RIDU Año 5 - Nro 1 - Dic. 2011
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Organización de la clase:¿preparo mi clase para enseñar o para que el alumno aprenda?(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2014-08-28)When we prepare and organize a class, we must not only think about what we say or how to say it. Class organization must transcend the concerns of the dictation. We must incorporate tasks so the students can have an active attitude in class: we must not only develop their intellectual abilities, which correspond to the passive situation of listening to the teacher. We must ensure that in the learning process the student involves other skills that stimulate their cognitive aspect: with this in mind, the teacher takes on a mediating role, giving prominence to the student. We must seek a balance between teacher, student and the tasks or activities designed. In this article, we will reflect on the advantages of having a good class design, which no longer look only at the content that is taught, but it concentrates on teaching how to learn; it no longer the course butAcceso abierto
La formación universitaria en investigación aplicada y el contexto de la complejidad: Una perspectiva estratégica para la innovación en ingeniería(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2014-08-28)How to approach higher education for training in applied research in a "change of epoch" where knowledge has become a substantial asset to the generation of value in goods and services in organizations? What strategy should be implemented when its efficiency tends to be measured through mechanisms external to the research areas of the university? Two questions that allow, on the one hand, going the traditional way in which the university reiterates trivial mechanisms for engineering research training, and, on the other, the holistic -systemic-cybernetic- approach that promotes this same training in the context of complexity. This paper reviews the experience in the field of engineering, emphasizing the educational strategy aimed at achieving an insight of knowledge, where the university is facing increasing difficulty in setting the direction of the areas of applied research in engineering and associated training processes, i.e., in establishing the strategy.Acceso abierto
Desafío docente: El alumno postmoderno(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2014-08-28)Societies progress: currently, a globalized and computer world, is a postmodern society. In it, the ways of transmitting and socializing culture have changed; new human beings have been developed postmodern individuals with very particular characteristics: they are our students. How to optimize the learning triad (student-teacher-knowledge)? It is not enough to know the contents and be a specialist in the field, it is essential to be aware of the current environment to analyze and understand the characteristics of our students, also called "sons of globalization" or "digital natives". Only then shall we know, also, our own reality as individuals and teachers. This paper seeks to analyze the characteristics of our students and reflect on our role as teachers in a complex and changing environment.Acceso abierto
El problema de comprensión y producción de texto en el Perú(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2014-08-28)This article seeks to explain the problem of literacy in Peru (1); it focuses on the lack of information regarding how children learn or acquire writing skills, which allows initial literacy. It proposes to universities and educational institutes to incorporate into their curricula a closest approach to child development, specifically the period of the first seven years, crucial in the reader and writer training. Also, it invokes to decline traditional practices, which determine the failure of active and reflective readers from initial education and explain in part why the university and Peruvian professionals read little or write short texts. Along this line, it outlines the difficulties of the student to use writing as a personal way of processing information and as a tool to interact with their environment. In the last section there is a list of the concepts and processes that should use an education that respect the evolutionary processes, affective and communicative ones, related to initial literacy. The psychogenesis of literacy it of great importance in order to understand the problem: this issue has political and economic implications, because if a child does not understand what he/she reads he/she will be limited in their employment opportunities; at the same time, a developing society with poor levels of reading comprehension, such as Peru, will have complications when inserting in a globalized economy.Acceso abierto
Experiencia de aplicación del ABP para la redacción de textos argumentativos en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2014-08-28)The present research investigates the application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL), as an innovative didactic methodology that propitiates, as a goal, the production of argumentative texts. The experiment was applied to students of School of Economic Sciences of the National University of Tumbes. PBL is a didactic method based in the principles of active and collaborative learning, characterized by promoting at the same time the acquisition of knowledge and attitudes. Also promotes investigation about problem solving, critical thinking, team work, communication and tolerance. In the present research, a text production development test was applied to a sample of 75 first cycle students of the National University of Tumbes. When measuring this capacity, the difference between groups (experiment and control) was compared after applying this methodology at beginning of the studies (pretest) and when concluding the experiment (posttest). Results confirmed the main hypothesis: the application of Problem-Based Learning impacts significantly in the production of argumentative texts. The posttest determined that the experimental group improved significantly this competence (28 percent with regard to their initial performance and in 23 percent in relation to the control group). The study gave evidenced that PBL is a better method to achieve text production capacity, in comparison to a traditional methodology.Acceso abierto