Terapia Física: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Perception of the virtual learning environment and social presence in Physiotherapy students during the COVID-19 pandemicIntroduction: the aim of this study was to determine the association between the perception of the virtual learning environment and the social presence in Physiotherapy students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and method: the design was observational, cross-sectional and analytical. The perception of the virtual learning environment and social presence were measured through the Spanish version of the Distance Learning Education Environments Survey and Networked Minds Social Presence Measure questionnaires, respectively. The survey was sent to 223 students, but only 65 entered the research. Results: it was found that 76.9 % had regular internet quality, 84.6 % used a laptop as the main technological device for the study and 72.3 % indicated that the use of the device was exclusive. Regarding the virtual learning environment, the constructs «Active learning»(4.1 ± 0.6) and «Autonomy» (4.1 ± 0.6) obtained high scores; while, for social presence, the constructs «Co-presence» (5.4 ± 1.0) and «Perceived understanding of the message» (5.0 ± 0.9). In addition, it was found that «Teacher support» (r = 0.41, p < 0.001) and «Personal relevance» (r = 0.37, p = 0.002) were associated with social presence. Conclusion: an association was found between the perception of teacher support and personal relevance in the virtual learning environment and social presence in Physiotherapy students during the COVID-19 pandemic.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Chronic Low Back Pain and Sedentary Behavior in Medical College Students(Universidad del Rosario, 2024-01-11)ntroduction: Low back pain is a common condition among medical students, with various risk factors identified. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between the presence of low back pain in the last 12 months (lbp) and sedentary behavior in medical students at a private university. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional analytical, prospective observational study was conducted with 167 respondents (101 women and 66 men). The main measurements in this study included sedentary behavior and low back pain in the last 12 months. Sedentary behavior was assessed along with physical activity through the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (gpaq), while low back pain was measured using the Kuorinka Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. In addition, demographic and academic variables such as gender, age, and academic cycle of the participants were assessed. Results: A frequency of low back pain of 67.7% and an average sedentary behavior of 9.5 hours (sd = 3.04) were found, 70.1% maintain a healthy level of physical activity. Greater sedentary behavior was found to be associated with a greater presence of lbp. In the multivariate analysis, it was found that for each hour seated, the likelihood of suffering lbp significantly increased (or = 1.17; p = 0.013). Students who remain seated/reclined for 10 or more hours have an increased risk of suffering low back pain (aor = 4.13; p = 0.001) compared to those who spend less than 10 hours in these positions. Conclusion: It is observed that for each hour in a seated/reclined position, the odds ratio of suffering low back pain in students increases by 15%, and accumulating 10 or more hours a day in a seated/reclined position significantly increases the suffering of low back pain in the last 12 monthsAcceso abierto
Time-on-task effects on human pupillary and saccadic metrics after theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation over the frontal eye field(Elsevier B.V., 2023-12-01)Pupil size undergoes constant changes primarily influenced by ambient luminance. These changes are referred to as the pupillary light reflex (PLR), where the pupil transiently constricts in response to light. PLR kinematics provides valuable insights into autonomic nervous system function and have significant clinical applications. Recent research indicates that attention plays a role in modulating the PLR, and the circuit involving the frontal eye field (FEF) and superior colliculus is causally involved in controlling this pupillary modulation. However, there is limited research exploring the role of the human FEF in these pupillary responses, and its impact on PLR metrics remains unexplored. Additionally, although the protocol of continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) is well-established, the period of disruption after cTBS is yet to be examined in pupillary responses. Our study aimed to investigate the effects of FEF cTBS on pupillary and saccadic metrics in relation to time spent performing a task (referred to as time-on-task). We presented a bright stimulus to induce the PLR in visual- and memory-delay saccade tasks following cTBS over the right FEF or vertex. FEF cTBS, compared to vertex cTBS, resulted in decreased baseline pupil size, peak constriction velocities, and amplitude. Furthermore, the time-on-task effects on baseline pupil size, peak amplitude, and peak time differed between the two stimulation conditions. In contrast, the time-on-task effects on saccadic metrics were less pronounced between the two conditions. In summary, our study provides the first evidence that FEF cTBS affects human PLR metrics and that these effects are modulated by time-on-task.Acceso abierto
Linking tonic and phasic pupil responses to P300 amplitude in an emotional face-word Stroop task(John Wiley and Sons Inc CODEN PSPHA, 2024-04-01)The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system, which regulates arousal levels, is important for cognitive control, including emotional conflict resolution. Additionally, the LC-NE system is implicated in P300 generation. If the P300 is mediated by the LC-NE system, and considering the established correlations between LC activity and pupil dilation, P300 amplitude should correlate with task-evoked (phasic) pupil dilation on a trial-by-trial basis. However, prior studies, predominantly utilizing oddball-type paradigms, have not demonstrated correlations between concurrently recorded task-evoked pupil dilation and P300 responses. Using a recently developed emotional face-word Stroop task that links pupil dilation to the LC-NE system, here, we examined both intra- and inter-individual correlations between task-evoked pupil dilation and P300 amplitude. We found that lower accuracy, slower reaction times, and larger task-evoked pupil dilation were obtained in the incongruent compared to the congruent condition. Furthermore, we observed intra-individual correlations between task-evoked pupil dilation and P300 amplitude, with larger pupil dilation correlating with a greater P300 amplitude. In contrast, pupil dilation did not exhibit consistent correlations with N450 and N170 amplitudes. Baseline (tonic) pupil size also showed correlations with P300 and N170 amplitudes, with smaller pupil size corresponding to larger amplitude. Moreover, inter-individual differences in task-evoked pupil dilation between the congruent and incongruent conditions correlated with differences in reaction time and P300 amplitude, though these effects only approached significance. To summarize, our study provides evidence for a connection between task-evoked pupil dilation and P300 amplitude at the single-trial level, suggesting the involvement of the LC-NE system in P300 generation.Acceso restringido temporalmente
ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SCREEN TIME AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PERFORMED BY SCHOOLCHILDREN IN METROPOLITAN LIMA DURING THE STATE OF EMERGENCY DUE TO COVID-19(Didactic Asociation Andalucia, 2023-09-01)Nowadays in the pandemic of Covid-19, it is important to know the ravages of the state of emergency in schoolchildren. For this reason, this cross-sectional analytical study aims to determine the association between screen time and the level of physical activity (PA). A total of 169 primary school students from Metropolitan Lima participated. They were evaluated through the screen time questionnaire, the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) and a sociodemographic report. The results indicate that 52.1% gained weight during the pandemic and 62.7% of students used screens for more than 5 hours on a typical day from Monday to Friday. The PAQ-C determined that 74.6% did not comply with the recommended physical activity times (AF-NR= < 2.73). In this study, no statistical association was found between children's screen time and meeting recommended physical activity levels. However, variables such as the number of siblings, having had household members with Covid-19 symptoms, and the time per week receiving remote PA workshops were found to be associated with PA-NR.Acceso abierto
Cervical mobility and suboccipital space C0-C1 in patients with headache(Sociedad Mexicana de Neurologia y Psiquiatria, 2022-05-01)Introduction: headaches are a public health problem and the role of cervical biomechanics in their condition has been postulated. Objective: it was to evaluate the association between the presence of headache with cervical mobility and the alteration of the suboccipital space C0-C1. Material and methods: the design was case-control; the population was adults between 18 and 59 years old who worked in the administrative field. The cases were made up of workers with headache, controls workers without this symptomatology. Cervical mobility measured with the Cervical Range of Motion Instrument CROM3 and the measurement of the C0-C1 space by lateral teleradiography were evaluated. Results: 55 controls and 28 cases participated. A greater presence of cervical pain was found in the cases (p < 0.001); the cases presented a 64.3% of important or very severe impact of disability, an OR of 4.76 was found for the category of presenting space decreased in C0-C1 adjusted to sex, age and presence of cervical pain. Conclusions: the decrease in left lateralization, the increase in suboccipital flexion, as well as the decrease in the C0-C1 space, were associated with a greater probability of presenting headache.Acceso abierto
Prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares y factores asociados en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima-Perú(Academia Nacional de Medicina, 2022-10-01)Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are musculoskeletal and neuromuscular alterations that affect the temporomandibular joint, masticatory muscles, and contiguous structures. A high prevalence of TMD has been reported in university students, and it may also be associated with neck pain and emotional disturbances. The objective is to determine the prevalence and factors associated with TMD in university students. M ethods: An analytical cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The population was university students who have completed in 2021, aged between 18 and 35 years. The Fonseca Simplified Anamnestic Index Questionnaire, DASS-21, Nordic Questionnaire, and general data questionnaire were used. Results: 378 university students were included in the study, 73.6 % had TMD and 59.8 % had cervical pain in the last 7 days. 55.6 %, 71.4 %, and 65.6 % presented stress, anxiety, and depression, respectively. A significant association was found between TMD and cervical pain in the last 7 days (RPa=1.28, CI95 % 1.11 to 1.47, p=0.001), with anxiety (RPa=1.24, CI95 % 1.02 to 1.52, p=0.033) and with female sex (RPa=1.18, CI95 % 1.02 to 1.37, p=0.025). On the contrary, no association was found between TTM and the stress and depression variables. Conclusion: 73.6 % of university students had TMD, and it was also shown that cervical pain in the last 7 days and anxiety were associated with TMD. No relationship was found between stress and depression with TMD.Acceso abierto
Human microsaccade cueing modulation in visual- and memory-delay saccade tasks after theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation over the frontal eye field(Elsevier Ltd, 2023-08-13)Microsaccades that occur during periods of fixation are modulated by various cognitive processes and have an impact on visual processing. A network of brain areas is involved in microsaccade generation, including the superior colliculus and frontal eye field (FEF) which are involved in modulating microsaccade rate and direction after the appearance of a visual cue (referred to as microsaccade cueing modulation). Although the neural mechanisms underlying microsaccade cueing modulations have been demonstrated in monkeys, limited research has investigated a causal role of these areas in humans. By applying continuous theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (cTBS) over the right FEF and vertex, we investigated the role of human FEF in modulating microsaccade responses after the appearance of a visual target in a visual- and memory-delay saccade task. After target appearance, microsaccade rate was initially suppressed but then increased in both cTBS conditions. More importantly, in the visual-delay task, microsaccades after target appearance were directed to the ipsilateral side more often with FEF, compared to vertex stimulation. Moreover, microsaccades were directed towards the target location, then to the opposite location of the target in both tasks, with larger effects in the visual-, compared to, memory-delay task. This microsaccade direction modulation was delayed after FEF stimulation in the memory-delay task. Overall, some microsaccade cueing modulations were moderately disrupted after FEF cTBS, suggesting a causal role for involvement of the human FEF in microsaccade generation after presentation of salient stimuliAcceso restringido temporalmente
Association between distance from the medial edges of the rectus abdominis and low back pain in college students(Editorial Ciencias Medicas, 2023-01-01)Introduction: Chronic low back pain in university students ranges between 12.4 and 75 %. It was initially evidenced that the alteration of the musculature of the rectus abdominis may be associated with low back pain. Objective: To evaluate the association between the distance from the medial edges of the rectus abdominis muscle and the presence of low back pain. Methods: A case-control study was conducted in students of a private university in the city of Lima. Low back pain and the distance between the medial edges of the rectus abdominis muscle were assessed using the numerical pain scale, the waist-hip index, the Nordic questionnaire and the Oswestry scale. The distance between the medial edges of the rectus abdominis muscle was measured with a digital Caliper. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the distance from the rectus abdominis was 21.9 ± 3.5. This and abdominal diastasis were associated with low back pain. Conclusions: The distance between the medial edges of the rectus abdominis muscle and low back pain in university students was shown to be related.Acceso abierto
Assessment of Rehabilitation Infrastructure in Peru(W.B. Saunders, 2017-11)Objective: To assess rehabilitation infrastructure in Peru in terms of the World Health Organization (WHO) health systems building blocks. Design: Anonymous quantitative survey; questions were based on the WHO's Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care and rehabilitation professionals' input. Setting: Large public hospitals and referral centers and an online survey platform. Participants: Convenience sample of hospital personnel working in rehabilitation and neurology (N=239), recruited through existing contacts and professional societies. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Outcome measures were for 4 WHO domains: health workforce, health service delivery, essential medical products and technologies, and health information systems. Results: Regarding the domain of health workforce, 47% of physical therapists, 50% of occupational therapists, and 22% of physiatrists never see inpatients. Few reported rehabilitative nurses (15%) or prosthetist/orthotists (14%) at their hospitals. Even at the largest hospitals, most reported ≤3 occupational therapists (54%) and speech-language pathologists (70%). At hospitals without speech-language pathologists, physical therapists (49%) or nobody (34%) perform speech-language pathology roles. At hospitals without occupational therapists, physical therapists most commonly (59%) perform occupational therapy tasks. Alternate prosthetist/orthotist task performers are occupational therapists (26%), physical therapists (19%), and physicians (16%). Forty-four percent reported interdisciplinary collaboration. Regarding the domain of health services, the most frequent inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation barriers were referral delays (50%) and distance/transportation (39%), respectively. Regarding the domain of health information systems, 28% reported rehabilitation service data collection. Regarding the domain of essential medical products and technologies, electrophysical agents (88%), gyms (81%), and electromyography (76%) were most common; thickened liquids (19%), swallow studies (24%), and cognitive training tools (28%) were least frequent. Conclusions: Rehabilitation emphasis is on outpatient services, and there are comparatively adequate numbers of physical therapists and physiatrists relative to rehabilitation personnel. Financial barriers seem low for accessing existing services. There appear to be shortages of inpatient rehabilitation, specialized services, and interdisciplinary collaboration. These may be addressed by redistributing personnel and investing in education and equipment for specialized services. Further examination of task sharing's role in Peru's rehabilitation services is necessary to evaluate its potential to address deficiencies. © 2017 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Fiabilidad y validez de las mediciones en hombro y codo: análisis de una aplicación de Android y un goniómetro(Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2017-04)Carta al Editor
Efecto de la terapia manual en la cefalea tensional(Elsevier España S.L., 2017-04)Cartas al EditorAcceso abierto
Falta de adherencia al tratamiento fisioterapéutico en pacientes con trastornos musculoesqueléticos en una clínica docente en Lima, Perú(Elsevier B.V., 2015-12)Objetivo Conocer la incidencia y los factores de riesgo asociados a la falta de adherencia al tratamiento fisioterapéutico en pacientes con dolor y trastornos músculo esqueléticos que asisten a una clínica docente en Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, incluyó a todos los pacientes nuevos atendidos por dolor y trastornos musculoesqueléticos en el periodo 2012-2014. Se midieron la falta de adherencia (asistencia menor a las 8 sesiones indicadas) y los factores demográficos. Se calcularon los riesgos relativos crudos y ajustados (RRa). Resultados Se incluyó a 549 pacientes, el 68,3% fueron mujeres, el 37,2% tuvo 60 o más años, las lesiones más frecuentes se ubicaron en el miembro inferior (34,2%) y el dorso lumbar (24,6%). Se encontró una incidencia de falta de adherencia de 56,4% (IC del 95%, 52,2 a 60,7%) y estuvo asociada a residir lejos de la clínica (RRa: 1,34; IC del 95%, 1,16 a 1,57) y tener menos de 40 años (RRa: 1,27; IC del 95%, 1,04 a 1,54). Conclusión Existe una alta incidencia de falta de adherencia al tratamiento fisioterapéutico relacionado con la distancia y la edad de los pacientes, por lo que se deben buscar estrategias para aumentar la adherencia.Acceso restringido temporalmente
Associated factors vs risk factors in cross-sectional studies.(Dove Medical Press, 2016-01-26)Cartas al editorAcceso abierto
Disfunciones musculoesqueléticas pediátricas: Inclusión de la Terapia Manual(Archivos argentinos de pediatría, 2015-05-21)Acceso abierto
Prevención de lesiones musculo esqueléticas en el niño con TDAH: incentivar el abordaje de la terapia física(Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría, 2015-05-13)Cartas al editorAcceso abierto
¿Activación o estiramiento muscularpara el alivio del dolor?(Elsevier B.V., 2015-04-09)Acceso abierto
Maloclusión, trastorno temporomandibular y su asociación a la cervicalgia(Elsevier B.V., 2015-02-02)Objetivo Estimar la asociación entre la maloclusión y el trastorno temporomandibular (TTM) con la cervicalgia en los pacientes que asistían al área odontológica de una clínica de Odontología. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en Lima, Perú. La población fue conformada por pacientes que asistían a una clínica odontológica, a quienes se evaluó el autorreporte de cervicalgia en los últimos 3 meses, el TTM con el índice de Fonseca, los tipos de maloclusión con la evaluación odontológica registrada en su historia clínica, así como hábitos orales y falta de piezas dentarias. Se evaluó la asociación calculando las razones de prevalencia ajustadas (RPa). Resultados Se incluyó a 215 personas, cuya edad media ± desviación estándar fue de 33,1±12,4 años y la mayoría fueron mujeres (69,3%). La prevalencia de cervicalgia fue del 64,2; el 79,1% tuvo algún grado de TTM y el 97,7% maloclusión. Tener TTM estuvo asociado a cervicalgia, tanto moderada como severa (RPa: 6,65; IC del 95%, 3,17-13,95), como leve (RPa: 4,88; IC del 95%, 2,29-10,41). No se halló asociación entre maloclusión y cervicalgia (RPa: 0,89; IC del 95%, 0,71-1,13). Otro factor asociado fue la ausencia de 3 o más dientes (RPa: 1,25; IC del 95%, 1,01-1,56). Conclusiones La cervicalgia está asociada al TTM pero no a la maloclusión, por lo que se recomienda un trabajo coordinado entre odontólogos y fisioterapeutas en el manejo de la TTM y cervicalgia para tratar integralmente a estos pacientes.Acceso abierto
Similar sintomatología que pueden condicionar un tratamiento fisioterapéutico efectivo: fibromialgia y climaterio(Elsevier B.V., 2014-11-27)Acceso abierto