Recent Submissions

  • La poética del territorio de Chonon Bensho

    Favaron, Pedro; Haya de la Torre, José Agustín (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, 2023-03-07)
    El presente artículo trata de entender la poesía de la artista y poeta shipibo-konibo Chonon Bensho (Comunidad Nativa Santa Clara de Yarinacocha, Región Ucayali, Perú, 1992), primero, en relación con las problemáticas que surgen en torno a las desigualdades que establece el pensamiento hegemónico de la modernidad respecto de la valoración de la oralidad y la escritura. A partir de esa problemática, y de los intentos de superarla, se analizan las aspiraciones y resignificaciones de la apuesta poética de Chonon en el contexto más amplio de la irrupción de poetas, artistas y pensadores indígenas en el espacio público nacional y en las instituciones académicas-artísticas. Luego de esas reflexiones contextuales, se interpretará la epistemología visionaria y la ontología multinaturalista de la poesía de Chonon y su relación con el territorio ancestral, para, al final, a manera de conclusión, señalar la posibilidad de esta propuesta poética para interpelar a una civilización atravesada por las preocupaciones ecológicas y las consecuencias negativas de sus prácticas ecocidas.
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  • Collaborative Learning and Emergency Remote Teaching in Interpreter Training: Teachers' and Students' Experiences During COVID-19

    Castillo-Chumpitaz, Karolayn Angelica; Gutierrez-Gargurevich, Sandra; De La Torre Castro, Jose Agustin Haya (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-01-01)
    Mandatory social distancing due to COVID-19 presented the challenge of shifting on-site education to virtual learning environments in order to resume lessons in universities around the world. In this context, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) had to shift its Educational Model to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). This study aims to analyze Collaborative Learning in the process of adapting the virtual learning environment (VLE) used in the four Interpreter Training courses belonging to UPC's undergraduate program in Professional Translation and Interpretation (TIP) during the two academic terms of ERT in 2020. Six interpreter trainers were interviewed to explore their perspectives on adapting the VLE to allow and promote Collaborative Learning in their classes during ERT, while eleven interpreting students shared their perceptions on this VLE's effectiveness in a focus group. Results show how Collaborative Learning was developed through bonds of Positive Interdependence and Promotive Interaction between members of the learning community, both teachers and students.
  • Polyphonic workflows the emerging dubbing market in Peru

    Garcia-Masson, Grecia; Espinoza-Alarcón, Francisco; Villanueva-Jordán, Iván (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2022-09-15)
    The dubbing process is usually depicted as a linear model in which its participants occupy fixed roles determined by their specializations. However, Torre A, a Peruvian dubbing firm, applies alternative procedures in an emerging context of the dubbing industry. This first case study of dubbing in Peru seeks to examine the dubbing process employed by the agency Torre A based on two projects taking place during its emerging stage as a company. Participants from both projects were interviewed to reconstruct each project workflow. The workflows were then analyzed to contrast the monological, linear theoretical model found in the literature with the dialogical model arising from the participants' voices. The results show the looping nature of the dubbing process, which is comprised of tasks performed simultaneously or repeatedly by versatile agents whose roles depend on available human and temporal resources as well as intrinsic motivation. This multiplicity of roles also influences the quality criteria used by the agents, who formulate criteria based on their professional perspectives, experiences, and general knowledge of the dubbing process. Thus, a variety of dubbing project circumstances determine how dubbing takes place. This represents a departure from the traditional, or standardized, model of dubbing. © Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) Revue Babel.
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  • Do Peruvian University Professor Use, Adapt and Publish Open Educational Resources?

    Flores-Bueno, Daniel; Limaymanta, Cesar H.; De Occa, Jorge Bossio Montes (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022-12-01)
    The use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education in Latin America is a under-researched topic. However, it is a priority for state and private educational institutions to be aware of it. The aim of this article is to identify its use in the Peruvian university professors community. The method used was quantitative. The design is non-experimental. A total of 4995 professors were surveyed in 2020. It was found that only 4.7% create and share OER and only 11.2% can identify their licenses of use. The data suggest that, despite the interest in the topic, there is still a lack of knowledge about licensing issues and the adoption of open educational practices.
  • Looking at Queer/Cuir in Ibero-American Translation

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván; Martínez Pleguezuelos, Antonio J. (Universidad de Antioquia, 2023-01-01)
    Based on a review of the figure of James S. Holmes as a pioneer of contemporary translation studies, this introductory article identifies some critical aspects of reflection on queerness in translated cultural artifacts. To do so, the article is divided into three sections drawing from theoretician Alberto Mira’s concept of “unsubmissive look” (mirada insumisa) to recognize queer trajectories in translation studies from its disciplinary inception to the emergence of gender approaches to the research articles gathered in this special issue. The second section briefly reviews how “queer” is understood and has been translated in Spanish until the current coinage cuir. The third section proposes a conceptual organization of how gender has permeated translation studies by emerging relational categories such as “translation and gender,” “translation and queer,” and “translation and trans.” The article concludes with a brief presentation of the twelve articles collected in this issue.
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    Shimabukuro, Bryan Matayoshi; Guerrero, Kerly Montalvo; Colombier, Marco Ramírez (2022-06-01)
    This article analyses the perspectives of a group of indigenous language interpreters regarding interpreting in Peru’s judicial system. Semi-structured interviews were held with eight interpreters of different indigenous languages, who recounted how they acquired both their own people’s and the Spanish languages, their professional activities, their processes of insertion into national language policies and their views on the power relationships evinced in their work with the State and, more specifically, within the judicial system. It outlines participants’ viewpoints regarding their relationship with the indigenous communities who are the recipients of language services and with justice system actors. These interactions construct different identitary dimensions amongst interpreters, whilst also impacting their understanding of their roles and status.
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    Jordán, Iván Villanueva; Galarza, Núria Molines (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Feministas y de Género Purificación Escribano, 2022-01-01)
    Este artículo presenta un estado del campo de la traductología del género así como los retos a los que se enfrenta en el panorama actual esta rama de la traductología. Pretende servir de marco a las reflexiones ulteriores a partir de las nociones de traducción, género y deconstrucción como categorías cuyo vínculo deriva de cuestionar los binarismos, así como las metáforas sobre los textos traducidos y los cuerpos generizados en sistemas sexo-genéricos. En línea con el Outward Turn, este texto plantea la afinidad con otras disciplinas y la relevancia de los estudios traductológicos, especialmente aquellos con enfoque deconstructivo, en el pensamiento feminista interseccional y de carácter no esencialista. A su vez, resume las aportaciones del presente número, como muestras de metodologías y enfoques diversos que entroncan con la nueva dirección hacia la que avanza nuestra disciplina.
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  • Interview with Javier Sáez del Álamo

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván; Martínez-Carrasco, Robert (Cadernos de Tradução, 2023-01-01)
    Esta entrevista es parte de un proyecto de investigación en torno a la obra traductora de Javier Sáez del Álamo, en particular de los libros de Jack Halberstam editados por la Editorial Egales. Saéz del Álamo (Burgos, España, 1965) es Licenciado en sociología (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), especialista en psicoanálisis y teoría queer, y traductor. Su obra como autor incluye libros como Teoría queer y psicoanálisis (Síntesis, 2004), Por el culo. Políticas anales (en coautoría con Sejo Carrascosa; Egales, 2011), así como un nutrido corpus de capítulos en libros colectivos sobre género, sexualidad y activismo. Entre los volúmenes editados, se encuentra el libro pionero Teoría queer (coeditado con David González y Paco Vidarte para Egales). Su amplísima trayectoria como traductor de teoría crítica se puede consultar en su web
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  • Audiovisual Translation, Multilingual Desire, and the Construction of the Intersectional Gay Male Body

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván (MDPI, 2023-06-01)
    This study focuses on the HBO series Looking, whose two seasons and film make up a critical telecinematic artifact that reveals how authorial vision integrates ideologies on class, race, and desire that are identifiable in visual modes and language use—particularly multilingual dialogues. The analysis begins with the assumption that Looking is a relevant case of complex television and centers on the narrative structure of the series and the way that language, translation, and visual semiotic resources interact in the construction of a gay Latino character in the source version of the series and two Spanish dubbed versions—one for Latin America and the other for Spain. The findings reveal that Looking, as a televisual and aesthetic artifact, proposes a post-gay discourse of homoerotic relationships while also constructing racialized objects of desire, particularly the Latinx (male) body. A comparative linguistic analysis shows that both the dubbed versions highlight the boundaries of the so-called globalized gay identity. The data gathered demonstrate that the representation of ethnic, racial, and erotic difference changes according to the language system used. Moreover, new interactions between dubbed dialogues and visual resources result in a greater degree of semiotic layering of ideological discourses throughout the series.
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  • Mother Camp has Arrived: an analysis of the Spanish translation of Esther Newton’s ethnographic text on drag queens in America

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván; Ramírez-Colombier, Marco (Taylors & Francis Online, 2023-01-01)
    This article contains an analysis of the Spanish translation of Mother Camp, Esther Newton’s ethnography, which was initially published in 1972. The 2016 translation by Belbel Bullejos and Uría constitutes a corpus that lends itself to an exploration of the limits of the translation of gender as a relational category. In the Spanish version of this ethnographic text, several equivalents proposed for identity categories point to incommensurability among various signifiers related to bodies, sexuality, and gendered life experiences. Moreover, different domesticating translation strategies adapted for Peninsular Spanish readers contribute to the Spanish translation reading like a fiction/non-fiction hybrid text. The selected strategies mask the temporally and geographically bound representation of sex/gender dissent and the experimental innovations of Newton’s ethnographic discourse.
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  • Agency, paratextuality, and queer pedagogy: analysing Javier Sáez del Álamo’s translator’s notes

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván; Martínez-Carrasco, Robert (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023-01-01)
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  • The expulsion of the different. Discipline, sanitation, and illness in “Lorenzita” by Manuel Atanasio Fuentes

    Leonardo-Loayza, Richard (Universidad Catolica Silva Henriquez, 2022-07-01)
    The article analyzes “Lorenzita” (1898) by Manuel Atanasio Fuentes, a text that can be considered as the first literary manifestation that addresses the issue of sexual dissidence in Peru. An attempt is made to show that this text shows the rejection of the leadership élites regarding the body of the homosexual, which is considered a sick and abject body. This position is related to the disciplining and sanitation practices that this élite develops against the identities that it is thought should not be included in the modernization projects of the Peruvian nation at the end of the 19th century.
  • Destinatarios y lecturas múltiples de El principe feliz de Oscar Wilde: análisis de la adaptación fílmica de Rupert Everett

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván (Universitat Jaume I, 2022-04-28)
    En este artículo se presenta el análisis de la película The Happy Prince (2018), escrita, dirigida y protagonizada por Rupert Everett, actor inglés con una amplia carrera wildeana. El filme ha integrado en su narrativa pasajes clave del cuento de 1888 “The Happy Prince”, relatados en inglés y francés por el personaje de Oscar Wilde. Debido a estos cambios de medio y de lengua —traducción intermedial e intersistémica en la terminología de Kaindl (2020)—, la película revela dimensiones sobre las infancias queer no exploradas en investigaciones precedentes en torno a este cuento y sus traducciones. Asimismo, los subtítulos de la película en español muestran cómo la “fosilización” de una decisión traductora de las primeras décadas del siglo xx, que omite la pasión intermasculina, resulta en el síntoma de una manipulación cuando interactúan tres sistemas lingüísticos a la vez en pantalla.
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  • Lost in emotions and translation: emotional regulation in translation students

    Adriana Farias Córdova, Rocío; Lucía Wiesse Ramos, Diana (Universidad de Valladolid, 2022-01-10)
    This research paper analyzes the strategies that translation students of a Peruvian university use to regulate their emotions. The results show the most common scenarios: getting lower grades than expected, the lack of confidence in their conceptual and thematic background, aspects of the course methodology, and their relationships with their professors and classmates. The students’ process starts with the use of maladaptive strategies, such as rumination and self-blame. However, students continue their process and then use adaptive strategies to fulfill their goals, such as refocusing on their planning.
  • La trasmisión de palabras de origen uchinaguchi mediante las principales características culturales okinawenses y su recepción en la comunidad nikkei de Lima, 2018

    Carrasco, Jhonattan; Segura, Alejandra (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2021-06)
    The largest part of Lima's Nikkei community is composed of Okinawan descendants. Therefore, the arts, gastronomy, and rites of Okinawa are cultural characteristics that are part of the lives of the members of this community. Although the native language of Okinawa (Uchinaguchi) is in danger of extinction, this paper exhibits that the practice of these cultural characteristics, at home and in community events and workshops, generates the transmission and reception of Uchinaguchi words ("uchinaguisms") in Lima's Nikkei community.
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  • Translation and Telefiction: Multimodal Analysis of Paratextual Pieces for HBO’s Looking

    Villanueva-Jordán, Iván (Universitat Jaume I, 2021-07-27)
    This paper presents an analysis of the trailers for a telefiction series originally produced in English and simultaneously distributed in Spanish in Latin America. Looking (aired between 2014 and 2016 by HBO) was a contemporary dramedy series, a hybrid genre typical of the quality TV promoted by HBO, that told the story of three gay friends living in San Francisco. The aesthetics of the series reveals the auteur cinematic work of Andrew Haigh, a film director who applied his visual narrative repertoire to Looking. Using the multimodal analysis model proposed by Kaindl (2020) and the structure of communicative modes proposed by Chaume (2004) and Stöckl (2004), this paper analyzes the translation and Latin American adaptation of two trailers of the series to understand whether the semiotic integration of the paratexts represents or intensifies the narrative aspects of the hybrid genre series.
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  • A Pilot Study on Subtitling Tasks and Projects for Intercultural Awareness and Queer Pedagogy

    Villanueva-Jordan, Ivan; Gallardo-Echenique, Eliana (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-10-19)
    This paper presents the results of a pilot study on the use of active interlingual subtitling for intercultural awareness and queer pedagogy. The subtitling tasks and project were carried out with Ooona, an online subtitling software, and as part of an optional course on gender and sexuality at an undergraduate university program in Translation. The data collected are based on the Spanish subtitles produced by the students from audiovisual content originally in English, as well as on questionnaires and reports that they completed after subtitling. The results reveal how cloud-based subtitling software is a useful tool for students to position themselves regarding online video content online, as well as how the audiovisual representation of queer characters allows students to reflect on aspects of the gender/sex system when they must transfer linguistic content that is rooted in different socio-cultural systems.
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  • The inca country: Reframing translated news from spanish to english by peruvian news agency andina

    Cama-Casafranca, Melissa Erika; Del Carmen Olivares-Espinoza, Lucía (Universidad de Antioquia, 2021-02-02)
    This paper analyses the reframing strategies (Baker, 2006) and transfer of communicational functions (Nord, 2010) in some news translated by state-owned Peruvian News Agency Andina (Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina) from Spanish to English. This media platform uses translation to expand its readership to foreigners that might be interested in visiting and investing in Peru (Andina, 2016, par. 14), thus helping the nation's economy to grow. The study is based on a bilingual corpus of 114 news articles published in the economics and tourism sections during 2019. The contrastive text analysis showed how Andina reframes the translations to adapt them into a new sociocultural context, reflecting the discourse of the Peru brand. Andina translations reveal the use of reframing strategies to recontextualize events having an impact on Peruvian economy, to herald a "patriotic" discourse that highlights government's achievements, targeting Peruvian readership, and to provide information related to Peruvian tourist attractions. The changes in communicative functions inform change in text type focus in a set of translated news towards a tourism genre.
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  • You better werk. Rasgos del camp talk en la subtitulación al español de Rupaul’s Drag Race

    Villanueva Jordán, Iván (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2019-09)
    Este artículo aborda la subtitulación en castellano del programa de televisión de realidad RuPaul’s Drag Race (RPDR) mediante un análi-sis porcentual de la presencia de rasgos microtextuales relativos al camp y la manera en que estos fueron traducidos en las versiones publicadas en Netflix y en el grupo de Facebook RPDR Venezuela. El artículo inicia con una elaboración sobre el camp (una sensibilidad estética comúnmente asociada con la identidad gay y difundida en espacios anglófonos) y el camp talk como categorías de estudio para la traductología. Más adelante se presentan los resultados del análisis de los subtítulos de dos episodios del programa de televisión. Finalmente, la discusión sobre los resultados alcances sobre el papel de la traducción en los procesos de aculturación relacionados al camp, así como sobre las nuevas funciones sociales de la subtitulación.
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  • Enseñar a traducir mediante temas de género: adaptación del diseño instruccional de un taller de iniciación a la traducción

    Villanueva Jordán, Iván; Calderon Díaz, Silvia; [email protected] (Universidad de Alicante, 2019-06)
    En el presente artículo damos cuenta de una experiencia de enseñanza-aprenizaje en el taller inicial de Traducción Directa 1 Inglés del program,a de pregrado en traducción de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplciadas. Nos basanmos en la manera en que el taller integró temáticas de género en su diseño instruccional mediante la revisón de las competencias que el taller pretende desarrollar, asi como la adapatación de los textos y las actividades de traducción regulares. Presentaremos las principales estrategías que se desarrollaron en el pkanteamiento y la ejecución del taller. El artículo expone inicialmente el contexto político del perú en 2016, cuando surgió la iniciativa de amoldar el taller mediante temas de género y del que se deriva el objetivo principal del estudio. Las secciones de análisis parten de la descripción del taller en cuestión para abordar (1) las competencias de traducción, los logos de aprendizaje y su vínculo potencial con la investigación formativa en la que se integra el tema de género, (2) la selección de texto fuente y los criterios para el diseño de actividades de aprendizaje. Finalmente presentamos un baolance sobre la efectividad de rediseño del taller mediante la inclusión de temas de género y las percepciones docentes y discentes que resultaron de la experiencia.
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