31)
      Objetivo: El siguiente estudio de revisión bibliográfica se propone como objetivo general evidenciar con bibliografía actualizada, estudios que nos permitan comprender la magnitud del riesgo que afronta el trabajador frente a las demandas que exige las tareas de paletizado, a nivel biomecánico, fisiológico y riesgos relacionados al trabajo así como el beneficio de la implementación de apoyos mecánicos. Material y Métodos: Se realizo una búsqueda bibliográfica en los diferentes motores de búsqueda: Google académico, HINARI, revista APPLIED ERGONOMICS de editorial Elsevier y revista ERGONOMICS de Taylor & Francis, así mismo también se usaron textos de consultas actuales sobre ergonomía y biomecánica. Resultados: Se evidencian que la carga física biomecánica al paletizar es alta sobretodo en trabajos donde los trabajadores no tienen experiencia, así mismo la forma de la caja, el tamaño, la distancia de paletizado, la frecuencia y el modo operatorio afecta notablemente el riesgo de lesión en columna lumbosacra así como incrementa el nivel de gasto energético. Se adoptan los criterios establecidos por NIOSH (1994) que establecen no sobrepasar el 50% de la capacidad aeróbica en tareas que duren menos o una hora, el 40 % en tareas que duren entre 1 y 2 horas y el 33% en tareas que duren entre 2 a 8 horas. Conclusiones: Las técnicas posturales empleadas por trabajadores experimentados no garantizan una protección elevada contra el riesgo de lesión de columna, sin embargo las técnicas son mejores y mas estables para disminuir el riesgo que en los trabajadores no experimentados. El costo beneficio es un factor importante al momento de buscar soluciones para justificar el gasto, en el estudio presentado sobre grúas en pacientes se observa que se ahorra hasta en 70% en costos directos e indirectos al trabajador.
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    • Bending Response of Doubly Curved Laminated Composite Shells using Hybrid Refined Models

      Monge, J; Mantari, J; Yarasca, J; Arciniega, R (IOP Publishing, 2019-02-26)
      This study presents a static analysis of laminated composite doubly curved shells using a refined kinematic model with polynomial and non-polynomial functions. In particular Maclaurin, trigonometric, exponential and zig-zag functions are employed. Refined models are based on the Equivalent Single Layer theories and obtained by using Carrera Unified formulation. The shell model is subjected to different mechanical loading such as bi-sinusoidal, uniform and point load. The governing equations are derived from the principle of virtual displacement and solved via Navier-Type closed form solutions. The results are compared with Layer-wise and higher-order shear deformation solutions available in the literature. It is shown that refined models with non-polynomial terms are capable of accurately predicting the through-the-thickness displacements and stress distributions with a low computational effort.
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    • Stabilization of Pavement Granular Layer using Foamed and Emulsified Asphalt under Critical Low Temperature Conditions

      Sánchez, J; Shoji, N; Lazo, G (IOP Publishing, 2019-02-26)
      One of the efficient techniques that is currently used in pavement engineering to improve the stress–strain response conditions of the pavement structure includes the stabilization of its structural layer components. There are several laying techniques that include the usage of stabilizing agents such as emulsified and foamed asphalt. In these technologies, the temperature of the environment is observed to play a critical role. This condition is often considered to be the main factor that encourages the usage of foamed asphalt for stabilization. Further, the aforementioned technique specifies that, at temperatures of approximately 10 °C or lower, the asphalt particles are not effectively inserted in the foamed granular material mastic; they are instead merged with other asphalt particles. This causes an agglomeration of coalesced asphalt, prevents adequate foaming, and hinders the pavement layer from compaction. In such a situation, the pavement will exhibit a structural strength deficiency. Therefore, this study experimentally investigates the environmental temperatures at which an efficient layer that is stabilized using foamed asphalt may be obtained both in the laboratory as well as in the field. Further, this study proposes a new limit. Apart from exceeding this temperature limit, the study also offers an alternative with respect to the usage of asphalt emulsions to stabilize the granular layer. This technique comprises the dispersion of asphalt particles in an aqueous medium; however, when this technique is applied at low temperatures, the low temperatures do not allow the system to reach a critical condition of inapplicability, which is observed when the asphalt foam is used for stabilization. Further, the mechanical behaviors of the foamed pavement at temperatures of lower than 10 °C are discussed. Additionally, this study exhibits the results of stabilized layers that use a slow-setting asphalt emulsion (CSS-1h) as a solution to the temperature problem that is associated with the usage of the foaming technique. The investigation is performed based on a project that is conducted in the extremely low temperature areas of the Peruvian Andean highlands, which are located at an altitude of 4,000 to 5,000 meters above the sea level.
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    • Storage management model based on Lean Warehouse Management and Systematic Layout Planning

      Marcelo-Alfaro, Emma; Rodríguez-Escobedo, Santiago; Moore-Torres, Rosa; Torres, Carlos (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      The logistics and storage sector in Peru has experienced significant growth due to increased imports and the trend among companies to outsource their storage processes. This article addresses the challenge of enhancing warehouse efficiency, particularly in the picking and location processes, through a warehouse management model. The methodology employed includes a company diagnosis, Value Stream Mapping, the 5S methodology (a Lean Warehouse Management tool), and Systematic Layout Planning. These approaches aim to improve inventory management and human resource utilization to reduce late order rates. This research demonstrates the application of Lean tools in warehouse management, an innovative concept in Peru, with positive outcomes: reducing the late order rate from 14.69% to 3.71%. Moreover, it proves economically viable with a positive net present value (NPV) of S/. 12,659 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 45.03%. This study contributes to promoting research for enhancing warehouse processes in Peru, addressing a gap in scientific literature on this topic.
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    • Influence of Permeable Rigid Pavement on Vehicular Slip Resistance on Curved Sections of a Highway

      Cordero, K.; Meneses, A.; Silvera, M.; Campos, F.; Palacios-Alonso, D. (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      The presence of moisture on a pavement causes sudden changes in direction, decreased speed and even vehicular accidents, because the slip resistance is reduced. Therefore, it forces the driver to travel in a more conservative way. This article evaluates the slip resistance of a permeable concrete pavement considering curved sections, which are critical points with difficulty in maneuvering. In addition, the comparison of the International Friction Index (IFI) of two prototypes is developed by carrying out the British Pendulum and Sand Circle test. Therefore, the friction coefficient F(s) at different speeds is determined. The results indicate that, in the critical condition, that is, when the tire is new, the friction F(s) of the permeable pavement is 44.5% greater compared to a conventional pavement when the speed is 60 km/h. This is, how the values obtained contribute to meeting the ideal conditions of a road design. Therefore, the stopping visibility distance requirements for the permeable is 13.8% less than the distance required for the conventional pavement when presenting a speed of 60 km/h.
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    • Correlation of climate variation and NDVI values using Landsat scenes in the Amazonian penillanura of Yurimaguas - Peru, from 1984 to 2023

      Daniela Durand Poma, Milagros; Carlo Contreras Garces, Jose; Mirella Farromeque Pacífico, Danitza; Soto Lopez, Alessandra; Francisco Giraldo Malca, Ulises (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      Despite the decrease in deforestation rates in the world, it is still an expanding problem in tropical areas such as the Amazon, losing millions of hectares of forests per year, due to weak governance of their territories and driven mainly by agriculture, livestock and a strong expansion of agro-industrial plantations such as oil palm in recent decades. Therefore, it is necessary to know the extent of the impacts generated in the alteration of local climates and how they affect the surrounding populations and ecosystems. Therefore, the objective of the research is to analyze the impact of deforestation and changes in vegetation cover on the variation of temperatures and precipitation in the town of Yurimaguas - Peru, between 1984 and 2023. For this purpose, meteorological data were used to determine changes in the local climate and global warming, processed in Microsoft Excel software, as well as Landsat satellite images, processed in QGIS software, to see the evolution of the landscape by calculating the NDVI. The results show that the maximum and average NDVI of the study area have a negative trend, associated with the increase in temperatures of up to 2 °C in 40 years and the loss of 25% of its primary forests in the last 20 years, which means more than 2,200 hectares deforested in a single year. It is concluded that agroindustrial monocultures such as oil palm, together with other activities that change land use, have a strong impact by removing large tracts of native forests for decades, which is projected in the negative trend shown by the NDVI values, a phenomenon that is due to the greater effect of global warming on the local climate, the reduced water supply to ecosystems and increased levels of evapotranspiration, which affect the water balance of the soil and the vigor of its vegetation..
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    • Improvement of the Public Transport Route for Line 7103 in Lima: Reduction of Travel Time

      Fabian Garay Naveros, Marcelo; Daniel Jiménez Ramírez, Renzo; Mauricio Tarquino Torres, Fernando (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      The primary objective of this research wasto propose a modification to the current route of bus 7103, in order to decrease the total travel time for the users. The methodology employed was based on the application of the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) function to calculate travel times for both the original route and the segments proposed by this study. These proposed sections are chosen with criteria based on their proximity to potential commercial areas, minimizing deviation from the original route, avoiding significant impacts on the circulation of other vehicles, among others. The main results revealed that the current total travel time is 245minutes, whereas the proposed route would have an estimated time of 228 minutes, representing a reduction of 17 minutes, equivalent to a 7% decrease.
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    • Improvement of the storage and inventory management system for grocery stores to increase profits through the implementation of ABC classification and FIFO methodology

      Cerquera Pérez, Luzmaría; De la Cruz Jaureguí, Geraldine; Lopez Cabrera, Magali; Cespedes Blanco, Carlos; Raymundo Ibañez, Carlos (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      In Peru, convenience stores or grocery stores, considered as micro and small businesses, play a significant role in the country's economy as they contribute substantially to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Moreover, they provide employment for a considerable number of people. In Lima, there are many stores without a digital system to manage their inventories, leading to inefficient organization. They rely on manual recording methods using notebooks, resulting in losses and high costs, negatively impacting their profits. This situation highlights a stagnation in the management of these small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in this subsector due to declining profits, leading store owners to consider closing their businesses due to unprofitability. In response to this situation, a storage management model is needed to reduce losses in the stores. Therefore, the methodology proposed in this work is based on ABC classification, FIFO inventory policies, and product proximity, aiming to increase store profits by reducing losses and enhancing the overall shopping experience.
    • Performance assessment of the of Cyperus alternifolius and Chrysopogon zizanioide in greywater treatment with artificial wetland

      Castillo Vargas, Juan; Lianaje Arroyo, Janet; Arrascue Lino, Anita (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      In Peru, the discharge of wastewater is due to the lack of treatment and sewage infrastructure in various areas of the country, mainly in new human settlements resulting from the unplanned and disproportionate growth of Peruvian cities. inside of city that constantly being impacted by the water that reaches its water mirrors, just due to the constant dumping of domestic wastewater mainly from the settlements located in the buffer zone. Therefore, we seek to improve the quality of the water of these canals using of horizontal flow subsurface wetlands using Chrysopogon zizanioide and Cyperus alternifolius species. We evaluated the removal of different parameters such as BOD5, turbidity and thermotolerant coliforms (TC). We found that the removal percentages for BDO5 were 66.87% for Cyperus alternifolius and 62.84% for Chrysopogon zizanioide. TC removal was 99.08% (Chrysopogon zizanioide) and 98.43% (Cyperus alternifolius) and to turbidity, both species reached high removals, up to 99.18%.
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    • Climate variation in the Amazonian peneplain due to deforestation and urban expansion in Iquitos - Peru, between 1984 and 2023

      Jimena Yuijan Rodriguez Prieto, Alexia; Fransheska Quispe Roldan, Jennifer; Ian Breytner Sanchez Rosales, Khalil; Casasola Lescano, Ximena; Milen Sanjinez Viera, Yaritza; Francisco Giraldo Malca, Ulises (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      Tropical forests suffer the loss of millions of hectares every year due to land use and land cover change for agricultural production, resource exploitation and settlement development, contributing to global warming and altering the environmental conditions of the territory, as in the city of Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon, where it is necessary to know how these impacts affect its population, activities and ecosystems. The objective of the study was to analyse the effects of urban expansion and global warming on the climate of the city of Iquitos, as well as its variation in relation to the climate of the towns of Pebas and Trompeteros, in the Peruvian Amazonian peneplain in the period 1984-2022, for which meteorological data from the study area was processed, maps of ecosystems and satellite images were processed to determine levels of vegetation vigour by calculating the normalised difference vegetation index in three quadrants over the towns of Iquitos, Pebas and Trompeteros, of similar latitude and altitude, but with different forest conservation status. The results showed that the city of Iquitos has tripled in size since 1984, with an average growth of 58.4 hectares per year, causing a heat island effect, with at least 1.1°C more than nearby rural areas, and a decrease of up to 1,000 millimetres of annual rainfall, with the effect being greater in its area because 33% of its territory has been altered, compared to Pebas and Trompeteros, which have more than 88% of their territories covered by primary forests. It is concluded that population growth drives deforestation for urbanisation, agricultural production and other purposes, which in countries with weak institutions is uncontrolled and unregulated. Likewise, deforestation increases the effect of global warming on the local climate due to the loss of environmental services provided by forests, such as temperature regulation and moisture supply, affecting the vigour of local vegetation.
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    • Hybrid Model Based on Machine Learning for the Prediction of Consumer Credit Delinquency in the Banking Sector of Peru

      Kraenau, Nicole; Silva, Mariano; Castaneda, Pedro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024-01-01)
      The delinquency rate among clients of banking institutions in Peru has increased exponentially in recent years, due to the lack of early detection of potentially delinquent clients, mainly due to the use of inadequate prediction techniques for the identification of delinquent clients. This causes profitability to be reduced, credit risk to increase and the country's economy to be unstable. Previously, different solutions were generated to prevent non-payment, however these studies were not applied in the Peruvian environment and did not cover the personal and financial variables necessary to improve the detection of delinquent clients. In this work, a delinquency prediction system is proposed using classification algorithms such as logistic regression and Random Forest, with the aim of improving and automating the early detection of delinquent clients and counteracting the increase in delinquency, so that banks can of Peru can reduce their financial losses due to non-payment by delinquent clients, and prevent the granting of consumer loans to clients who have a high probability of delinquency. After validating the performance of the algorithm using key indicators, it was obtained that the results are superior to the compared algorithms, thus showing a precision of 90 percent, a recall of 95 percent and an accuracy of 91 percent.
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    • Noise: perception its effects on cognitive skills in elementary school students

      Fe Rivas Salinas, María; Gomez Lazarte, Mercedes; Arrascue Lino, Anita (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024-01-01)
      Noise, responsible to sound pollution, is catalogued as the energy originated by a vibratory phenomenon that is detected by the ear and causes a sensation of discomfort, that affects people, causing affectations in hearing, physiological functions, mental health, behavior, and performance of people. However, it is the most ignored environmental pollutant. Due this reason, we carried study to assess perception of the effects produced by the sound pressure since the vehicle fleet on the basic cognitive skills of elementary school students. We conducted noise monitoring in the areas surrounding the educational institution and we applied surveys related to sound perception and its effects on basic cognitive skills, specifically on attention, concentration and memory in elementary school children. The results obtained from the noise monitoring showed that the sound pressure levels in the study area exceeded those stipulated in the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Noise for a Special Protection Zone (50 LAeqT), such as schools. The results of the surveys showed that 46.9% of students perceive that noise affects their attention, 44.1% affects their concentration and 43.5% affects their memory, reflecting that students do consider noise as an element that affects important aspects for the development of their school activities.
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