Now showing items 21-40 of 149

    • Intellectual capital measurement in higher education institutions context from the professors perspective

      Vargas-Atencio, Yuranis; Acosta-Prado, Julio César; Tafur-Mendoza, Arnold Alejandro (Hong Kong Bao Long Accounting And Secretarial Limited, 2024-01-01)
      Intellectual capital has aroused growing interest in higher education; however, one area for improvement in its study is how to measure it adequately. Therefore, it is necessary to have instruments based on current models of intellectual capital. This study aims to design and validate an intellectual capital measurement scale in accredited higher education institutions (HEIs) from the perspective of professors. The study was instrumental because a measurement scale was developed. The sample consisted of 341 professors from six accredited HEIs on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. The statistical analysis consisted of three stages: item analysis, collection of validity evidence based on the internal structure and the relationship with other variables, and reliability analysis using the internal consistency method. The scale's internal structure corroborated intellectual capital composition based on human, structural, and relational components. Regarding convergent evidence, all variables possess this source of validity evidence. Reliability levels were also good. Previously, an instrument has yet to be developed those measures intellectual capital in HEIs from the perspective of professors. This study provides a scale that focuses on the characteristics of this stakeholder and is based on an innovative model of intellectual capital composed of human, structural, and relational capital. The theoretical contribution of the study lies in developing a test based on two current models of intellectual capital: the Intellectus model and the Balanced Scorecard model. It also contributes to practice by providing a tool for measuring intellectual capital that allows its adequate management, improvement, and decision-making within higher education.
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    • Assessing the Health Risk and Trophic Transfer of Lead and Cadmium in Dairy Farming Systems in the Mantaro Catchment, Central Andes of Peru

      Chirinos-Peinado, Doris; Castro-Bedriñana, Jorge; Barnes, Eustace P.G.; Ríos-Ríos, Elva; García-Olarte, Edgar; Castro-Chirinos, Gianfranco (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-05-01)
      This study investigated lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) transfer in three dairy farming areas in the Mantaro river headwaters in the central Peruvian Andes and at varying distances from the mining complex at La Oroya. At each of these sites, the transfer of trace metals from the soil to raw milk was estimated, and a hazard assessment for lead and cadmium was carried out in scenarios of minimum, average, and maximum milk consumption in a Peruvian population aged 2–85. Pb and Cd were quantified by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Significantly, the concentrations of lead and cadmium were found to exceed the maximum limits recommended by the World Health Organization, with a positive geospatial trend correlated with the distance from mining activity. Both Pb and Cd were found to be transferred through the soil–pasture–milk pathway, with the primary source of Cd being phosphate-based fertilizers used in pasture improvement. Pb was found to be the most significant contributor to the Hazard Index (HI) with those under 19 years of age and over 60 recording an HI of >1, with infants being the most vulnerable group due to their greater milk consumption in relation to their body weight. A marginal increase in contamination was observed in the dry season, indicating the need for studies to be expanded over several annual cycles.
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    • Fear of monkeypox and intention to vaccinate against monkeypox: a network analysis

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Ventura-León, José; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Gallegos, Miguel; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Noe-Grijalva, Martin; Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Águeda; Barria-Asenjo, Nicol A.; Torales, Julio; Hualparuca-Olivera, Luis; Ayala-Colqui, Jesús; Reyes-Bossio, Mario (Faculty of Medical Sciences, Santa Rosa del Aguaray Branch, National University of Asuncion, 2024-05-01)
      ntroduction: The presence of fear of an infectious disease triggers psychological factors associated with perceived behavioral control over vaccination acceptance, subjective norms of vaccination acceptance, attitudes toward vaccination acceptance, and perceived infectiousness from disease. Objective: The study evaluated how symptoms of fear of Monkeypox specifically relate to intention to be vaccinated against Monkeypox in a sample of 506 Peruvian individuals with a mean age of 27.11 years (SD = 9.77). Methods: Participants responded to the Monkeypox Fear Scale (MFS) and a single item of Intention to be vaccinated against Monkeypox. Using network analysis, central fear symptoms and associations between symptoms and intention to vaccinate were identified. Results: The results suggest that the node with the highest centrality was item 5 of the MFS. Regarding the connection between the intention to be vaccinated and the MFS items, a direct relationship was observed with item 1 and an inverse relationship with item 6. In addition, the relationship between these MFS items and intention to vaccinate is higher in men compared to women. While it would be expected that a greater presence of symptoms of fear of Monkeypox could lead people to have a greater intention to be vaccinated against the disease, the results could lead other researchers to generate evidence to explain this relationship in other Latin American countries. Discussion: The evidence is useful for developing policies that favor vaccination against Monkeypox in Peru and other Latin American countries.
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    • Sport Psychological Characteristics and Resilience in a Group of Surfers from Lima

      Brozovich-Neyra, Cecilia; Cuyubamba-Rodríguez, Jessica; Flores-Luna, Cecilia; Gallo-Alvarado, Jannise; Reyes-Bossio, Mario (Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024-08-01)
      This study focused on analyzing the relationship between the psychological characteristics of sports and dimensions of resilience in a group of 200 surfers from Lima and Callao through a cross-sectional investigation with a quantitative approach and correlational design. The Psychological Inventory of Sport Performance (IPED) and the Scale of Resilience in the Sport Context (ERCD) were used to collect data. The results revealed significant and positive correlations between the dimensions of self-confidence, visuo-imaginative control, moti-vational level, positive coping control, and attitudinal control with a high effect of .32, .35, and .39, respectively. In addition, for the visuo-imaginative control and motivational level, their magnitude criteria were low with .28 and .27 respectively, which supports the hypotheses proposed. Likewise, in the analysis of the personal competence dimension of resilience, they show a high effect with a .89. Finally, an inverse correlation (-.22) was found between the negative coping dimension of the IPED and resilience, indicating that greater negative coping is related to less resilience in surfers. This study provides valuable information for understanding the psychological factors that can influence the performance and emotional well-being of surfers.
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    • Psychometric Evidence of a Measure of General Self-Efficacy in Peruvian Schoolchildren: Internal Structure, Reliability and Factorial Invariance and Proposal of a Brief Version

      Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Álvarez, Ana Cecilia Quispe; Díaz, Adolfo Alexander Gamero; Ortiz, Rosario Irma Butrón; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Reyes-Bossio, Mario (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", 2024-01-01)
      The present research aims to propose a brief version of a measure of general self-efficacy, based on the Self-Efficacy Scale, and to evaluate its evidence of validity based on internal structure, reliability and factorial invariance according to sex. A total of 806 students (67.5% male and 32.5% female) of secondary level from 13 educational institutions in the city of Arequipa (Peru) participated. The data were processed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory. The results indicate that the original 20-item version of the 10-item Brief Alegre Self-Efficacy Scale is unidimensional with adequate goodness-of-fit and reliability indices (ω =.89). In addition, the presence of factorial invariance between males and females was tested. It is concluded that the proposed measure is valid and reliable, with a monotonic level of difficulty. However, more research is needed with representative samples and with respect to other educational variables.
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    • Cross-Cultural Validity of the Grief Impairment Scale (GIS): Evidence From Four Latin American Countries

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Lee, Sherman A.; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Ventura-León, José; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Baños-Chaparro, Jonatan; Valencia, Pablo D.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Travezaño-Cabrera, Aaron; Torales, Julio; Barrios, Iván; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Sánchez-Villena, Andy Rick; Oré-Kovacs, Nicole; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena (SAGE Publications Inc., 2024-01-01)
      The Grief Impairment Scale (GIS) is used to measure functional impairment due to grief following the death of a loved one. However, there is no information on its cross-cultural utility. Thus, this study assessed the measurement invariance of the GIS using a large sample of bereaved adults (N = 2060) from Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador, and Colombia. Specifically, we employed two measurement invariance techniques: multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MG-CFA) and the alignment optimization method. The results indicated that the GIS demonstrated configural and metric invariance, but not scalar invariance through MG-CFA. The alignment optimization method indicated the presence of an approximate invariance. Therefore, the results suggest that the GIS measures grief-related impairment similarly across the four Latin American countries. Among the countries examined, Peru reported the highest average score on the GIS and had the highest percentage of cases at risk for clinically relevant functional impairment due to grief (6.2%). These findings support the cross-cultural validity of the GIS and lay the foundation for future comparisons.
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    • New Psychometric Evidence of the Grief Impairment Scale (GIS) in People Who Have Experienced the Death of a Loved One From a Network Psychometric Approach in Two Latin American Countries

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Travezaño-Cabrera, Aaron; Ventura-León, José; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Baños-Chaparro, Jonatan; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Valencia, Pablo D.; Torales, Julio; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Barrios, Iván; Jaimes-Alvarez, Freddy; Lee, Sherman A. (SAGE Publications, 2024-05-31)
      This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Grief Impairment Scale (GIS) using a network psychometric model. A total of 1048 individuals from Peru and El Salvador participated. A network psychometric model was used to determine internal structure, reliability, and cross-country invariance. The results indicate that the GIS items were grouped into a single network structure through Exploratory Graph Analysis. Reliability was estimated by structural consistency, and it was found that when replicating the network structure within an empirical dimension, a single network structure was consistently obtained, and all items remained stable. Furthermore, the network structure was invariant, thus functioning similarly across the different country groups. In conclusion, the GIS presented solid psychometric evidence of validity based on its internal structure, reliability, and cross-country invariance. Therefore, the GIS is a psychometrically sound measure of functional impairment symptoms due to grief for Peruvian and Salvadoran individuals.
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    • Basic psychological needs and GRIT in Peruvian university students

      Marcelo-Torres, Nohemi; Manyari-Masias, Maria Pia; Calderón-Sánchez, Raymundo; Tutte, Veronica; Brandão, Regina; Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Reyes-Bossio, Mario (Frontiers Media SA, 2024-01-01)
      Introduction: The present quantitative study of predictive design aims to determine the influence of basic psychological needs and some socio-demographic variables on GRIT, in a sample constituted by scholarship students financed by PRONABEC from a private university in Lima. Methods: The GRIT Scale and Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale were applied to 865 students, 54.7% were female, the ages fluctuated between 16 and 47 years of age, 74.5% were residents in Lima. Results: The results demonstrated that Basic Psychological Need’s satisfaction has a positive influence on GRIT. On the other hand, there is a negative relationship between the GRIT dimensions (consistency and perseverance) and BPN frustration. In addition, women and first generation students showed higher GRIT levels. Discussion: This research confirms a high degree of influence of the competence needs satisfaction dimension on the GRIT and the influence of sociodemographic variables in achieving objectives.
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    • Ten Years of the Peruvian Society of the History of Psychology

      Gallegos, Walter L.Arias; Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Oré-Kovacs, Nicole (American Psychological Association, 2024-01-01)
      This article briefly reviews the development of the history of psychology as a specialized discipline in Peru, in order to learn about the emergence, organization and productivity of the Peruvian Society of the History of Psychology (SPHP), which was founded in 2012. Previously, by way of introduction, the advances in the institutionalization of the history of psychology in Latin America and the development of the historiography of psychology in Peru are described. Seminars, journals, and books edited by the SPHP are discussed, as well as new projects and the challenges that must be faced for a greater dissemination of the history of psychology in Peru.
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    • Network analysis of the relationships between conspiracy beliefs towards COVID-19 vaccine and symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of latin american countries

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Ventura-León, José; Valencia, Pablo D.; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Elías Lobos Rivera, Marlon; Figares, Andrés Buschiazzo; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Tapia, Bismarck Pinto; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Petzold, Olimpia (Springer, 2024-04-01)
      The present study examined how conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines specifically relate to symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of four South American countries. A total of 1785 people from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru participated, responding to a sociodemographic survey, the Fear of COVID-19 scale (FCV-19 S) and the Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale-COVID-19 (VCBS-COVID-19). Network analysis identified the most important symptoms of fear and conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines (nodes) and the associations between them (edges). In addition, the robustness of the network of these indicators of centrality and the possible differences in the structure and connectivity of the networks between the four countries were evaluated. The results suggest that the nodes with the highest centrality were items 2 and 5 of the FCV-19 S and item 2 of the VCBS-COVID-19. Likewise, item 6 is the belief that most predicts conspiracy beliefs about vaccines against COVID-19; while item 6 was the symptom that most predicts fear of COVID-19. The findings strongly support cross-cultural similarities in the networks across the four countries rather than differences. Although it was expected that a higher presence of symptoms of fear of COVID-19 may lead people to compensate for their fear by believing in conspiratorial ideas about vaccines and, consequently, rejecting the COVID-19 vaccine, the results do not clearly show this relationship. This could lead other researchers to generate evidence to explain the differences between Latin American countries and countries in other contexts in terms of vaccination rates. This evidence could be useful to develop policies favoring vaccination against COVID-19 that are more contextualized to the Latin American region, characterized by social instability and economic recession during the pandemic.
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    • Psychometric network analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) in Paraguayan general population

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Travezaño-Cabrera, Aaron; Torales, Julio; Barrios, Iván; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Barria-Asenjo, Nicol A.; Ayala-Colqui, Jesús; Garcia-Cadena, Cirilo H. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-04-15)
      Background: Depression and anxiety are two of the most prevalent and disabling mental disorders worldwide, both in the general population and in outpatient clinical settings. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) based on network analysis metrics. Methods: A total of 911 Paraguayans (23.71% women and 76.29% men; mean age 31.25 years, SD = 10.63), selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling, participated in the study. Network analysis was used to evaluate the internal structure, reliability, and measurement invariance between men and women. Results: The results revealed that the PHQ-4 is a unidimensional measure through Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA). Reliability, through structural consistency, identified that 100% of the time, only a single dimension was obtained, and all items remained stable, as they were always replicated within the empirical dimension. The unidimensional structure has shown evidence of configural invariance; therefore, the network structure functioned equally among the different sex groups. Conclusion: The PHQ-4 presented optimal preliminary evidence of validity based on its internal structure, reliability, and invariance between sexes. Therefore, it may be useful as an accurate and brief measure of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the Paraguayan context.
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    • Network Analysis of Posttraumatic Growth Dimensions: A Cross-Sectional Study in People Who Experienced the Death of a Loved One from COVID-19 in 16 Latin American Countries

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Baños-Chaparro, Jonatan; Ventura-León, José; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Valencia, Pablo D.; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Paredes-Angeles, Rubí; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Gallegos, Miguel; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Palacios Segura, Diego Alejandro; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Camargo, Andrés; Torales, Julio; Monge Blanco, J. Arkangel; González, Pedronel; Smith-Castro, Vanessa; Petzold-Rodriguez, Olimpia; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Matute Rivera, Wendy Yamilet; Ferrufino-Borja, Daniela; Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Agueda; Palacios, Jorge; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; Florez León, Ana María Eduviges; Vergara, Ibeth; Vega, Diego; Schulmeyer, Marion K.; Barria-Asenjo, Nicol A.; Urrutia Rios, Hassell Tatiana; Lira Lira, Arelly Esther; Ayala-Colqui, Jesús (SAGE Publications Inc., 2023-01-01)
      The present study aimed to apply a network analysis model to provide an exploratory empirical conceptualization of dynamic networks of posttraumatic growth (PTG) symptoms in 7,434 people who experienced the death of a loved one from COVID-19 in 16 Latin American countries. The Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory: Short Form of Eight Items was used. A non-regularized network with partial correlation coefficients was estimated through the ggmModSelect algorithm. The network architecture was analyzed for each country through its local properties and global properties. The results indicated that the networks differed significantly between countries. The core dimensions in the networks were relating to others, personal strength, and life value and opportunities, which were more related dimensions that reinforce the emergence of PTG in all countries. The findings may be useful to motivate researchers and mental health professionals to consider the importance of the individual dimensions of PTG in groups of people who experienced the death of a loved one from COVID-19 in 16 Latin American countries, as well as their interrelationships.
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    • Assessment of Obsessive Thoughts About COVID-19 in 7 Latin American Countries: Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Obsession With COVID-19 Scale

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Rivera-Calcina, Renzo; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Valencia, Pablo D.; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Oré-Kovacs, Nicol; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Gallegos, Miguel; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Palacios Segura, Diego Alejandro; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Figares, Andrés Buschiazzo; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Camargo, Andrés; Torales, Julio; Monge Blanco, J. Arkangel; González, Pedronel; Smith-Castro, Vanessa; Petzold-Rodriguez, Olimpia; Calderón, Raymundo; Matute Rivera, Wendy Yamilet; Ferrufino-Borja, Daniela; Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Agueda; Palacios, Jorge; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; Eduviges Florez León, Ana María; Vergara, Ibeth; Vega, Diego; Noe-Grijalva, Martin; Shulmeyer, Marion K.; Urrutia Rios, Hassell Tatiana; Lira Lira, Arelly Esther; Lee, Sherman A. (SAGE Publications Inc., 2023-01-01)
      The present study aimed to evaluate the measurement invariance of the Obsession with COVID-19 Scale (OCS) among seven Latin American countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Although the OCS has been used in several countries and languages, there is a need for approaches that better integrate the cross-cultural equivalence of the scale. A total of 3185 people participated in the study. The results indicated the presence of a unidimensional structure and good reliability indices for the OCS in each country. The alignment method indicated that the OCS is an invariant measure of COVID-19 obsession among the populations of seven Latin American countries. The findings based on IRT analysis indicated that all OCS items had adequate discrimination and difficulty parameters. The findings contribute to the understanding of the internal structure of the scale in different countries at the same time, something that has been pending evaluation.
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    • Psychometric Properties of the Coach-Created Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ-C) in a Brazilian Sample of Athletes: An ESEM Approach

      Angelo, Daniela Lopes; Duda, Joan L.; Balaguer, Isabel; Rosado, Antônio; Corrêa, Mariana; Anunciação, Luis; Tutte, Veronica; Júnior, Marcelo Villas Boas; Bossio, Mário Reyes; Brandão, Regina (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-03-01)
      The objectives of this study were to assess the psychometric properties of the Coach-created Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ-C) by testing four different hypotheses. A procedure of translation and adaptation of the instrument between different languages and cultures was carried out. A total of 350 national level Brazilian athletes (aged between 15 and 17 years; mean = 17.0, SD = 1.7) completed the questionnaire. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling (ESEM) were performed. Consistent with previous work on the EDMCQ-C, all solutions failed to achieve suitable levels of fit for a hierarchical model represented by five climate dimensions (autonomy-supportive, controlling, task-involving, ego-involving, and socially-supportive) and two global dimensions (empowering and disempowering). The 2-ESEM solution provided a satisfactory fit for the first-order model with two global factors supported. The 2-ESEM version of the questionnaire showed adequate predictive and discriminant validity, good internal consistency, and invariance across gender. Such results suggest that the EDMCQ-C is a promising scale to assess Brazilian athletes’ perception of the over-arching empowering and disempowering features of the coach-created motivational climate.
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    • COVID-19 Bereavement in Ten Latin American Countries: Measurement Invariance of the Pandemic Grief Scale and Its Relation to Suicidal Ideation

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Valencia, Pablo D.; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Lee, Sherman A.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Vivanco-Vidal, Andrea; Saroli-Araníbar, Daniela; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; White, Michel; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Rivera, Marlon Elías Lobos; Figares, Andrés Buschiazzo; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Tapia, Bismarck Pinto; Ferrari, Ilka Franco; Flores-Mendoza, Carmen; Gallegos, Walter L.Arias (SAGE Publications Inc., 2023-12-01)
      The present study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Pandemic Grief Scale (PGS) in ten Latin American countries. A total of 2,321 people who had lost a family member or other loved one due to COVID-19 participated, with a mean age of 34.22 years old (SD = 11.99). In addition to the PGS, a single item of suicidal ideation was applied. The unidimensional model of the PGS had adequate fit in most countries and good reliability estimates. There was evidence of measurement invariance by country and gender. Also, a one-point increase in the PGS was associated with an almost twofold increase in the odds of suicidal ideation. Scores greater than or equal to 4 on the PGS are proposed as a cut off to identify individuals with suicidal ideation. Strong evidence of the cross-cultural validity of the PGS is provided.
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    • Test of Invariance of the Anomie Brief Scale with the Alignment Method in 12 Latin American Countries

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Venturaleón, José; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Valencia, Pablo D.; Reyesbossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Yupanquilorenzo, Daniel E.; Paredes-Angeles, Rubí; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moretaherrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Figares, Andrés Buschiazzo; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Gallegos, Walter L.Arias; Petzold, Olimpia; Camargo, Andrés; Torales, Julio; Arkangel Monge Blanco, J.; González, Pedronel; Smithcastroa, Vanessa; Rivera, Wendy Yamilet Matute; Ferrufinoborja, Daniela; Ceballos-Vásquez, Paula; Muñoz-Del-carpiotoia, Agueda; Palacios, Jorge; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; León, Ana María Eduviges Florez; Vergara, Ibeth; Vega, Diego; Schulmeyer, Marion K. (2023-01-01)
      The Social Anomie Brief Scale (SAS10) is a self-report measure of social anomie against new social standards implemented during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the invariance of the cross-cultural measurement of the SAS10 in a sample of 12 Latin American countries. Additionally, the difficulty and discrimination characteristics of the items were evaluated using the IRT and social anomie was compared between the participating countries. A total of 4,911 people from 12 Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela) selected by non-probabilistic snowball sampling participated. The results indicated that the original two-factor model of the SAS10 shows estimation problems and low fit indices in several countries. However, a model of two related dimensions (behavioral and affective) of nine items (SAS-9) presented adequate fit indices in all countries. This model presents adequate estimation of reliability and approximate cross-cultural measurement invariance. Peru was the country with the highest score in the behavioral dimension of social anomie; while Venezuela and Bolivia presented the highest scores in the affective dimension. Mexico was one of the countries with the lowest anomie scores. The results of the IRT would indicate that the characteristics of the SAS-9 items were appropriate. It is concluded that the SAS-9 has shown good psychometric properties when evaluated in 12 Latin American countries and can be used in future studies that compare social anomie cross-culturally.
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    • Adaptation of the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) in Spanish

      Copez-Lonzoy, Anthony; Vallejos-Flores, Miguel; Capa-Luque, Walter; Salas-Blas, Edwin; Montero Doig, Ana María; Dias, Paulo C.; Bazo-Alvarez, Juan Carlos (Elsevier B.V., 2023-11-01)
      The impact of social networks on people's daily lives is worrisome, particularly in adolescents and young people, who seem to exceed the limits of normal use. Constant excessive use can lead to pathological behaviors linked to social media addiction (SMA). Our objectives were to 1) adapt the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) to Spanish and 2) evaluate its psychometric properties in a young population. The BSMAS was adapted to Spanish, involving experts on social media addiction and people from the target population during the adaptation process. For the psychometric evaluation, 650 Peruvian college students responded to the Spanish version (53.5 % women aged 18 to 40, M = 21.5 SD = 2.7). The one-dimensional measurement model proposed for the original BSMAS was confirmed for our version (X2(9) = 23.9315, CFI = 0.994, TLI = 0.990, SRMR = 0.032, RMSEA = 0.061). The reliability was good (α = 0.863; 95 % CI: 0.848–0.870; ω = 0.864; 95 % CI: 0.846–0.844), and the measurement invariance was confirmed for sex and age by fitting models. The concurrent validity with external social media addiction and mental health indicators was also confirmed. This study provides new and relevant information on the BSMAS validity and allows its application to Spanish-speaker college students from Peru and similar countries.
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    • Cross-cultural invariance of the Spanish version of the COVID-19 Assessment Scorecard to measure the perception of government actions against COVID-19 in Latin America

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Valencia, Pablo D.; Ventura-León, José; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Paredes-Angeles, Rubí; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio; Lobos Rivera, Marlon Elías; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Petzold, Olimpia; Camargo, Andrés; Torales, Julio; Monge Blanco, J. Arkangel; González, Pedronel; Smith-Castro, Vanessa; Matute Rivera, Wendy Yamilet; Ferrufino-Borja, Daniela; Ceballos-Vásquez, Paula; Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Agueda; Palacios, Jorge; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; Florez León, Ana María Eduviges; Vergara, Ibeth; Vega, Diego; Barria-Asenjo, Nicol A.; Schulmeyer, Marion K.; Urrutia Rios, Hassell Tatiana; Lira Lira, Arelly Esther (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-12-01)
      Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the measurement invariance of a general measure of the perception of governmental responses to COVID-|19 (COVID-SCORE-10) in the general population of 13 Latin American countries. Methods: A total of 5780 individuals from 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries selected by non-probabilistic snowball sampling participated. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed and the alignment method was used to evaluate invariance. Additionally, a graded response model was used for the assessment of item characteristics. Results: The results indicate that there is approximate measurement invariance of the COVID-SCORE-10 among the participating countries. Furthermore, IRT results suggest that the COVID-SCORE-10 measures with good psychometric ability a broad spectrum of the construct assessed, especially around average levels. Comparison of COVID-SCORE-10 scores indicated that participants from Cuba, Uruguay and El Salvador had the most positive perceptions of government actions to address the pandemic. Thus, the underlying construct of perception of government actions was equivalent in all countries. Conclusion: The results show the importance of initially establishing the fundamental measurement properties and MI before inferring the cross-cultural universality of the construct to be measured.
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    • Maintenance in relationships, satisfaction, jealousy, and violence in young couples: a network analysis

      Ventura-León, José; Lino-Cruz, Cristopher; Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomas; Córdova-Robles, Christian (BioMed Central Ltd, 2023-12-01)
      Background: The study explores the associations among Relationship Maintenance, Satisfaction, Jealousy, and Violence in young Peruvian couples, particularly in a post-pandemic context, using a network analysis. Methods: Eight hundred thirty-two participants aged 18–30 (M = 20.94, SD = 2.29), with 645 females (77.50%) and 187 males (22.50%), were involved. The study aimed to discern relationships among network nodes, emphasizing the link between Relationship Maintenance dimensions and Jealousy and Violence. The research also sought the central node in the network and examined gender-specific node connections, using the SMOTE algorithm for gender data balance. Results: Findings revealed a direct connection between Complementarity and Jealousy, implying intense shared interests can lead to unhealthy dependence. An inverse relationship was seen between Companionship and Violence. Satisfaction was pivotal, showcasing its importance in romantic relationship success. Additionally, the study shows men prioritize Companionship and Sharing, possibly due to cultural norms, while women focus on the Companionship-Complementarity bond, indicating mutual support. Conclusions: The research emphasizes the critical role of maintenance variables in determining Satisfaction, Jealousy, and Violence in relationships. The pandemic's influence on romantic dynamics is evident, emphasizing the importance of Satisfaction. Future studies should focus on gender equity and further explore these relationships.
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    • Intention to receive the monkeypox vaccine and its psychological and sociodemographic predictors: a cross-sectional survey in the general population of Peru

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Valencia, Pablo D.; Ventura-León, José; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Gallegos, Miguel; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Noe-Grijalva, Martin; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; del Carpio Toia, Águeda Muñoz; Torales, Julio; Barria-Asenjo, Nicol A. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-12-01)
      Objective: The objective of this study was to identify predictors of intention to be vaccinated against Monkeypox (Mpox) in a sample of Peruvian citizens. Methods: A set of sociodemographic and psychological predictors were used, such as sex, sexual orientation, educational level, previous diagnosis of COVID-19, marital status, complete vaccination against COVID-19, employment status, living with vulnerable people, presence of chronic disease, area of residence, perceived usefulness of COVID-19 vaccines, fear of Mpox, conspiracy beliefs about Mpox, among others. A total of 472 Peruvian adults participated, selected by non-probabilistic snowball convenience sampling. A sociodemographic survey, the Mpox Fear Scale, was used. Conspiracy Beliefs about Mpox was assessed using three questions created specifically for this study. For inferential purposes, simple ordinal regressions ("crude models") were performed between each factor and the outcome. Results: Regarding their intention to be vaccinated against Mpox, more than 60% expressed clear approval. Being non-heterosexual, having greater emotional fear of Mpox, and perceiving some potential for this disease to become the next pandemic were related to greater intention to vaccinate. On the other hand, being older, having low perceived usefulness of COVID-19 vaccines, and having higher conspiracy beliefs about Mpox were associated with lower intention to vaccinate. Conclusion: The study provides initial information for future research seeking to better analyze Mpox vaccination intention. In addition, cross-sectional data are provided that can be used to develop public health policies that target subgroups with low prevalence of intention to vaccinate against Mpox.
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